Prove two commutative Hermitian matrices have the same eigenvectors

In summary, we can prove that two commutative Hermitian matrices have the same set of eigenvectors by showing that they have the same diagonalizable form and using the fact that hermitian matrices have unique eigenvalues and their eigenvectors form a basis. This is an important theorem in quantum mechanics.
  • #1

Does anyone know how to prove that two commutative Hermitian matrices can always have the same set of eigenvectors?


AB - BA=0

A and B are both Hermitian matrices, how to prove A and B have the same set of eigenvectors?

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  • #2

xuphys said:

Does anyone know how to prove that two commutative Hermitian matrices can always have the same set of eigenvectors?


AB - BA=0

A and B are both Hermitian matrices, how to prove A and B have the same set of eigenvectors?

Since this is a textbook-style problem, the forum rules tell us to treat it as homework (even if it's not). So we can only give you hints, and you will have to show us what you've got so far. At the very least, you're going to have to show us that you know what the statement "v is an eigenvector of A" means.
  • #3
Fredrik said:
Since this is a textbook-style problem, the forum rules tell us to treat it as homework (even if it's not). So we can only give you hints, and you will have to show us what you've got so far. At the very least, you're going to have to show us that you know what the statement "v is an eigenvector of A" means.

Thanks for your reply.

What I would say is that this is a common mathematical theorem which is one of the mathematical basis in quantum mechanics, but not a textbook style problem. I ask here because my textbook (which is not written in English) only gives a simplified version of proof (assuming there is no duplicated eigenvalue). I am curious about a relatively more robust way to prove it.
  • #4

Textbook problems often ask the reader to prove a theorem that wasn't proved in the text. So this certainly could be a textbook problem or a small part of a homework assignment.
  • #5

I have moved this to homework. xuphys, please make an attempt when asking a question. What do you think of the problem? Is there something you can do?
  • #6

micromass said:
I have moved this to homework. xuphys, please make an attempt when asking a question. What do you think of the problem? Is there something you can do?

OK. What I thought is, since A and B are commutative, and they are also hermitians, so AB is also a hermitian (easy to prove).

Then AB is diagonalizable:




Now I am unable to prove that both U-1AU and U-1BU are diagonal... and I am not sure whether I am on the right track. Could you help me with this?

  • #7

Hermitian matrices are diagonalizable, so we have n eigenpairs (a_i, v_i) for A and eigenpairs (b_i, u_i) for B (where v_i and u_i may be chosen linearly independent).
It follows that A*v_i = a_i*v_i. This implies B*A*v_i = a_i*B*v_i. But this equals A*B*v_i, so B*v_i is an eigenvector to A with eigenvalue a_i. So B*v_i = k_i*v_i if eigenvalues are unique.
The argument is symmetric, so it follows that A and B have the same eigenvectors. The argument is more difficult if eigenvalues aren't unique, but you get invariant subspaces and block matrices, for which you can choose diagonal bases, roughly.
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FAQ: Prove two commutative Hermitian matrices have the same eigenvectors

What does it mean for two matrices to be commutative?

Two matrices are commutative if their order does not affect the result of their multiplication. In other words, A*B = B*A. This is also known as the commutative property of multiplication.

What is a Hermitian matrix?

A Hermitian matrix is a square matrix that is equal to its own conjugate transpose. This means that the elements above the main diagonal are the complex conjugates of the elements below the main diagonal. In other words, a Hermitian matrix must be symmetric about its main diagonal and have real numbers on the main diagonal.

How do you prove that two matrices have the same eigenvectors?

In order to prove that two matrices have the same eigenvectors, you need to show that the eigenvectors of one matrix are also eigenvectors of the other matrix. This can be done by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of each matrix and comparing them. If the eigenvalues match and the eigenvectors are linearly independent, then the matrices have the same eigenvectors.

Can two commutative Hermitian matrices have different eigenvalues?

Yes, two commutative Hermitian matrices can have different eigenvalues. The commutative property only applies to the order of multiplication, not the values of the matrices themselves. Therefore, the eigenvalues of two commutative Hermitian matrices can be different, even if they have the same eigenvectors.

Why is it important to prove that two matrices have the same eigenvectors?

Proving that two matrices have the same eigenvectors can be useful in various applications, such as in quantum mechanics and linear algebra. It allows us to simplify calculations and make predictions about the behavior of a system. Additionally, it can help us understand the relationship between two seemingly unrelated matrices.
