Circumventing an electric fence

  • Thread starter HorseBox
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In summary, the voltage on an electric fence is in the form of brief pulses rather than a continuous charge. These pulses have high voltage but low current, intended to serve as a deterrent rather than causing harm. It is possible to avoid the unpleasant shock by jumping onto the high voltage wire without making contact with any other wires or the ground, similar to how birds perch on high voltage wires. However, humans have a higher body capacitance than birds, so they may still feel a jolt even without a direct current path. It is not reasonable to claim a specific amount of capacitance for a person without knowing the exact situation. The fence is generally pulsed with high voltage spikes and can be felt through capacitive coupling, so even free space
  • #1
If you leaped onto an electric fence would I be right in assuming you wouldn't get electrocuted as long as you don't provide a path for the charge to neutralize itself?
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  • #2
The voltage on an electric fence is not really in the form of a charge.

It is a brief pulse of about 3000 volts and then there is nothing until the next pulse.

Also, this pulse is at high voltage but it is unable to deliver much current. High current would deliver a possibly fatal shock when the intention is that there will be a deterrent effect only.

So, you could avoid the unpleasant shock if you were to jump onto the high voltage wire and not make contact with any other wire, or the ground. Birds do this all the time when they perch on high voltage wires.

There will be a return path for the high voltage back to the generator. It may be the ground or it might be another wire strung near the one with high voltage on it.
  • #3
Note that humans have considerably more body capacitance than birds...roughly 100 pF. This can be enough to allow a jolt to be felt even if there's no DC current path through your body, as your body charges up from the fence and discharges back into it with each pulse. It'll probably not be nearly as bad as touching the fence while well grounded, though.

Also note that usually not all wires on the fence are electrified, and some may be grounded to some degree. Even an unpowered wire that's well-insulated from the ground will have substantial capacitance, and again you will feel a jolt if you touch it and the hot wire at the same time.
  • #4
humans have considerably more body capacitance than birds...roughly 100 pF

A human body is effectively a conductor, so this might act as one plate of a capacitor. The dielectric may be air or a pair of insulated boots and the other plate may be the ground or the return wire of the electric fence.

It is not reasonable to claim a person would have 100 pF to ground unless you knew the exact situation
  • #5
vk6kro said:
humans have considerably more body capacitance than birds...roughly 100 pF

A human body is effectively a conductor, so this might act as one plate of a capacitor. The dielectric may be air or a pair of insulated boots and the other plate may be the ground or the return wire of the electric fence.

It is not reasonable to claim a person would have 100 pF to ground unless you knew the exact situation

I did not say mutual capacitance with ground or the return wire, I said body capacitance. The usual human body model is capacitance of about 100 pF (a good match to the the self capacitance of a 90 cm sphere, though likely derived from actual measurements, or at least a more detailed model) in series with a 1.5 kohm resistance. The exact value will indeed depend on the situation, but birds have far more capacitance simply due to being smaller...that they perch on the wire and feel nothing is no guarantee that you would feel nothing if you did the same.

Remember that the fence is not "charged" with DC or 60 Hz AC. It's generally pulsed with high voltage spikes from an induction coil, and can easily have enough high frequency content to be felt via capacitative coupling through a low capacitance. You don't need another plate connected to ground, free space can be enough.
  • #6
As the fence will not be monitored (I assume) you could just Earth it to a stake in the ground, temporarily, then pull out the stake when you're over / through it. That's the Engineer's solution - not the Physicist's.
Or you could wear a Faraday Suit or learn to pole vault.

btw, cjameshuff, don't you mean that birds would have lower capacitance?
  • #7
sophiecentaur said:
As the fence will not be monitored (I assume) you could just Earth it to a stake in the ground, temporarily, then pull out the stake when you're over / through it. That's the Engineer's solution - not the Physicist's.
Or you could wear a Faraday Suit or learn to pole vault.

Depending on the fence, you could also weigh wires down or otherwise push them apart with something, either a good insulator or taking care not to touch the object while it's in contact with the fence. Or push one of the neutral wires aside and squeeze through. Or just brave the shocks and go through/over...depending on the charger, you could have a decent chance of getting through between pulses, and if you get hit, we're talking about a mildly unpleasant experience, especially if you're poorly grounded. I wouldn't try this with a fence meant to deter humans, though.

sophiecentaur said:
btw, cjameshuff, don't you mean that birds would have lower capacitance?

Oops...yes. Or as I put it the first time, that humans have more.

FAQ: Circumventing an electric fence

1. How does an electric fence work?

An electric fence works by delivering a short, safe electric shock to deter animals or humans from crossing the boundary. The fence is powered by a charger, which sends pulses of electricity through the wires or tape. When an animal or person touches the fence, they complete the circuit and receive a shock.

2. Is it possible to circumvent an electric fence?

Yes, it is possible to circumvent an electric fence by using specialized tools or techniques. However, it is important to note that tampering with an electric fence can be dangerous and may result in injury or damage to the fence.

3. What are some common methods used to circumvent an electric fence?

Some common methods used to circumvent an electric fence include cutting or grounding the wires, using insulated tools to handle the wires, or using non-conductive materials to pass through the fence. It is important to remember that these actions can be dangerous and may result in a shock.

4. How can I safely bypass an electric fence if necessary?

If you need to safely bypass an electric fence, it is recommended to contact the owner or operator of the fence for assistance. They may have specific instructions or tools to safely disable the fence. It is important to always exercise caution when dealing with electric fences.

5. Are there any legal implications for circumventing an electric fence?

The legality of circumventing an electric fence may vary depending on the location and the purpose of the fence. In some cases, it may be considered trespassing or vandalism. It is important to research and follow any laws or regulations regarding electric fences in your area.
