Electromagnetic wave equations

In summary: The second partial of E with respect to t is -wE(max)sin[kx-wt]The second partial of E with respect to x is equal to -k(squared)E(max)cos[kx-wt]In summary, the problem states that the following equations are solutions to equations 34.8 and 34.9 respectively. E=E(max)cos[kx-wt] and B=B(max)cos[kx-wt], but the first and second partials of E and B with respect to x and t are the same. The partial of E with respect to x is equivalent to -kE(max)sin[kx-wt]
  • #1
The problem states: Verify by substitution that the following equations are solutions to equations 34.8 and 34.9 respectively.



Equations 34.8 and 34.9 are provided in the attachment along with the problem itself as stated in the textbook.

I'm not really sure where to begin with this problem. The instructor and the book didn't give much info regarding how to do it.


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  • #2
I tried to take the first and second partials of E and B with respect to x and t but it just doesn't seem to get me where I think the problem wants me to go, any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
  • #3
Can you show what happened when you took the derivatives? It's a strightforward problem- simple crank-turning.
  • #4
The partial of E with respect to x is equivalent to -kE(max)sin[kx-wt]
The second partial with respect to x is equal to -k(squared)E(max)cos[kx-wt]

Partial E with respect to t is -wE(max)sin[kx-wt]
Second partial of E with respect to t is -w(squared)E(max)cos[kx-wt]

The first and second partials of B with respect to x are the same as E with E(max) replaced by B(max).

The same is true of the first and second partials of B with repect to t.
  • #5
Hi drdizzard,

In your derivatives you have [itex]k[/itex], [itex]\omega[/itex], [itex]\mu_0[/itex], and [itex]\epsilon_0[/itex]. What is [itex]\omega/k[/itex] equal to? What about the product [itex]\mu_0\epsilon_0[/itex] that appears in the wave equation?
  • #6
w/k is equal to c (speed of light/electromagnetic waves in vacuum).

the product of mu and epsilon is equivalent to 1/c^2

So to verify you take the second partial of E with respect to x and set it equal to the product of mu, epsilon, and the second partial of E with respect to t?
  • #7
drdizzard said:
w/k is equal to c (speed of light/electromagnetic waves in vacuum).

the product of mu and epsilon is equivalent to 1/c^2

So to verify you take the second partial of E with respect to x and set it equal to the product of mu, epsilon, and the second partial of E with respect to t?

The wave equation says they must be equal; to verify it in this case you set the two sides equal and show that the equality is always true. (For example, if you do a series of algebraic steps and end up with something like 1=1, then that is always true.)
  • #8
I did all the work according to what I think I'm supposed to do with it and its in the attachment.

I came out with c=c for both E and B


  • Problem%208%20Ch.%2034%28word%202003%29[1].doc
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FAQ: Electromagnetic wave equations

What is an electromagnetic wave?

An electromagnetic wave is a type of wave that is formed by the interaction of electric and magnetic fields. It consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other and travel through space at the speed of light.

What is the electromagnetic wave equation?

The electromagnetic wave equation is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of electromagnetic waves. It is a partial differential equation that relates the electric and magnetic fields to each other and to the properties of the medium the wave is traveling through.

What are the variables in the electromagnetic wave equation?

The variables in the electromagnetic wave equation are the electric field (E), the magnetic field (B), the speed of light (c), and the permittivity (ε) and permeability (µ) of the medium the wave is traveling through.

What is the significance of the speed of light in the electromagnetic wave equation?

The speed of light, denoted as 'c' in the electromagnetic wave equation, is a fundamental constant in physics. It represents the maximum speed at which all electromagnetic waves, including light, can travel through a vacuum.

How is the electromagnetic wave equation used in science and technology?

The electromagnetic wave equation is used in many areas of science and technology, including telecommunications, radar, and optics. It allows scientists and engineers to predict and manipulate the behavior of electromagnetic waves, leading to the development of various technologies that rely on these waves.

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