Independent / Dependent variables for implicit functions

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of dependent and independent variables in mathematics, specifically in the context of the equations u=x^2-y^2 and v=x^2+y^2. The speaker explains that in this case, x and y are typically seen as independent variables and u and v as dependent variables, but it ultimately depends on how one chooses to approach the problem. They also reference Wikipedia's definition of dependent and independent variables and how it relates to the given equations.
  • #1
This probably has a really simple answer.

Forr u=x^2-y^2 and v=x^2+y^2

x and y are apparently the dependent variables. But the independent variable is the input while the dependent variable is the output, so since u=f1(x,y) and v=f2(x,y) shouldn't they (u and v) be the dependent variables?
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  • #2
a function has a domain and a range, by convention. an equation can often be solved for some vabls if others are given. doing this allows one to view the solved for vabls as depending on the given ones, and hence produces a function.

but which variables you choose to give, and yiou choose to solve for is up to you. i.e. when you write down an equation there is no way of telling which vbls are dependent and which are independent.

having said that, we are lazy beings, and in the equation v = x^2 + y^2, it is natural nit to want to do any work, and hence natural view v as solved for and x,y as given, because the equation is already solved for v.

so many people would think that here v depends on x,y although the equation can also be solved for either x or y, at least under certain restrictions that square roots are permissible.

having said all this, it still appears to me that you have matters exactly backwards, as in your equations, being lazy, i would have said x,y are apparently INdependent, not dependent vbls.
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  • #3
Thanks for the answer. I understand that it could go either way, but, "being lazy", why would you choose x and y as independent?

"In mathematics, an independent variable is any of the arguments, i.e. "inputs", to a function. These are contrasted with the dependent variable, which is the value, i.e. the "output", of the function. Thus if we have a function f(x), then x is an independent variable, and f(x) is a dependent variable. The dependent variable depends on the independent variables; hence the names."
according to wikipedia's dependent and independent variable page (can't link to it because I haven't made 15 posts yet).

Doesn't this correspond to u=f1(x,y)=x^2-y^2 and v=f2(x,y)=x^2+y^2
with (u,v) being dependent variables?
  • #4
Where are you told that x and y are the "dependent variables"? There is, in general, no "mathematical" definition of "independent" and "dependent" variables- which you choose to be "independent variables" and which "dependent variables" depends upon the particular problem you are trying to solve.

FAQ: Independent / Dependent variables for implicit functions

1. What is an independent variable in an implicit function?

In an implicit function, the independent variable is the variable whose value is freely chosen by the researcher and is not affected by other variables in the function. It is also known as the input variable.

2. How is the dependent variable determined in an implicit function?

The dependent variable in an implicit function is determined by the values of the independent variable and other variables present in the function. It is also known as the output variable.

3. Can there be more than one independent variable in an implicit function?

Yes, an implicit function can have multiple independent variables. This means that the output of the function will depend on the values of all the independent variables present in the function.

4. How are independent and dependent variables related in an implicit function?

In an implicit function, the values of the independent and dependent variables are related through the function itself. The function defines the relationship between the two variables and determines the output value for a given input value.

5. Can an implicit function have a dependent variable that is not explicitly defined?

Yes, an implicit function can have a dependent variable that is not explicitly defined. In this case, the dependent variable is determined by the relationship between the independent variable and other variables present in the function.

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