Conductor problem in which the conductor consists of two parallel plates

In summary, In a vacuum diode, electrons are "boiled" off a hot cathode, at potential zero, and accelerated across a gap to the anode, which is held at positive potential V0. The cloud of moving electrons within the gap (called space charge) quickly builds up to the point where it reduces the field at the surface of the cathode to zero. From then on a steady current I flows between the plates. In a parallel plate capacitor, Poisson's equation is always {\nabla}^2V=\frac{\rho}{{\epsilon}_0}, but since V is a function of x in this scenario, the equation simplifies to {\nabla}^2V=\frac{
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a vacuum diode, electrons are "boiled" off a hot cathode, at potential zero, and accelerated across a gap to the anode , which is held at positive potential V0. The cloud of moving electrons within the gap(called space charge) quickly builds up to the point where it reduces the field at the surface of the cathode to zero. From then on a steady current I flows between the plate.

Suppose the plates are large relative to the seperation(A>>d^2), so that edge effects can be neglected. Then V, rho, and v(the speed of the electrons) are all functions of x alone.

a) Write Poisson's equation for the region between the plates.

Homework Equations

[tex]\nabla^2[/tex] V= [tex]\nabla[/tex] [tex]\cdot[/tex] E ; If I did not format latex correctly , then here is what I alway trying to write out below:

del^2 V= del E

V=[tex]\int[/tex] E [tex]\cdot[/tex] dl

The Attempt at a Solution

to get V , I easily integrate E dot dl. How would I obtain the electric field of a parallel plate capacitor. I don't need V to obtain the Poisson equation since:

[tex]\nabla^2[/tex] V = [tex]\nabla[/tex] [tex]\cdot[/tex] E

once I calculate E, how would I find the divergence of E? would I set my coordinate system to a cartesian coordinate?
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  • #2
I think I recognize this question from Griffith's:smile:. Part (a) is supposed to be very simple:

Poisson's equation is always:

[tex] {\nabla}^2V=\frac{\rho}{{\epsilon}_0}[/tex]

But you're told that [tex]V[/tex] is a function of [tex]x[/tex] what is [tex] {\nabla}^2V[/tex]?
  • #3
gabbagabbahey said:
I think I recognize this question from Griffith's:smile:. Part (a) is supposed to be very simple:

Poisson's equation is always:

[tex] {\nabla}^2V=\frac{\rho}{{\epsilon}_0}[/tex]

But you're told that [tex]V[/tex] is a function of [tex]x[/tex] what is [tex] {\nabla}^2V[/tex]?


since V=A*d =x^2*d , I am not really sure if the shape of each of the parallel plate is a square , so I can't be sure that A=x^2. If a parallel plate is a square , then rho/epsilon=(M/x^2*d)/epsilon.
  • #4
It's actually much simpler than that:

In cartesian coordinates,

[tex] {\nabla}^2V=\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}+\frac{d^2V}{dy^2}+\frac{d^2V}{dz^2}[/tex]

But what are
[tex]\frac{d^2V}{dy^2}, \quad \frac{d^2V}{dz^2}[/tex]
if V is a function of x alone?
  • #5
gabbagabbahey said:
It's actually much simpler than that:

In cartesian coordinates,

[tex] {\nabla}^2V=\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}+\frac{d^2V}{dy^2}+\frac{d^2V}{dz^2}[/tex]

But what are
[tex]\frac{d^2V}{dy^2}, \quad \frac{d^2V}{dz^2}[/tex]
if V is a function of x alone?[/

If you are taking the second derivative in terms of x , y and z would be treated as constants. Therefore, [tex]\frac{d^2V}{dy^2}=0, \quad \frac{d^2V}{dz^2}=0[/tex]

Would I just leave [tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}[/tex] as it is ?
  • #6
Yes, part (a) just asks you to write poisson's equation , not solve it.
  • #7
I have another question to add:

b) Assuming the electrons start from rest at the cathode, what is their speed at point x, where x is V(x)?

W=1/2*CV^2, Work also equals W= 1/2*mv^2

W(capacitor)= W(Kinetic); therefore wouldn't v=sqrt(CV^2/m)
  • #8
Yes, but what is the definition of capacitance ,[tex]C[/tex] ?
  • #9
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, but what is the definition of capacitance ,[tex]C[/tex] ?

