Splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs

In summary, a researcher is using a modified version of the wave equation in their research. They are trying to split the equation into a system of PDEs or ODEs and have come across a PDF document on the internet that discusses this type of splitting. The author of the PDF introduces an "auxiliary field" and re-writes the source-free scalar wave equation as a system of two coupled PDEs. The researcher is trying to do the same for their modified version of the wave equation but is unsure how to deal with mixed partial derivatives. They have received help from another person who provided a substitution for the problem and discussed the requirement for the matrix to be antihermitian in order for the PDE to describe a wave
  • #1
In my research, I'm using a modified version of the wave equation:

c^2 \left( {\frac{{\partial ^2 p}}{{\partial x^2 }} + \frac{{\partial ^2 p}}{{\partial y^2 }}} \right) = - \tau c^2 \left( {\frac{{\partial ^3 p}}{{\partial t\partial x^2 }} + \frac{{\partial ^3 p}}{{\partial t\partial y^2 }}} \right) + \frac{{\partial ^2 p}}{{\partial t^2 }}

I would like to take this PDE, and split the equation into a system of PDEs or ODEs. There is a PDF document on the internet which deals with this type of splitting on page 4, but I do not understand what is being mentioned when the author writes about an "auxiliary field."

Here is a link to the PDF:


In this PDF, the author gives the source-free scalar wave equation:

\nabla \cdot \left( {a\nabla u} \right) = \frac{1}{b}\frac{{\partial ^2 u}}{{\partial t^2 }} = \frac{{\ddot u}}{b}

The author then introduces an "auxiliary field", and re-writes the source-free scalar wave equation as the system of two coupled PDEs:

\frac{{\partial u}}{{\partial t}} = b\nabla \cdot {\bf{v}}

\frac{{\partial {\bf{v}}}}{{\partial t}} = a\nabla u

I would like to do the same for my modified version of the wave equation, but I am uncertain as how to deal with the mixed partial derivatives.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks nkinar for the link. The note look interesting to read.

But I can't help with your problem. I'm myself trying to learn something about wave equation
  • #3
Hi there!

Try out the following substitution from your pdf. file:

[tex]\frac{\partial v}{\partial t}=c^2\nabla p[/tex]
[tex]\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}=\nabla v+\tau c^2\nabla^2p[/tex]

which leads to the matrix form:

[tex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left(\begin{array}{c}v\\p\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{cc}0&c^2\nabla\\\nabla&\tau c^2\nabla^2\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c}v\\p\end{array}\right)[/tex]

In the pdf it's written that the matrix should be anti-hermitian in order the PDE to describe a wave. I am not sure but it seems to me that this one is not, you have to check it :)

the term 'ausxiliary field' sounds to me like an 'adequate substitution'. In this case it must be a vector field, since the Laplacian - nabla squared is div grad and the gradient field is a vector field.
  • #4
matematikawan: I am glad that you found the PDF interesting to read. That particular PDF discusses how to add Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) boundaries on the computational domain. Adding this type of boundary is useful when dealing with numerical physics problems which occur in the environmental sciences, where the computational domain is "unbounded." An example of this type of problem might be a numerical modeling problem of sound propagation in the ocean.

Hi Marin!

Thank you so much for your response, and for the substitution! I just independently verified that your substitution is indeed correct.

I checked the matrix to see if it was antihermitian; it does not appear to be antihermitian, but it may be possible to re-write it so that it is antihermitian.

Thank you so much for this, Marin!

FAQ: Splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs

1. What is the purpose of splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs?

Splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs allows us to solve the original PDE numerically using numerical methods such as finite difference or finite element methods. It also allows us to better understand the behavior of the system and make approximations and simplifications.

2. How do you split a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs?

To split a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs, we introduce new variables and rewrite the original equation as a system of first order equations. For example, if the original PDE is in the form of utt = f(ux, uxx), we can introduce a new variable v = ut and rewrite the equation as vt = f(u, ux) and ut = v.

3. What are the advantages of splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs?

Splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs allows us to use more efficient and accurate numerical methods to solve the equations. It also allows us to better understand the behavior of the system and make approximations and simplifications to the equations.

4. Are there any limitations to splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs?

One limitation of splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs is that it may introduce additional numerical errors. It also may not be possible to split certain types of second order PDEs into a system of first order equations.

5. How can splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs be applied to real-world problems?

Splitting a second order PDE into a system of first order PDEs/ODEs is commonly used in fields such as engineering, physics, and chemistry to model and solve real-world problems. It allows for the analysis and prediction of complex systems and phenomena, such as fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions.

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