Achievable orbit from launch location

In summary, the limitation on the inclination of an achievable orbit from a launch location is determined by the latitude of the launch location. The minimum inclination possible is equal to the launch latitude, while any higher inclination requires more fuel to change the orbit. This limitation is due to the Earth's rotation and the need to minimize the speed at which the inclination is changed. While ballistic missiles do not achieve orbit, they still have orbital elements and their inclination will never be less than the launch latitude.
  • #1
Hi Astro gurus,

Is there any limitation on the inclination of the achievable orbit because of the latitude of the launch location? For example, latitude of Baikonur is roughly 46° E. Does that limit somehow the inclinations of the orbits that can be achieved from Baikonur?

I think there should be no limitation as it should be possible to achieve any velocity vector at some position, & hence any possible set of orbital elements should be possible. More so, if a ballistic missile can hit target in any direction, it means different sets of orbital elements are possible.
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  • #2
As long as you have a big enough rocket. But for a given rocket, the payload capacity will depend on the inclination (and altitude).
  • #3
Yes there are limitations. See:

ICBMs don't necessarily try to achieve orbit. They are designed to fly extremely long ballistic paths from launch point to target.
  • #4
ank_gl said:
Hi Astro gurus,

Is there any limitation on the inclination of the achievable orbit because of the latitude of the launch location? For example, latitude of Baikonur is roughly 46° E. Does that limit somehow the inclinations of the orbits that can be achieved from Baikonur?

I think there should be no limitation as it should be possible to achieve any velocity vector at some position, & hence any possible set of orbital elements should be possible. More so, if a ballistic missile can hit target in any direction, it means different sets of orbital elements are possible.

(bolding mine)

This is true. The limitations refer to the ability to launch directly into a particular orbit (in which case, the inclination can't be less than the launch latitude).

It's a pretty big limitation given the fuel requirements to change the inclination at low Earth orbit. You want your speeds to be as low as possible when you change inclination, and that usually means you want to be as far away from the Earth as possible when you change inclination.

While ballistic missiles don't actually complete even one orbit, you could still think of their trajectory as an orbit that just happens to intersect the Earth and, yes, they can have orbital elements. However, the inclination of those "orbits" will never be less than the launch latitude. Launching to the East gives you your minimum inclination. Launching either North or South increases your inclination. Launching due West would give you your maximum inclination - at least if you use 0 to 180 as your inclination range. If you're one of those people that refer to orbits as 80 degrees prograde or 80 degrees retrograde, then I guess 90 degrees would be your maximum inclination. (Terminology isn't completely standardized.)
  • #5
As long as you have a big enough rocket. But for a given rocket, the payload capacity will depend on the inclination (and altitude).
Thanks Russ. So you mean that the limiting factor is the fuel?

Yes there are limitations. See:

ICBMs don't necessarily try to achieve orbit. They are designed to fly extremely long ballistic paths from launch point to target.
Thanks Steamking. Well, that doesn't answer my question. But anyways, good links.

This is true. The limitations refer to the ability to launch directly into a particular orbit (in which case, the inclination can't be less than the launch latitude).
Aha, that's what I think is the case.

It's a pretty big limitation given the fuel requirements to change the inclination at low Earth orbit. You want your speeds to be as low as possible when you change inclination, and that usually means you want to be as far away from the Earth as possible when you change inclination.
I agree, but the cost you mentioned is for changing the inclination while in an orbit. I am talking about setting the initial conditions such that any orbit is achievable. But I do see why the minimum inclination is the latitude of launch location.

I kinda see why one would want to have the same inclination as the latitude, as the velocity of Earth would be added to the rocket velocity, provided one is launching prograde.

Thanks BobG

BTW, I found a nice link too touching a similar topic.
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FAQ: Achievable orbit from launch location

1. What is an achievable orbit?

An achievable orbit refers to the type of orbit that a spacecraft or satellite can reach based on its launch location, propulsion capabilities, and intended trajectory.

2. How is achievable orbit determined?

Achievable orbit is determined by various factors such as the launch location, the launch vehicle's performance capabilities, and the intended trajectory. Calculations and simulations are used to determine the achievable orbit for a specific mission.

3. What factors affect the achievable orbit?

The achievable orbit is affected by the launch location, the launch vehicle's capabilities, the desired trajectory, and external factors such as atmospheric conditions and gravitational pull from celestial bodies.

4. Can the achievable orbit be changed after launch?

Yes, the achievable orbit can be changed after launch through maneuvers such as orbit adjustments, gravitational assists, and orbital transfers. However, these changes require precise calculations and careful planning.

5. Why is the achievable orbit important?

The achievable orbit is important because it determines the path and altitude of a spacecraft or satellite, which in turn affects its mission objectives and capabilities. It also plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and success of the mission.
