Clocks out of Sync (Special Relativity)

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of time dilation and Lorentz transformations to a scenario where two identical 1m rulers are moving past each other at some velocity. The fixed clock appears to be moving slower and out of sync with the moving ruler's clocks. The conversation then discusses the calculations for finding the time difference between the back and front of the moving ruler, using both Lorentz transformations and length contraction. Finally, the correct method is determined to be -gamma*d*v = uncontracted length.
  • #1
There are 2 identical 1m rulers (same rest length), and one if going past the other at some velocity. Each ruler has a clock every 10 cm. According to the fixed clock, the moving ruler's clocks will appear to be moving slow, and out of sync. (if t=0 when the rulers pass each other, then the front of the moving ruler will have t' equal to some negative time, the clock at the back of the moving ruler will read some positive t', and the clock in the middle will read t' = 0 when the fixed ruler's clock reads t=0.

My question is, how do we apply time dilation (or lorentz transformations) to this problem in order to find out exactly how far ahead in time the back of the ruler is, and how far in time behind the front of the ruler is.
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  • #3
K, so say we have two 4 meter long rulers. One is going past the other at 3/5 c. From one ruler's frame: both backs of the 2 rulers line up at x=x'=0 and t=t'=0. If we want to find the time that the contracted ruler's front clock will read to the other ruler, is this how we would do this?:

gamma = 5/4

lorentz transormations:

x' is 4 since this is the length of the moving ruler in it's frame.
4 = (5/4)(x) (since t = 0 all along the ruler in it's own frame)

hence x = 16/5 m

I could have also just used length contraction 4/(5/4) = 16/5 m

Next: I used the lorentz transformation for time:

t' = 0 since this is the time all along the ruler in the moving ruler's frame
v= 3c/5
x = 16/5 m (as calculated above)

0 = (5/4)(t - (3/5c)(16/5))
t = 48/25c sec

Is this right, or am I missing something?

  • #4
wait a sec, I think I may have gotten my t's backwards.. Did I?
  • #5
so I reversed my t's and did the following:

Looking for t'

t' = (5/4)(-vx/c^2) (since t = 0 everywhere on the ruler)

t' = (5/4)(-48/25c)
= -12/5c sec <------------ which makes sense since it should be a negative time anyway... I think I forgot about that above lol.

Just to check, which method is right?? (I think it's this one)
  • #6
uncontracted meter stick=5 m

in the stationary meter sticks frame at t=0:

one end of stationary meter stick (0,0)
other end of stationary meter stick (5,0)

one end of moving meter stick (0,0)
other end of moving meter stick (5/gamma,0)=(4,0)in the moving meter sticks frame:
first end of moving meter stick (gamma*(0-v(0)), gamma*(0-v(0)))=(0,0)
other end of moving meter stick (gamma*(4-v(0)), gamma*(0-v(4)))=(5,-3)the whole thing boils down to -gvd
(gamma*d)=uncontracted length
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  • #7
btw. nice choice of gamma/velocity.
  • #8
the whole thing boils down to -gamma*d*v
(gamma*d)=uncontracted length (that should be easy to remember)

FAQ: Clocks out of Sync (Special Relativity)

1. What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that describes the relationship between space and time and how they are affected by the motion of objects. It is a fundamental principle in modern physics and has been extensively tested and confirmed through experiments.

2. How does special relativity explain clocks being out of sync?

According to special relativity, the observed rate at which time passes depends on the relative motion between two observers. For example, if two clocks are moving at different speeds relative to each other, they will appear to be ticking at different rates. This is known as time dilation and is a result of the constant speed of light in all inertial frames of reference.

3. What is the twin paradox and how does it relate to clocks being out of sync?

The twin paradox is a thought experiment that demonstrates the effects of time dilation in special relativity. It involves one twin staying on Earth while the other twin travels through space at high speeds. When the traveling twin returns, they will have aged less than the twin who stayed on Earth. This is because the traveling twin experienced time dilation due to their high speed, causing their clock to run slower compared to the stationary twin's clock.

4. Can special relativity be applied to everyday situations?

Yes, special relativity has been proven to be accurate in everyday situations, such as GPS systems. The satellites in the GPS system must account for time dilation due to their high speeds in orbit, otherwise, the system would not be accurate.

5. How does special relativity relate to the speed of light?

Special relativity states that the speed of light is constant and is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This is a fundamental principle in the theory and has been confirmed through numerous experiments. It also leads to other consequences, such as time dilation and length contraction, which are important concepts in special relativity.
