Definite Integrals of Definite Integrals

In summary, the homework statement is that if f is a continuous function and g is a differentiable function, then f ' (x) = g'(x)f(x) by the first fundamental theorem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose that f is a continuous function.

a) If g is a differentiable function and if

F(x) = [tex]\int_{0}^{x}[/tex]g(x)f(t)dt

find F ' (x).

b) Show that

[tex]\int_{0}^{x}[/tex](x - t)f(t)dt = [tex]\int_{0}^{x}[/tex] [[tex]\int_{0}^{u}[/tex]f(t)dt] du

Suggestion: Use a) and the racetrack theorem.

Homework Equations

The fundamental theorems of calculus.

The racetrack theorem states that if

f(a) = g(a) and if f ' (x) = g ' (x) for all x, then f(x) = g(x) for all x.

The Attempt at a Solution


I took d/dx of both sides and then ended up with

F ' (x) = g(x)f(x) by the first fundamental theorem.


I have to prove that the left side and right side are equal at some point a, and that their derivatives are equal everywhere. I've never come across the integral of an integral before so I'm not quite sure what to do.
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  • #2
First you need to calculate F'(x). Since F(x) is a product of two functions - you should have no problem.

This is to warm you up.

Then you do 2). You first check that LHS=RHS at x=0. Then you calculate the derivative of LHS and of RHS. To calculate the derivative of the LHS it will be handy to split it into two terms by doing the multiplication under the integral and then use 1) for one of these terms. You must be careful - calculate the derivatives at x=a on both sides.
  • #3
split it into two terms by doing the multiplication under the integral

What does that mean? Do I split it up into

[tex]\int_{0}^{x}}[/tex][xf(t)] dt - [tex]\int_{0}^{x}}[/tex][tf(t)] dt
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  • #4
Screwdriver said:
What does that mean? Do I split it up into

[tex]\int_{0}^{x}\,[xf(t)]\, dt - \int_{0}^{x}[tf(t)]\, dt[/tex]

Yes, that's good. Then the first term is like in 1). Of course you are supposed to notice that with respect to the integration over t, x behaves like a constant.
  • #5
Do functions behave like constants if you're integrating with respect to another variable as well?

Like in a), if I have

[tex]\int_{0}^{x}[/tex] g(x)f(t)dt

I'm integrating with respect to t, but then if I take

d/dx [[tex]\int_{0}^{x} [/tex] g(x)f(t)dt]

Can I treat that as:

d/dx [g(x)[tex]\int_{0}^{x} [/tex] f(t)dt]

Which would become

  • #6
Integration variable in your integral is t. g(x) is independent of of, therefore with respect to the integral it behaves like a constant. Not so with differentiation with respect to x. When you differentiate with respect to x, you have a product of two functions of x. One is g(x), the other one is, say,

[tex]h(x)=\int_0^x f(t)\,dt[/tex]
  • #7
OK, here's what I have (by the way, thank you very much for helping)


[tex]F(x) = \int_0^x g(x)f(t)\,dt[/tex]

[tex]F(x) = g(x)\int_0^x f(t)\,dt[/tex]

Let [tex]h(x) = \int_0^x f(t)\,dt[/tex]

[tex]F(x) = g(x)h(x)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}\ F(x) = \frac{d}{dx}\ g(x)h(x)[/tex]

[tex]F'(x) = g'(x)h(x) + g(x)h'(x)[/tex]

[tex]F'(x) = g'(x)\int_0^x f(t)\,dt + g(x)f(x)[/tex]


[tex]\int_0^x (x - t)f(t)\,dt = \int_0^x (\int_0^u f(t)\,dt)\,du[/tex]

[tex]\int_{0}^{x}[xf(t)]\,dt - \int_{0}^{x}[tf(t)]\,dt = \int_0^x (\int_0^u f(t)\,dt)\,du[/tex]

Let [tex]q(u) = \int_{0}^{u}f(t)\,dt[/tex]

h(x) same as above

[tex]xh(x) - \int_0^x [t]f(t)\,dt = \int_0^x q(u)\,du[/tex]

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}\ xh(x) - \frac{d}{dx}\ \int_0^x [t]f(t)\,dt = \frac{d}{dx}\ \int_0^x q(u)\,du[/tex]

[tex]h(x) + xh'(x) - xf(x) = q(x)[/tex]

[tex]\int_0^x f(t)\,dt + xf(x) - xf(x) = q(x)[/tex]

[tex]\int_0^x f(t)\,dt = q(x)[/tex]

[tex]\int_0^x f(t)\,dt = \int_0^x f(t)\,dt[/tex]

How does that look?
  • #8
Looks good to me.

FAQ: Definite Integrals of Definite Integrals

1. What is a definite integral of definite integrals?

A definite integral of definite integrals is the process of finding the area under a curve between two points by dividing the area into smaller rectangles and adding them up. This process involves finding the definite integral of each individual rectangle and then adding them together.

2. How is a definite integral of definite integrals calculated?

To calculate a definite integral of definite integrals, you first need to find the definite integral of each individual rectangle. This is done by finding the area of the rectangle (base multiplied by height) and then using the definite integral formula to find the area under the curve between the two points. Once you have the definite integral for each rectangle, you can add them together to find the total area under the curve between the two points.

3. What is the purpose of calculating a definite integral of definite integrals?

The purpose of calculating a definite integral of definite integrals is to find the area under a curve between two points. This is useful in many fields of science, such as physics and engineering, where the area under a curve represents important quantities like displacement, velocity, or work.

4. What is the difference between a definite integral and a definite integral of definite integrals?

A definite integral is the process of finding the area under a curve between two points. A definite integral of definite integrals is the process of finding the area under a curve between two points by dividing the area into smaller rectangles and adding them up. So, the main difference is that a definite integral of definite integrals involves breaking the area into smaller parts, while a definite integral does not.

5. Can a definite integral of definite integrals have a negative value?

Yes, a definite integral of definite integrals can have a negative value. This can occur if the function being integrated has negative values between the two points or if the rectangles used to find the area have negative areas. In this case, the negative value represents the area under the curve that is below the x-axis.
