Fundamental Forces: Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear

In summary, the four fundamental forces are: gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear. The electroweak force is the force that unites the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces.
  • #1
so could anyone tell me

was is
weak nuclear force

and electromagnism force

and storng nuclear forces thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2
The weak force mediates radioactivity. The fundamental interaction is that a neutron emits a weak boson, decaying into a proton, and the weakon then decays into an electron and an antineutrino. In QCD, the theory of subnuclear particles, the weak force is the only one that can change a quark anto a different quark.

The strong force is the one that holds neutrons, protons and the various other hadrons together, and indirectly it holds the nuclei together. Basically it is carried by bosons called gluons, and affects only the quarks. It has three charges (with their anticharges, and its behavior is mor complicated than the other forces.

The electromagnetic force is the one we are most familiar with. The electron, its antiparticle the positron, and the quarks all have electric charges. The quarks have both electric and strong charges, which are different. In current theory, which is strongly supported by lots of experiments, magnetism is the relativistic consequence of moving electricity. Electromagnetism is carried by virtual photons.
  • #3
i was also told that electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force are the same type how come?
  • #4
expscv said:
i was also told that electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force are the same type how come?

Early in the history of the universe, the theory is that all four fundamental forces, gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear, were unified into one grand force. As the Universe expanded and cooled and various symmetries were broken, these forces split into the four separate forces we see now. To test this some experiments were done that succeeded in "reunifying" the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces into one force called the electro-weak force. I think this is what you are referring to.
  • #5
But even today, the electromagnetic and weak forces are united into the "electroweak" theory, which forms part of the standard model.

The fully symmetric form of the theory has four bosons, and they would all be massless "gauge bosons". But the symmetry is broken at our low energies; the actual bosons are mixtures of the pure four, in pairs. Two of them mix to form the W+ particle and its antiparticle the W-. Both of these acquire mass through the Higgs mechanism. The other two gauge bosons mix to form the photon and the Z0 particle, but here the other properties of electromagnetism force the photon to be massless, and the Z0 gets all of the Higgs mass. These four "phenomenological" bosons, W+, W-, Z0, and photon, carry the electroweak force, which at longer ranges reduces to electromagnetism. The weak force is short range because of its massive carriers.
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FAQ: Fundamental Forces: Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear

What are the 4 fundamental forces?

The 4 fundamental forces are strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and gravity.

What is the role of the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is responsible for binding the nucleus of an atom together by overcoming the repulsive forces between positively charged protons.

How does the weak nuclear force contribute to radioactive decay?

The weak nuclear force is involved in the process of radioactive decay by causing the transformation of a neutron into a proton and an electron, or vice versa.

What is the relationship between electromagnetism and light?

Electromagnetism is responsible for the creation and propagation of light. This force describes the interactions between electrically charged particles and their associated magnetic fields.

How do these fundamental forces shape the universe?

These fundamental forces play a crucial role in shaping the universe by governing the interactions between particles and determining the behavior of matter and energy on both a micro and macro scale.

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