Mirau White Light Interferometer. Light Source?

In summary, the light source that you are looking for is a white light LED that can be collimated and go through an aperture stop, field stop, bandpass, etc. You would not need a power level as high as what is used for laser interferometry. Further, white lasers are a special purpose rarity and are not typically used for interferometry.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
I'm building a white light interferometer and need help choosing and finding a white light source.

I'm using this mirau objective:


Here is the setup:


I know that the light source will have to be collimated and go through an aperture stop, field stop, bandpass, etc. I was hoping that there was a white light laser that does these steps already so that I don't have to work with several different lenses and build a setup for them. Such a laser must exist, no? Does anyone know where I can find one? Ideally one that is 100-200 Watts? I've looked all over but am having trouble finding an manufacturer that makes what I'm looking for.

Are there any important steps that I'm missing? Should a collimated white light beam do the job?

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  • #2
200 Watts? (!) are you doing interferometry on the moon? That level of power on a laser is used to cut steel. Further, white lasers are a special purpose rarity. I've not heard of anyone using them for interferometry. Its not necessary. Why do you want to use white?
  • #3
I'm not sure about the wattage but i know that white light interferometry is a common practice.


White light is more suited to rougher surfaces which would be appropriate for my purpose because the surface I'm looking at will have µm variations.
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  • #4
oh and yes I was totally off with the power of the laser
  • #5
from what I've seen, white light interferometry is not done with a laser. And that includes your sources that you posted. reread the first page of your document from fp.optics. White lasers are a relatively recent invention. And I believe it is a much more complicated solution.
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  • #7
I was under the impression that the steps described in the diagram (before the light even reaches the beam splitter) were steps that were typical of those carried out in a laser before it exits the laser.
  • #9
adamjts said:
I was under the impression that the steps described in the diagram (before the light even reaches the beam splitter) were steps that were typical of those carried out in a laser before it exits the laser.
View attachment 70494

most of that is totally unnecessary if your light starts out monochromatic and coherent. For laser interferometry, all you need is the laser, a beam splitter, a lens, and a mirror.
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  • #10
  • #11
White Light Interferometry

Hi adamjts,

I'm a Product Support Engineer who works at Edmund Optics. I've been following your posts above and noticed that you're interested in White Light Interferometry. In terms of the setup that would go with the interferometry objective above, you're definitely on the right track. You would need an illumination source and a way to mount it inline. We have suggested parts for the illumination, inline mechanics, and the mounting. This would make sure that you don't have to build everything from scratch. If you're interested to discuss this further, please feel free to email me at this address. I look forward to working with you on your application.

  • #12
hi adamjts

on pages 18 and 19 of that document in your post #6

its shows their setup, they are using a white light LED ( Light Emitting Diode)


FAQ: Mirau White Light Interferometer. Light Source?

1. What is a Mirau White Light Interferometer?

A Mirau White Light Interferometer is a type of optical instrument that uses multiple beams of light to measure the surface topography of an object with high precision.

2. How does a Mirau White Light Interferometer work?

A Mirau White Light Interferometer works by splitting a beam of white light into two beams, one of which is reflected off the object being measured. The two beams then recombine and create interference patterns that can be analyzed to determine the height and depth of the object's surface.

3. What is the light source used in a Mirau White Light Interferometer?

The light source used in a Mirau White Light Interferometer is typically a broadband white light source, such as a halogen lamp or a light-emitting diode (LED). This allows for a wide range of wavelengths to be used, resulting in high resolution measurements.

4. What are the advantages of using a Mirau White Light Interferometer?

A Mirau White Light Interferometer offers several advantages, including high precision measurements, non-contact measurement capabilities, and the ability to measure a wide range of surface types and materials. It also offers fast measurement speeds and the ability to measure both reflective and non-reflective surfaces.

5. What are some common applications of a Mirau White Light Interferometer?

A Mirau White Light Interferometer is commonly used for surface roughness measurements, step height measurements, and surface profilometry in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, aerospace, and automotive. It is also used in research and development for materials characterization and quality control purposes.

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