New Nuclear Power Generation in the US

In summary, the Palo Verde Nuclear power station in the US has announced plans to build two additional reactors, bringing the total to five. This could potentially lead to a "Nuclear Renaissance" in the country. However, there are concerns about the availability of American-made reactors and components, as well as the potential for aging parts to fail. The nuclear industry supports the use of nuclear energy as a way to reduce greenhouse gases and meet the demand for electricity.
  • #1
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New Nuclear Power Generation in the US Announced!

I posted about this in the Nuclear Engineering Forum, but this may signal the "Nuclear Rennaisance" in the US, so I'm repeating here for discussions on energy policy rather than technology.
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  • #2
What is Kinky's position on the new plant?
  • #3
The Palo Verde Nuclear power station west of Phoenix has announced that they want to build two more reactors to add to their existing three.

Is any company in the USA still making reactors or reactor components?
Below is the only link I could find and it indicates that we haven't manufactured anything since 1999. It also stated that as of nov 2005 American companies had to pay a tariff to buy foreign components.

The oil and coal lobbyists in Washington are going gto be busy.
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  • #4
Palo Verde was designed for 5 units, although I believe I remember someone saying ten units.

[QUOTE-NEI]Steam generator, pressurizer and vessel-head replacements can improve reactor performance dramatically by reducing downtime and increasing electrical output.[/QUOTE] That is if the plant is derated over concerns of failure of aged parts. These components were supposedly designed for 40 year lifetime. In some cases, the internal started failing before they reached half-life. :rolleyes:

PV head replacements are motivated by the near failure of the Davis Besse Head. Corrosion and a steam leak wore away the carbon steel shell leaving about 5/8" (IIRC) stainless steel liner holding back about 2230 psia. It would have been a nasty situation if that liner had failed.

Interestingly, the nuclear industry is considered fairly conservative, as is the utility industry. However, the nuclear industry supports the claim that GW is in large part caused by fossil fuels (the utilitiy industry also uses a lot oil and coal), and they promote nuclear energy as a way to meet demand for electricity and reduce greenhouse gases. :smile:

FAQ: New Nuclear Power Generation in the US

What is nuclear power generation?

Nuclear power generation is the process of using nuclear reactions to generate electricity. This is typically done through nuclear power plants, which use nuclear fuel to heat water and produce steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.

What are the benefits of nuclear power generation?

Nuclear power generation has several benefits, including its ability to produce large amounts of energy without emitting greenhouse gases, making it a clean energy source. It also has a low operating cost and can provide a reliable and consistent source of energy.

What are the concerns surrounding nuclear power generation?

There are several concerns surrounding nuclear power generation, including the potential for accidents and the disposal of nuclear waste. There are also concerns about the security and safety of nuclear power plants and the potential for nuclear proliferation.

What is the current state of nuclear power generation in the US?

In the US, there are currently 98 operating nuclear reactors in 30 states, which provide about 20% of the country's electricity. However, there has been a decline in the construction of new nuclear power plants in recent years due to cost and safety concerns.

What is the future of nuclear power generation in the US?

The future of nuclear power generation in the US is uncertain. While some argue that it is a necessary part of the country's energy mix to reduce carbon emissions, others are concerned about the high cost and potential risks. Additionally, there is an ongoing debate about how to handle nuclear waste and the public perception of nuclear energy.

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