Calculating Solar Energy Generation from GHI, DNI, and DHI Data

In summary, the question is asking for the calculation of daily energy generation for a 20KW power pack based on hourly meteorological data of global horizontal irradiation, direct normal irradiation, and diffuse horizontal irradiation. The location and size of the project are provided, along with the hourly meteorological data. The solution involves the use of insolation factor and yield factor, with the data being obtained from the NREL and NASA websites. The yield factor is an expression of efficiency and the calculation results in the expected amount of energy generated in a day.
  • #1
Can we calculate the daily energy generation of 20KW power pack if have the following information:

01-01-2008 08:00 0 0 0
01-01-2008 09:00 149 398 75
01-01-2008 10:00 348 686 98
01-01-2008 11:00 512 792 112
01-01-2008 12:00 626 845 119
01-01-2008 13:00 674 859 123
01-01-2008 14:00 659 860 119
01-01-2008 15:00 574 827 112
01-01-2008 16:00 431 753 100
01-01-2008 17:00 245 497 106
01-01-2008 18:00 36 63 30
01-01-2008 19:00 0 0 0

Thank you.
Engineering news on
  • #2
athar.walile said:
Can we calculate the daily energy generation of 20KW power pack if have the following information:

01-01-2008 08:00 0 0 0
01-01-2008 09:00 149 398 75
01-01-2008 10:00 348 686 98
01-01-2008 11:00 512 792 112
01-01-2008 12:00 626 845 119
01-01-2008 13:00 674 859 123
01-01-2008 14:00 659 860 119
01-01-2008 15:00 574 827 112
01-01-2008 16:00 431 753 100
01-01-2008 17:00 245 497 106
01-01-2008 18:00 36 63 30
01-01-2008 19:00 0 0 0

Thank you.

What is the context of the question? Can you please provide more details? Is this question for schoolwork?
  • #3
berkeman said:
What is the context of the question? Can you please provide more details? Is this question for schoolwork?

Based on in information i have,

Location of Project : Latitude- 26.9° N, Longitude- 72.0° E
Size of Project : 20 KW
Hourly Meteorological Data : Global Horizontal Irradiation, Direct Normal Irradiation, Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation

I want to find out the possible generation of energy for that plant in KW. I have provided the hourly based meteo data.
  • #4
athar.walile said:
Based on in information i have,

Location of Project : Latitude- 26.9° N, Longitude- 72.0° E
Size of Project : 20 KW
Hourly Meteorological Data : Global Horizontal Irradiation, Direct Normal Irradiation, Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation

I want to find out the possible generation of energy for that plant in KW. I have provided the hourly based meteo data.

Here is the solution

Total generation of units (kWh) = Insolation factor x Yield Factor x Total installed capacity
  • #5
Are your panels fixed? What is their orientation?

How are you using the GHI, DNI and DHI to arrive at a value of Insolation, and is this data your own?

Can you expand upon what Yield Factor incorporates?
  • #6
Zryn said:
Are your panels fixed? What is their orientation?

How are you using the GHI, DNI and DHI to arrive at a value of Insolation, and is this data your own?

Can you expand upon what Yield Factor incorporates?

Yield factor is 0.89

Little confused about using GHI, DNI and DHI values in my insulation calc. but i m using GHI in my calculation. I am not aware of how to use meteorological data here.

I got this data from NREL website:
  • #7
Find out your Latitude & Longitude:"

Find your Insolation:"

  1. Sign up (its free)
  2. Enter your Latitude & Longitude
  3. Select the data you want ('Average Insolation' only will suffice)

You now have your average monthly Insolation.

Alternatively you can calculate the contribution from GHI, DNI and DHI to your Hourly Insolation relative to the orientation of your solar panel(s) and get much more accurate specific site data, but if you don't need it, the NASA information is a good enough approximation.

So if you have a 2kW system, and have 5 Hours Insolation, you can expect to get (2kW * 5H =) 10kWH from your system that day.

I assume the Yield Factor is an expression of efficiency, so at 89% you would end up with (10kWH * 0.89 =) 8.9kWH instead.

At $0.20 per kWH you would have made/saved (8.9kWH * $0.20 =) $1.78 that day!
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FAQ: Calculating Solar Energy Generation from GHI, DNI, and DHI Data

1. How is solar energy calculated?

Solar energy is calculated by considering factors such as the size and efficiency of the solar panels, the amount of sunlight in a given location, and the angle and orientation of the panels. These factors are used to determine the potential energy output of a solar system.

2. What is the formula for calculating solar energy?

The formula for calculating solar energy is: Energy = Power x Time. This means that the energy produced by a solar system is equal to the power output of the panels multiplied by the amount of time the panels are exposed to sunlight.

3. How can I estimate my solar energy savings?

To estimate your solar energy savings, you can use a solar calculator or consult with a solar energy professional. Factors such as your location, energy usage, and the cost of electricity in your area will be taken into account to provide an estimate of your potential savings.

4. What is the difference between solar energy production and consumption?

Solar energy production refers to the amount of energy that a solar system is capable of producing, while consumption is the amount of energy that is actually used by a household or business. The production and consumption of solar energy may not always be equal due to factors such as weather conditions and energy storage.

5. How can I increase the efficiency of my solar system?

There are several ways to increase the efficiency of a solar system, such as using higher quality panels, optimizing the angle and orientation of the panels, and regularly cleaning and maintaining the panels. It is also important to consider the size of the system and ensure that it meets the energy needs of the household or business.
