Charges on the vertex of a triangle

In summary, two positive point-charges of +16.0 mC are fixed at two vertices of an equilateral triangle with sides of 1.30 m, located in vacuum. The magnitude of the E-field at the third vertex can be found by setting up an equation where the sum of the E-fields from the two known charges is equal to the E-field at the third vertex. The E-field is a vector quantity, so both the magnitude and direction must be taken into account. To find the magnitude, you can use trigonometry to calculate the y components of the two E-fields and then add them together. This is a static problem, so there is no motion involved.
  • #1
Positive point-charges of +16.0 mC are fixed at two of the vertices of an equilateral triangle with sides of 1.30 m, located in vacuum. Determine the magnitude of the E-field at the third vertex.

so...all the particles are in equalibrum so that means F=ma=0

so if i call the third vertex c...Ea+Eb+Ec=0 so that means that Ea+Eb=-Ec

now i can write kqa/r^2+kqb/r^2=Ec and i just have to solve for Ec right?
Physics news on
  • #2
note that E-fields are vectorial quantities. Ie. they have a direction. in your case, two point charges at two different location each exerting a Force radially, will induce two different field vectors at the the third spot. These two vectors are not parallel and so need to take the angle in between into account to get the right answer.

btw, the question doesn't seem to mention anything about the system being in equilibrium, just asking you work out the resulant field at third spot
  • #3 do i have to find in they x and y compnents and all that sutff?
  • #4
Rasine said:
Positive point-charges of +16.0 mC are fixed at two of the vertices of an equilateral triangle with sides of 1.30 m, located in vacuum. Determine the magnitude of the E-field at the third vertex.

so...all the particles are in equalibrum so that means F=ma=0

so if i call the third vertex c...Ea+Eb+Ec=0 so that means that Ea+Eb=-Ec

now i can write kqa/r^2+kqb/r^2=Ec and i just have to solve for Ec right?

Try defining your coordinate system so you can locate the two known charges at -0.65m and +0.65m on the x-axis and then place third vertex appropriately on the y axis. This has a nice benefit. Since your two charges are equal and of the same polarity, the x components of the E fields that they produce at the third vertex will exactly cancel. So, you just need to find the y components and add them. The kQa/r^2 and kQb/r^2 are the magnitudes of the two E vectors but don't forget - they are pointing in different directions so you need to compute the y components according to their angles' with the y axis.

Don't panic - it's simple trig - sketch the two vectors at the 3rd vertex point keeping in mind that the E field for each charge is defined in terms of the force per unit positive test charge; i.e. the force which would be produced on a positive unit charge placed at the point under consideration. For your case, each charge would repel a unit positive test charge - notice the direction each would be trying to repel it. They're NOT the same direction. So, as you can see (if you really sketched the situation), you must find the vector sum of the two E vectors which, in this case, ends up being just the sum of their y components.

BTW - this is a static problem - there's no motion involved. It's like an ideal, instantaneous snapshot just before any motion could take place.


FAQ: Charges on the vertex of a triangle

1. What is the definition of a "charge on the vertex of a triangle"?

A charge on the vertex of a triangle refers to the presence of an electric or magnetic charge at one of the three corners of a triangle.

2. How are charges on the vertex of a triangle related to the overall charge of the triangle?

The overall charge of a triangle is determined by the sum of the charges on its three vertices. If the charges are of the same type (positive or negative), they will either cancel each other out or add together, depending on their magnitudes.

3. Can a triangle have a net charge of zero if there are charges on the vertices?

Yes, a triangle can have a net charge of zero if the charges on its vertices are arranged in a way that cancels out their individual magnitudes. For example, a positive charge and two negative charges of equal magnitude at the vertices of an equilateral triangle will result in a net charge of zero.

4. How do the positions of the charges on the vertices affect the overall charge of a triangle?

The positions of the charges on the vertices of a triangle can affect the overall charge in different ways. If the charges are close to each other, they can interact and create a different net charge than if they were further apart. Additionally, the orientation of the charges (i.e. all positive or negative facing towards the same direction) can also impact the overall charge of the triangle.

5. Are there any real-life applications for understanding charges on the vertex of a triangle?

Yes, understanding charges on the vertex of a triangle is important in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It helps in understanding the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, as well as in designing and optimizing electronic devices and circuits.
