Find Complete Details of Double Slit Experiment Results

In summary, to find well-documented results from the double slit experiment, try searching on Google using the term "double slit". There are numerous websites with detailed descriptions and explanations of the experiment. However, if you are looking for complete and detailed information on all aspects of the experiment, including wavelength used, width and separation of slits, and interference pattern produced, you may need to perform the experiment yourself. This can be done using a laser of known wavelength and slits of known width and spacing. Alternatively, you can try contacting a physics department at a college or university and see if they would be willing to show you their equipment and allow you to perform the experiment during a slow period.
  • #1
Anyone know where to find some well documented Double slit experiment results?

Thorough and complete detailed information on all parts:
Wavelength used, width of slits, separation of slits,
Distance from slits to detection screen or film.
Flat screen or detail on a curve in detection screen.
Complete detail on interference pattern produced:
That is Position and size of every pattern produced, i.e. detail of the widening separation between pattern nodes to as far out and as many nodes as possible.
Physics news on
  • #2
Try Google using "double slit". You will get a lot of hits on detailed descriptions.
  • #3
mathman said:
Try Google using "double slit". You will get a lot of hits on detailed descriptions.
Now there is an idea "google" should have though of that!

Sorry for the sarcasm, the point is, out of " about 631,000 " does anyone know of a reference that might actually include complete detail of the whole test and detailed results not just the detail of their descriptions and opinions.
  • #4
sounds like you're trying to get out of doing a lab report. lol.


  • #5
Nenad said:
sounds like you're trying to get out of doing a lab report. lol.
Nope never been in a lab good enough for the info I'd like! I’m just amazed at the overwhelming amount of detailed explanation available on sites confirming how bright or informative they are, But with no real background supporting data from actual test layouts and real detailed test results to back it up with.

Be happy to produce my own but I don’t own a lab. Do you know any lab’s (University or other) willing to even talk to an outsider? Midwest would be nice but I’d go anywhere.
  • #6
If you just want to verify the formula for the locations of the interference maxima, [itex]n \lambda = 2d \sin \theta[/itex], all you need is a laser that produces light of a known wavelength, and some slits of known width and spacing, that can be "covered" by the laser beam. Just let the beam fall on the slits, and let the interference pattern fall on a screen a suitable distance away to allow it to show as a string of spots. Measure the positions of the spots, and the distance from the slits to the screen, and apply a little trigonometry.

A cheap laser pointer will probably work, if you can find out the wavelength. In our undergraduate lab, we use helium-neon lasers, which have a well-known wavelength of 632.8 nm.

Suitable slits are not so easy to find, except from companies like Pasco Scientific that specialize in school and college lab equipment. Pasco's item# OS-9179 is a set of two 2x2-inch slides, one with four single slits of different widths, the other with four pairs of slits with different widths and spacings. The slits are cut in metal film and the widths and spacings are supposed to have a tolerance of 5 microns, which works out to 12.5% for a 0.04mm slit. The set costs $125.

If you want to verify the formula for intensity as a function of angle, basically [itex]I = I_0 \cos^2 (something)[/itex], you'll need a photometer and a fiber-optic probe that you can move through small increments, and a fairly bright laser. With Pasco's stuff, you're looking at least $1000.

If you have a college or university physics department nearby, you might be able to talk one of the professors into showing you the equipment and letting you try it out during a slow period. This would probably be easier at a small school where things are run informally. Or you can find out when they're going to do that experiment in their general physics or intermediate optics course, and sit in on it.

FAQ: Find Complete Details of Double Slit Experiment Results

1. What is the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is a famous experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of matter and energy. It involves shining a beam of light or particles through two parallel slits and observing the resulting interference pattern on a screen.

2. How do you perform the double slit experiment?

To perform the double slit experiment, you will need a light source, two parallel slits, and a screen placed behind the slits to observe the interference pattern. The light source should be focused and narrow, and the slits should be close together. The screen should be placed far enough to create a clear interference pattern.

3. What are the results of the double slit experiment?

The results of the double slit experiment show that when particles are passed through the two slits, they behave like waves and create an interference pattern on the screen. This suggests that particles have both wave-like and particle-like properties, known as wave-particle duality.

4. What is the significance of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment has significant implications for our understanding of the behavior of matter and energy at a quantum level. It challenges the classical understanding of particles as solid, distinct entities and introduces the concept of wave-particle duality, which is crucial in quantum mechanics.

5. What are some real-world applications of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment has been used in various applications, including improving the resolution of electron microscopes, understanding the behavior of light in optical fibers, and developing new technologies such as quantum computers. It has also been used to study the behavior of particles and waves in various physical systems.
