Solving Exponent Problems: Can't Tell Which is Bigger?

  • Thread starter theumann
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem found in a GRE test practice guide where the relationship between x and y cannot be determined from the information given. The conversation then delves into the use of complex numbers and how they can be represented and compared. It is ultimately concluded that complex numbers cannot be ordered in the same way as real numbers.
  • #1
This problem was found in my gre test practice guide and i am having trouble understanding why the answer i chose was wrong.

x^2 =16
y^3= 64

Which is bigger x or y?
I chose that they were both equal to 4 however the answer stated that the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Help me understand this.
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  • #2
x^2 = 16 could allow x = -4
  • #3
Further complication is that y^3=64 has two complex roots as well as the real root 4.
  • #4
Silly problem anyway!
  • #5
mathman said:
Further complication is that y^3=64 has two complex roots as well as the real root 4.

Are you sure? y is just when you expand it (stating the obvious here, don't laugh) you get


Can 3 complex identical numbers give a 64? I thought they always come in groups of 2 to cancel each other out...i mean an odd power to the i in each factor would result in...and odd power in the final result...and 64 is having in best case scenario a i to a power that is multiple of 4.

(i^4 * 4) ^3 =1 * 64 for example.

So I don't think y^3=64 can get you a complex i. Can it? now I'm curious. My math says no...
  • #6
Robokapp said:
So I don't think y^3=64 can get you a complex i. Can it? now I'm curious. My math says no...

First a complex number is not just some real multiple of i, ex. a*i for real a. A complex number is a number of the form
where both a and b are real and i2 = -1.

Secondly if we have y3=64 then we have
y3 - 64 = 0
And the fundamental theorem of algebra says that every polynomial equation of degree n has n complex zeroes counting multiplicites, so since we have a polynomial equation of degree 3 we are guarenteed by the fundamental theorem of algebra that this equation had 3 solutions, however in this case only one of them is real, i.e. 4, while the other two are complex.

If you have a polynomial equation with only real coefficients then and only then will all complex roots come in conjugate pairs, a+bi and a-bi.
  • #7
write [itex]y = re^{i\theta}[/itex] with [itex]r>0, \theta \in [0, 2\pi)[/itex], then your equation is

[itex]r^3e^{3i\theta} = 64e^{0i}.[/itex]

Since representation of complex numbers in the way I just mentioned for y is unique, you need [itex]3\theta[/itex] to be a multiple of [itex]2\pi[/itex] (and so 0 modulo 2[itex]\pi[/itex]) and you also need [itex]0<r \in \mathbb{R}[/itex] and [itex]r^3 = 64[/itex], ie. r=4. The condition on [itex]\theta[/itex] gives 3 possibilities,

[itex]\theta = 0, \theta= \frac{2\pi}{3}, \theta = \frac{4\pi}{3}[/itex],

so your 3 complex solutions are 4, and [itex]y = 4(\cos{4\pi /3} + i\sin{4\pi /3}) = -2 + 2\sqrt{3}i[/itex] and its complex conjugate (keep in mind that if one complex number is the root of a polynomial with real coefficients then its conjugate must also be).
  • #8
D-Leet I understand what you mean.

y^3-64=0 turns into

y^2+4y+4=0 => (-4+/- sq(1-64))/2 => -2+31.5i and -2-31.5i

however, -2+31.5i, -2-31.5i and 4 are not the same answer...Shouldn't they be?

Edit: What I really am asking is...can you tell if 4 is greater or less than -2+31.5i? How do you compare real with complex numbers?
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  • #9
Robokapp said:
What I really am asking is...can you tell if 4 is greater or less than -2+7.5i? How do you compare real with complex numbers?
You can't. There is no way to define "< " to make the complex numbers an ordered field.

Ordered field: A field (usual properties for addition, multiplication) with a transitive relation "<" (transitive: if a< b and b< c, then a< c) satisfying
a) If a< b then a+ c< b+ c
b) If a< b and 0< c then ac< bc
c) For any a, b, one and only one of these must hold
i) a< b
ii) b< a
iii) a= b

Suppose we have some definition of "<" on the complex numbers
Obviously 0 is not equal to i (0 is the additive identity and i is not).

Is 0< i? If so then by (b), 0*i< i*i or 0< -1. That's possible since this doesn't have to be our usual idea of "<" on the real numbers. But then, again by (b), 0*i< -1*i so 0< -i also. But then by (a), 0+ i< -i+ i or i< 0. We can't have both 0< i and i< 0 by (c).

The only possibility left is i< 0. In that case, by (a) i+ (-i)> 0+ (-i) so 0< -i. By (b) then, 0*(-i)< (-i)(-i) or 0< -1 again. By (b) again, 0*(-i)< (-1)(-i) so 0< i. That also is impossible by (c).

Robokapp said:
however, -2+7.5i, -2-7.5i and 4 are not the same answer...Shouldn't they be?
No, of course not. Just as a quadratic equation may have two different solutions, a cubic equation may have 3 different solutions. In fact, counting "multiplicity" any nth degree equation has exactly n solutions over the complex numbers. More correctly, any nth degree polynomial, with complex coefficients, can be factored into n linear factors, some of which may be the same.
  • #10
y^3-64=0 turns into

Error: should be (y-4)(y^2+4y+16)
  • #11
mathman said:
Error: should be (y-4)(y^2+4y+16)

You are correct. I'll edit my post immediatelly. Sorry about that.

Edit: I worked it out, I understand it now. Thank you for the help. I was thinking about imaginary numbers, I wasn't thinknig about complex numbers...and ofcourse, the bi part won't get me where I want if I don't have an a. Thank you.
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FAQ: Solving Exponent Problems: Can't Tell Which is Bigger?

What is an exponent?

An exponent is a number that represents how many times a base number is multiplied by itself. It is written as a superscript to the right of the base number.

How do I know which exponent is bigger?

When comparing exponents with the same base, the one with the larger exponent is always the bigger number. For example, 24 is bigger than 23.

What if the base numbers are different?

In order to compare exponents with different bases, you can rewrite them using the same base. For example, 32 can be rewritten as 9 and 52 can be rewritten as 25. Then you can compare the new numbers to determine which exponent is bigger.

Are there any shortcuts for solving exponent problems?

Yes, there are several rules for solving exponent problems. These include the product rule (am * an = am+n), the quotient rule (am / an = am-n), and the power rule ((am)n = am*n). These rules can help you simplify and compare exponents more easily.

Can I use a calculator to solve exponent problems?

Yes, most scientific calculators have a button for exponents (usually denoted as "xy" or "^"). Simply enter the base number, press the exponent button, and enter the exponent. The calculator will give you the result.

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