C=Q/V ; That means I calculate my velocity in terms of m , V and Q right?
  • #10
Yes, since C is strictly a geometric property of the plates, and you are not given C, it is better to express v in terms of V, m, q; all quantities that you are either given or can calculate.
  • #11
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, since C is strictly a geometric property of the plates, and you are not given C, it is better to express v in terms of V, m, q; all quantities that you are either given or can calculate.

I will post part c and part d of this question:

part c) In the steady state, I is independent of x. What , then , is the relation between rho an v?

I use equation for Drift velocity :

(n*A*vp [tex]\Delta[/tex] t)= [tex]\Delta[/tex]Q not sure how to obtain relation between rho and v.

part d) Use these three results(part a, b, and c?) to obtain a differential equation for V by eliminating rho and v.

Not sure where to begin on this part of the problem.
  • #12
Benzoate said:
part c) In the steady state, I is independent of x. What , then , is the relation between rho an v?

I use equation for Drift velocity :

(n*A*vp [tex]\Delta[/tex] t)= [tex]\Delta[/tex]Q not sure how to obtain relation between rho and v.

You're sort of on the right track here; What is the definition of current (I'm looking for a very simple differential equation here ;))?
  • #13
gabbagabbahey said:
You're sort of on the right track here; What is the definition of current (I'm looking for a very simple differential equation here ;))?

We really haven't studied current yet; but I remember from my intro physics class that I=dq/dt right?
  • #14
Right, now what is the relationship between q and rho?
  • #15
gabbagabbahey said:
Right, now what is the relationship between q and rho?

isn't rho the charge density?
  • #16
Yes, so what is the mathematical relationship (I'm looking for a simple integral equation)
  • #17
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, so what is the mathematical relationship (I'm looking for a simple integral equation)

J= [tex]\sigma[/tex]*vdrift, J being the current density, [tex]\sigma[/tex] being density of charge per volume.
  • #18
I was simply looking for this relationship:

[tex]q=\int_{\mathcal{V}}\rho (\vec{r'}) d\tau'[/tex]

And since rho is only a function of x in between the plates during the steady state,

[tex]q= A \int \rho (x) dx[/tex]

What does this make I=dq/dt?

Hint: use the chain rule :
[tex]\frac{dq}{dt}=\frac{dq}{dx} \frac{dx}{dt}[/tex]
  • #19
gabbagabbahey said:
I was simply looking for this relationship:

[tex]q=\int_{\mathcal{V}}\rho (\vec{r'}) d\tau'[/tex]

And since rho is only a function of x in between the plates during the steady state,

[tex]q= A \int \rho (x) dx[/tex]

What does this make I=dq/dt?


I=[tex]\delta[/tex] Q/([tex]\delta[/tex] t)

I=A*[tex]\rho[/tex]*vdrift since, vdrift = dx/dt
  • #20

[tex]I=\frac{dq}{dt}=\frac{dq}{dx} \frac{dx}{dt}=A \rho (x) v(x)[/tex]

Now, what do you get for part (d) using this and parts (a) and (b)?
  • #21
gabbagabbahey said:

[tex]I=\frac{dq}{dt}=\frac{dq}{dx} \frac{dx}{dt}=A \rho (x) v(x)[/tex]

Now, what do you get for part (d) using this and parts (a) and (b)?

the problem says that I need to write out a differential equation where [tex]\rho[/tex] andv are eliminated

v= [tex]\sqrt{2*Q*V/m}[/tex]

  • #22
That's not really the DE the problem is looking for:

In part (a) you showed

Use the result of part (c) to eliminate [itex]\rho[/itex] in favor of [itex]v[/itex] (Remember I and A are constants so just leave them as is)

Then use (b) to eliminate [itex]v[/itex] in favor of [itex]V[/itex]. This way you will have a DE involving only potential and a bunch of constants.
  • #23
gabbagabbahey said:
That's not really the DE the problem is looking for:

In part (a) you showed

Use the result of part (c) to eliminate [itex]\rho[/itex] in favor of [itex]v[/itex] (Remember I and A are constants so just leave them as is)

Then use (b) to eliminate [itex]v[/itex] in favor of [itex]V[/itex]. This way you will have a DE involving only potential and a bunch of constants.

