Help with PDE in circular annulus(poisson eq)

In summary, the Poisson equation with the given boundary conditions and function f(r,θ) can be solved using the Green function for Neumann boundary conditions. The solution for A(r,θ) can be expressed as a combination of Cn(r) cos(nθ) and Sn(r) sin(nθ) using the idea of separating variables. This will lead to ordinary differential equations that can be solved to find the values of Cn(r) and Sn(r). Additionally, the solution for A(r,θ) can also be expressed as an integral of f(ρ,θ') and a function g(r,θ,ρ,θ') from equations in Ref.1 and Ref.2.
  • #1
what is the general solution of the poisson equation :

2A/∂r2 + 1/r ∂A/∂r + 1/r22A/∂θ2 = f(r,θ)

the function f(r,θ) is :
f(r,θ)=1/r (Ʃ Xncos(nθ) + Ynsin(nθ))

where the boundary is :

I(a<r<b, 0<θ<2pi)

the boundary condition is the netural boundary on (r=a) expressed as :

∂A/∂r=0 (r=a)

How can i find the A(r,θ)? i can not find any books related to this.
Most of them only consider laplace equation where f(r,θ)=0
someone help me.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Use the Green function for Neumann boundary conditions.
  • #3
Using the idea of separating the variables, you should be able to see from the PDE that

A(r,θ) = Cn(r) cos(nθ) + Sn(r) sin(nθ)

is a solution for the right hand side terms (1/r)(Xn cos(nθ) + Yn sin(nθ))

That will give you ordinary differential equations to solve for Cn(r) and Sn(r).
  • #4
A(r,θ)=∫∫f(ρ,θ') g(r,θ,ρ,θ') dρ dθ' + cte' from eq. 5.0.19 Ref.1.
g(r,θ,ρ,θ') = -ln{[r^2 + ρ^2 - 2rρ cos(θ-θ')] [b^2 + (rρ/b)^2 - 2rρ cos(θ-θ')]}/4∏ + r^2/(4∏b^2)
from third line of page 68 of Ref.2.


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  • #5

The Poisson equation is a common differential equation that appears in many areas of science and engineering, including fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and electromagnetism. In your case, you are dealing with a Poisson equation in a circular annulus, which is a region between two concentric circles. The equation you provided is known as the polar form of the Poisson equation, and it describes the variation of a function A(r,θ) in terms of its derivatives with respect to the radial coordinate r and the angular coordinate θ.

To find the general solution to this equation, you can use the method of separation of variables. This involves assuming that the solution can be written as a product of two functions, one depending only on r and the other depending only on θ. Substituting this into the equation and rearranging terms, you will end up with two separate ordinary differential equations, one for each of the two functions. These can then be solved using standard techniques, such as the method of undetermined coefficients or the method of variation of parameters.

In your case, the function f(r,θ) is given in a Fourier series form, which means it can be expressed as a sum of sine and cosine terms with different coefficients. This is a common form for functions that have periodic properties, such as the boundary conditions in your problem. To find the specific solution for A(r,θ), you will need to determine the coefficients Xn and Yn in the Fourier series. This can be done by applying the boundary conditions at r=a and r=b, as well as the condition that A(r,θ) must be single-valued and continuous at all points.

It is true that most books on the Poisson equation only consider the case where f(r,θ)=0, which is known as the Laplace equation. However, the method of separation of variables can also be applied to the Poisson equation with a non-zero forcing term, as in your case. You may need to consult a textbook on partial differential equations or a book specifically on the Poisson equation to find more detailed explanations and examples of solving this type of problem.

In summary, to find the solution to the Poisson equation in a circular annulus with the given boundary conditions and forcing term, you will need to apply the method of separation of variables and solve two ordinary differential equations. You can then use the boundary conditions to determine the coefficients in the solution. I hope this helps guide you in finding a

FAQ: Help with PDE in circular annulus(poisson eq)

1. What is a PDE and how does it apply to a circular annulus?

A PDE, or partial differential equation, is a mathematical equation that involves multiple variables and their partial derivatives. In the context of a circular annulus, a PDE can be used to describe the physical behavior of the system, such as the flow of heat or fluid, by relating the variables of interest (e.g. temperature, pressure) to their partial derivatives with respect to space and time.

2. What is the Poisson equation and why is it important in this context?

The Poisson equation is a specific type of PDE that involves a second-order derivative and is commonly used to model physical phenomena. In the case of a circular annulus, the Poisson equation can be used to describe the distribution of a scalar quantity, such as temperature or concentration, within the annulus. It is important because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of the system.

3. How do you solve a PDE in a circular annulus?

Solving a PDE in a circular annulus involves using mathematical techniques, such as separation of variables or numerical methods, to find a solution that satisfies the equation and any given boundary conditions. It is a complex process that requires knowledge of advanced mathematical concepts and techniques.

4. What are boundary conditions and how do they affect the solution of a PDE in a circular annulus?

Boundary conditions are conditions that are specified at the boundaries of the circular annulus, which can be either the inner or outer boundary. These conditions can include fixed values of the solution, derivative values, or a combination of both. The choice of boundary conditions can greatly affect the solution of a PDE, as they determine the behavior of the system at the boundaries.

5. What are some real-world applications of solving PDEs in circular annuli?

Solving PDEs in circular annuli has a wide range of practical applications in various fields of science and engineering. For example, it can be used to model the temperature distribution in a heat exchanger, the concentration of pollutants in a circular lake, or the flow of fluid in a circular pipe. It is also used in the design and optimization of various industrial processes and systems.

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