Top Picks for Math and Physics Textbooks to Enhance Trading Skills

  • Thread starter CuriousBanker
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In summary, a person who is interested in physics should read Conceptual Physics by Hewitt, Electricity and Magentism by Purcell, Introduction to Mathematical Physics by Vaughn, Introduction to Modern Physics by walecka, Classical Electromagnetism by Franklin, Introduction to Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Matter by burshtein, Elementary Solid State Physics by Omar, Feynman Lectures, vol 1-3, The Physical Universe by Shu, Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Shankar, Spin in Particle Physics by Elliot Leader, Physics of Sound by Berg, A First Course in General Relativity by Schutz, String Theory Volume One by Pochinski, String Theory Volume Two by Pochinski, and
  • #1
Hi. I am currently working through some math textbooks (calculus, linear algebra, differential equations) over the course of the next 2 years. I work at a hedge fund now trading derivatives, and although the type of trading I do does not use mathematical modeling, I want to be able to enhance my production by trading options using these maths. However, I also want to learn physics when I am done with this because it is interesting to me and I know several traders who use principles of physics in their trading.

Anyway I need a suggestion for best textbook to start with. I have constantly heard three recommendations:

1) Conceptual Physics by Hewitt. From what I hear it is good for concepts but severly lacking in math, which is pointless. So, is it worth reading this book just because it helps conceptually? Or would an intro book with more math also help with the fundamentals conceptually? Like, should I read this book plus a beginner book with math? I don't want to have to read two 700 page books that both say the same thing.

2) Physics by Halliday and Resnik. Does it do a good job explaining the concepts, on top of the math? Or should I also read the hewitt book?

3) 3 volume Feynman lectures. I heard these are like the best books ever for physics. However, some say they are not for physics beginners. Should I read the Halliday book first, plus some other basic physics books, before reading Feynman lecture?

I have no problem spending a few years teaching myself various branches of physics for fun and to add to my trading. But I do not like to waste time, and don't want to read the same concepts in 10 different books if I don't have to.
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  • #2
CuriousBanker said:
1) Conceptual Physics by Hewitt. From what I hear it is good for concepts but severly lacking in math, which is pointless.
Not pointless. Great book.

CuriousBanker said:
2) Physics by Halliday and Resnik. Does it do a good job explaining the concepts, on top of the math?
No, it doesn't do a good job on either math or concepts.

CuriousBanker said:
3) 3 volume Feynman lectures. I heard these are like the best books ever for physics. However, some say they are not for physics beginners. Should I read the Halliday book first, plus some other basic physics books, before reading Feynman lecture?
They're hard. I would not read them as your first book.

CuriousBanker said:
But I do not like to waste time, and don't want to read the same concepts in 10 different books if I don't have to.
You've got it backwards. Reading more books takes less time than reading one book. When you read more books, you can start with an easy one and work up. Also, if you don't understand something in book A, you can look at book B.

Read Hewitt. You'll have questions as you read it, so post them on PF. Once we get to the end of that process you can worry about what book to read next.
  • #3
Great, thanks for the suggestions.

I did not mean to say that I don't like to read different books in the sense that I want to jump ahead before I know what I am doing. I just didn't know if some of the books were the same things as one another, and reading them both would not be any different than just reading one.

So, I should not get the halliday book then? What would come after Hewitt? I had the following 3 books on my list for after that. I know I am jumping way, way ahead, and I will take my time with each book even if it takes me forever, but I wanted to plan it out, so I looked at a college curriculum and googled the best textbook on each subject, and came up with the following list of how to teach myself (after I teach myself all the maths, of course)

Conceptual physics by Hewitt

Electricity and Magentism by Purcell

Introduction to mathematical physics by Vaughn

Introduction to modern physics by walecka

Classical electromagnetism by franklin

Introduction to Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Matter by burshtein

Introduction to modern optics by fowles

Elementary Solid State Physics by omar

Feynman lectures, vol 1-3

The physical universe by shu

A textbook of fluid mechanics by bansal

Principles of quantum mechanics by Shankar

Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths

Quarks and leptons, an introductory course in modern particle physics by halzen

Spin in Particle Physics by Elliot leader

Physics of sound by berg

A first course in general relativity by schutz

String theory volume one by pochinski

String theory volume two by pochinski

An Introduction to Modern AstrophysicsAll of that, with some chemistry mixed in, but my girlfriend is a chemist and she can help me along the way.

Not sure if I have the order right at all. I know I am crazy for planning that far ahead
  • #4
The level of difficulty for the next books depends on how you do with the first ones. I suggest that you work through the math and physics texts that you have now and worry about next steps later.
  • #5
So just read Hewitt and see where I'm at? Sounds reasonable.

FAQ: Top Picks for Math and Physics Textbooks to Enhance Trading Skills

1. What is the best book to start with for someone new to the subject?

The best book to start with for someone new to a subject will vary depending on the specific topic. It is important to do some research and read reviews to find a book that is highly recommended and suitable for your level of knowledge.

2. Should I start with a beginner's book or a more advanced one?

It is generally recommended to start with a beginner's book if you are new to a subject. This will provide a solid foundation and help you understand the basics before moving on to more advanced material. However, if you have some prior knowledge or experience in the subject, a more advanced book may be suitable.

3. Are there any books that cover a broad range of topics in the subject?

Yes, there are some books that cover a broad range of topics in a subject. These are often referred to as "comprehensive" or "introductory" books and are a good option for those who want a general overview of the subject before diving into more specific topics.

4. Is it better to read a book or take a class to learn about a subject?

This ultimately depends on personal preference and learning style. Some people may prefer reading a book to learn about a subject, while others may benefit more from a structured class with a teacher. It may also depend on the complexity of the subject and your level of interest in it.

5. Are there any online resources or supplemental materials that I should use alongside a book?

Yes, there are often online resources and supplemental materials available that can enhance your learning from a book. These may include video lectures, interactive quizzes, or additional readings. It is always beneficial to utilize a variety of resources when learning a new subject.

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