Proton NMR & Analyzing NMR Spec - What to Do?

In summary: There are many factors that can affect proton NMR spectra and it is best to experiment on a small scale to learn about them.
  • #1

Are there any protons that do not show up on proton NMR as I am analysing an NMR spec (of a known molecule but I don't know what it is!) and I can't get my integration to equal the number of Hs in the empirical formula of the molecule

Many thahks
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  • #2
If a proton is hydrogen bonded to another molecule (-OH-groups, COOH, even -NH2) it may not show up on the spectrum.

Check for example the spectra of ethanol, acetic acid and ethyl amine.

What is the empirical formula?
  • #3
Many times, if you are using protic solvents, acidic protons, like the proton is -OH, -COOH, and -NH2 groups will not show up in proton NMRs because they are being exchanged with the solvent.
  • #4
It must be some kind of alcohol or acid then. I didnt know some protons didn't show up. I'll be ok now :) The empirical formula is C9H8O2. Perhaps some sort of carboxylic acid from the 2 x oxygen.
  • #5
depending on the number of missing protons, it might be a carboxylic acid, ether alcohol or diol. It might even be a hydroperoxide, who knows?
  • #6
Moogie said:
It must be some kind of alcohol or acid then. I didnt know some protons didn't show up. I'll be ok now :) The empirical formula is C9H8O2. Perhaps some sort of carboxylic acid from the 2 x oxygen.

In addition to exhcangeable protons (protons alpha to a carbonyl haven't yet been mentioned) you can have other effects. If your sample has several proton types that have significantly different T1's you can saturate those with the longer T1's in a multi pulse experiment. If you use too large of a tip angle, that becomes problematic in multi pulse experiments. If the offset frequency is for some reason off to one side or the other, integrations are affected. I've seen bad phase correction affect integration for protons near the low and high sides of the spectrum.

If you want to get as accurate as you can, perform a single pulse experiment on a sample of 33% concentration using a non-exchangeable solvent like CDCl3. Use a 45 degree pulse.

FAQ: Proton NMR & Analyzing NMR Spec - What to Do?

1. What is proton NMR and how does it work?

Proton NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is a spectroscopic technique used to identify and analyze the structure of molecules. It works by exposing a sample to a strong magnetic field, causing the protons in the molecules to align with the field. When radio waves are then applied, the protons absorb energy and produce a signal that can be detected and analyzed.

2. What can proton NMR be used for?

Proton NMR is commonly used in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmaceuticals to determine the structure and purity of organic compounds. It can also be used to study the dynamics and interactions of molecules in solution.

3. How is a proton NMR spectrum interpreted?

The peaks in a proton NMR spectrum correspond to the different types of protons in a molecule and their chemical environments. The position of the peak, known as the chemical shift, is influenced by the electron density surrounding the proton. The intensity of the peak is determined by the number of protons in that environment.

4. What factors can affect a proton NMR spectrum?

Several factors can impact the appearance of a proton NMR spectrum, including the strength of the magnetic field, temperature, and the concentration of the sample. Additionally, impurities or solvents in the sample can also affect the spectrum.

5. What are some common techniques for analyzing NMR spectra?

Some common techniques for analyzing NMR spectra include integrating the peaks to determine the relative number of protons, measuring the chemical shifts to identify functional groups, and using 2D NMR techniques to determine the connectivity between atoms in a molecule.
