Resolving the Black Hole Paradox: A Perspective from Different Reference Frames

In summary, the "Black Hole Paradox" is a theoretical phenomenon where matter and energy are pulled into a black hole, violating the law of conservation of energy. This challenges our current understanding of physics as it suggests that energy can be destroyed. Some proposed solutions include the conversion of energy and matter into a form that is undetectable to us. However, this topic is still a subject of debate among scientists as there is no definitive explanation for what happens inside a black hole. Scientists study this paradox through mathematical models, simulations, and observations of the effects of black holes on their surroundings.
  • #1
Ray Eston Smith Jr
An observer is firing his rockets in order to hover over a black hole event horizon. With his super-infrared vision, he sees all the mass of the black hole "frozen" in slow time just above the event horizon. Then he briefly cuts off his rockets so that he is in free-fall. In the free-falling frame, he sees no event horizon. By the conventional internet wisdom, he very quickly sees all the mass of the black hole black-out as it actually crosses the Schwarzschild radius. Then before he himself crosses the radius, he turns on his rockets, so he is once again somewhere above the event horizon. Now what does he see? A black hole with all the mass inside the event horizon? That's not supposed to happen in finite time.

Resolution of the paradox:
When the observer cut off his rockets, he did not see the black hole mass crossing the Schwarzschild radius. Instead he saw all the mass already well past the radius and already clustering around the singularity, where it's "frozen" by the higher gravity there . When he turned his rockets back on, he saw the same mass "frozen" near the event horizon. The event horizon IS the singularity -- as viewed from a different reference frame.
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  • #2
Ray Eston Smith Jr said:
Then he briefly cuts off his rockets so that he is in free-fall. In the free-falling frame, he sees no event horizon.

This is not correct. The event horizon is an invariant property of the spacetime; it is not observer-dependent and it is not there only for certain observers.

Ray Eston Smith Jr said:
By the conventional internet wisdom, he very quickly sees all the mass of the black hole black-out as it actually crosses the Schwarzschild radius.

I don't know where you're getting this "conventional internet wisdom", but you should not expect to learn actual physics from it. You need to look at actual textbooks and peer-reviewed papers. They will tell you that an observer above the horizon who is free-falling towards it sees much the same things that an observer hovering above the horizon sees; the only difference is the exact redshift/blueshift of the light coming from objects closer to the horizon that are falling in.

Ray Eston Smith Jr said:
Then before he himself crosses the radius, he turns on his rockets, so he is once again somewhere above the event horizon. Now what does he see?

Still much the same thing. See above.

Ray Eston Smith Jr said:
A black hole with all the mass inside the event horizon? That's not supposed to happen in finite time.

If you are claiming that a black hole cannot form in a finite time, that is not correct. We have a series of Insights articles on Schwarzschild spacetime that discuss this and other common misconceptions:
Ray Eston Smith Jr said:
Resolution of the paradox:

There is no paradox to resolve. Your claims are based on a misunderstanding of how black holes actually work.

Ray Eston Smith Jr said:
When the observer cut off his rockets, he did not see the black hole mass crossing the Schwarzschild radius. Instead he saw all the mass already well past the radius and already clustering around the singularity, where it's "frozen" by the higher gravity there . When he turned his rockets back on, he saw the same mass "frozen" near the event horizon. The event horizon IS the singularity -- as viewed from a different reference frame.

None of this is correct. In particular, the event horizon and the singularity are perfectly distinct features of the spacetime. The Insights series linked to above discusses all this.

FAQ: Resolving the Black Hole Paradox: A Perspective from Different Reference Frames

1. What is the "Black Hole Paradox"?

The "Black Hole Paradox" refers to the theoretical phenomenon where matter and energy are pulled into a black hole and seemingly disappear from the universe, violating the law of conservation of energy.

2. How does the "Black Hole Paradox" challenge our current understanding of physics?

The "Black Hole Paradox" challenges our current understanding of physics because it suggests that energy can be destroyed, which goes against the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

3. What are some proposed solutions to the "Black Hole Paradox"?

There are several proposed solutions to the "Black Hole Paradox," including the idea that the energy and matter that enter a black hole are somehow converted into a form that is undetectable to us, such as Hawking radiation.

4. Why is the "Black Hole Paradox" still a debated topic among scientists?

The "Black Hole Paradox" is still a debated topic among scientists because there is currently no definitive explanation for what happens to matter and energy when they enter a black hole. The laws of physics that we currently understand may not fully apply in the extreme conditions of a black hole, leading to ongoing research and debate on the topic.

5. How do scientists study the "Black Hole Paradox" if it is impossible to observe inside a black hole?

Scientists study the "Black Hole Paradox" through mathematical models and simulations, as well as by observing the effects of black holes on their surroundings, such as the bending of light and the gravitational waves they emit. These observations can provide insights into the behavior of matter and energy within a black hole.

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