I would integrate [tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}=\frac{-\rho}{\epsilon_0}[/tex]
twice and V=-[tex]\rho[/tex]*x2/(2*[tex]\epsilon_0[/tex]==> [tex]\rho[/tex]=2*V*[tex]\epsilon_0[/tex]/(x2)


  • #24
But rho is an unknown function of x, not a constant. You can't treat it as a constant when integrating. Instead you should use the results of (b) and (c) to eliminate it from your ODE.
  • #25
should I integrate dq/dt= A*[tex]\rho[/tex]*v ==>[tex]\delta[/tex]Q= A*[tex]\rho[/tex]*v*[tex]\delta[/tex]t
  • #26
No. The question asks you to find a differential equation for V(x) not Q(x,t)! Let's start with step one:

You have: [itex]I=A \rho(x) v(x)[/itex]. Solve this for [itex]\rho (x)[/itex]
  • #27
gabbagabbahey said:
No. The question asks you to find a differential equation for V(x) not Q(x,t)! Let's start with step one:

You have: [itex]I=A \rho(x) v(x)[/itex]. Solve this for [itex]\rho (x)[/itex]

[tex]\rho[/tex]= I/(A*v)

dq/dt= A*[tex]\rho[/tex]*v=A*(I/(A*v))*v= I
  • #28
[tex]\rho (x)=\frac{I}{Av(x)}[/tex]

so substitute this into your result from (a) and you get:

[tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}=\frac{-I}{\epsilon_0 Av(x)}[/tex]

Now substitute the result of (b) into this (for v) and what do you get?
  • #29
gabbagabbahey said:
[tex]\rho (x)=\frac{I}{Av(x)}[/tex]

so substitute this into your result from (a) and you get:

[tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}=\frac{-I}{\epsilon_0 Av(x)}[/tex]

Now substitute the result of (b) into this (for v) and what do you get?

[tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}=\frac{-I}{\epsilon_0 Av(x)}[/tex]= [tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}=\frac{-I}{\epsilon_0 A\sqrt{2*Q*V/m}}[/tex]
  • #30
Yes, you now have an ODE for V(x) involving only V(x), its derivatives, and some constants; so there is your answer to part (d). For part (e) you are asked to solve this ODE for V(x), to make it easier to work with I recommend you collect all your constants into one, say,

[tex]\kappa \equiv \frac{-I}{\epsilon_0 A} \sqrt{\frac{m}{2q}}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \frac{d^2V}{dx^2}= \kappa V^{-1/2}[/tex]

Now, try to solve this ODE.
  • #31
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, you now have an ODE for V(x) involving only V(x), its derivatives, and some constants; so there is your answer to part (d). For part (e) you are asked to solve this ODE for V(x), to make it easier to work with I recommend you collect all your constants into one, say,

[tex]\kappa \equiv \frac{-I}{\epsilon_0 A} \sqrt{\frac{m}{2q}}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \frac{d^2V}{dx^2}= \kappa V^{-1/2}[/tex]

Now, try to solve this ODE.

my only variable is V since V is a function of x . I am solving an equation for V(x). So my only problem with e is just the math since I am only rearranging all the constants to one side of the equation and V by itself on the other side of the equation .
  • #32

[tex]\frac{d^2V}{dx^2}= \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{dV}{dx} \right) [/tex]


as [itex]V'[/itex] and multiply both sides of the equation by [itex]V'dx[/itex] then integrate from x=0 to x=d.

FAQ: Conductor problem in which the conductor consists of two parallel plates

1. What is the conductor problem with two parallel plates?

The conductor problem with two parallel plates is a common problem in electrostatics where two conducting plates are placed parallel to each other and a potential difference is applied between them. This problem is used to study the behavior of electric fields and charges in a parallel plate capacitor.

2. How do the charges distribute on the two plates?

In this problem, the charges on the two plates distribute themselves in such a way that the electric field between the plates is constant. The positive charges accumulate on one plate while the negative charges accumulate on the other plate, creating an electric field between them.

3. What is the significance of the distance between the plates?

The distance between the two plates is a crucial factor in this problem as it determines the strength of the electric field between the plates. The closer the plates are, the stronger the electric field will be, and vice versa.

4. How does the potential difference affect the electric field between the plates?

The potential difference applied between the two plates is directly proportional to the electric field between them. This means that if the potential difference is increased, the electric field between the plates will also increase, and vice versa.

5. What are some real-life applications of the conductor problem with two parallel plates?

This problem has many practical applications, such as in the design of parallel plate capacitors used in electronic circuits, in particle accelerators, and in electrostatic precipitators used to remove pollutants from industrial exhausts. It is also used in research to study the behavior of electric fields and charges in different scenarios.
