I cannot make an arctan because there is a sine in the numerator

  • Thread starter James Brady
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In summary, for the given integral, the substitution method can be used by setting u = x^3 and rewriting the function. However, due to the complexity of the integrand, the solution requires several steps and involves hyperbolic functions. Alternatively, by recognizing that the function is odd and the limits are symmetric, the integral can be simplified to 0.
  • #1
James Brady
[itex]\int\frac{2x^2sin(4x)}{1 + x^6}dx[/itex]

The solution should be substitution method... So far I've set [itex] u = x^3 [/itex], and made some progress trying to make the integral ready to become an arctan:

[itex]\frac{2}{3}\int\frac{sin(4x)}{1 + u^2}du[/itex]

The set up would be fine if it were not for the sine term in the numerator. Substituting the entire denominator doesn't really help the situation and I haven't been able to split the numerator either. Wolfram Alpha says it takes too long to compute so I haven't been able to see the solution either.
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  • #2
That is a fairly messy one, integrals.com gives

2 ((-- (I CosIntegral[-4 I + 4 x] Sinh[4] -

Cosh[4] SinIntegral[4 I - 4 x])) /

1/6 1/6 5/6
((-I + (-1) ) (I + (-1) ) (I - (-1) )

(I + (-1) )) +

1/6 1/6
((-1) (CosIntegral[-4 (-1) + 4 x]

Sin[4 (-1) ] -

1/6 1/6
Cos[4 (-1) ] SinIntegral[4 (-1) - 4 x]))

1/6 1/6
/ (2 (-I + (-1) ) (I + (-1) )

1/6 5/6 1/6 5/6
((-1) - (-1) ) ((-1) + (-1) )) +

5/6 5/6
((-1) (CosIntegral[-4 (-1) + 4 x]

Sin[4 (-1) ] -

5/6 5/6
Cos[4 (-1) ] SinIntegral[4 (-1) - 4 x]))

5/6 1/6 5/6
/ (2 (I - (-1) ) ((-1) - (-1) )

5/6 1/6 5/6
(I + (-1) ) ((-1) + (-1) )) +

(- (-I CosIntegral[4 I + 4 x] Sinh[4] +

Cosh[4] SinIntegral[4 I + 4 x])) /

1/6 1/6 5/6
((-I - (-1) ) (-I + (-1) ) (-I + (-1) )

(I + (-1) )) +

1/6 1/6
((-1) (-(CosIntegral[4 (-1) + 4 x]

Sin[4 (-1) ]) +

1/6 1/6
Cos[4 (-1) ] SinIntegral[4 (-1) + 4 x]))

1/6 1/6
/ (2 (-I - (-1) ) (I - (-1) )

1/6 5/6 1/6 5/6
(-(-1) + (-1) ) ((-1) + (-1) )) -

5/6 5/6
((-1) (-(CosIntegral[4 (-1) + 4 x]

Sin[4 (-1) ]) +

5/6 5/6
Cos[4 (-1) ] SinIntegral[4 (-1) + 4 x]))

5/6 5/6
/ (2 (-I - (-1) ) (I - (-1) )

1/6 5/6 1/6 5/6
(-(-1) - (-1) ) ((-1) - (-1) )))

Edited to add: Do you want the 0 to infinity integral or indefinite?
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  • #3
James Brady said:
[itex]\int\frac{2x^2sin(4x)}{1 + x^6}dx[/itex]

The solution should be substitution method... So far I've set [itex] u = x^3 [/itex], and made some progress trying to make the integral ready to become an arctan:

[itex]\frac{2}{3}\int\frac{sin(4x)}{1 + u^2}du[/itex]
This itself is incorrect. You cannot have an "x" in the integral with respect to "u".

The set up would be fine if it were not for the sine term in the numerator. Substituting the entire denominator doesn't really help the situation and I haven't been able to split the numerator either. Wolfram Alpha says it takes too long to compute so I haven't been able to see the solution either.
  • #4
^I posted the result from integrals.com above
Complex partial fractions gives terms like
real partial fractions gives terms like
In either case much algebra and integration by parts gives a result in terms of sin cos sinh cosh type integrals


$$\mathop{I}(a) = \int \! \frac{\sin (4 \, x)}{x^2+a \sqrt{3}+1} \, \mathop{dx}$$

The given integral can be written as

(1/3) I(-sqrt(3))+(-2/3) I(0)+(1/3) I(sqrt(3))

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  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
This itself is incorrect. You cannot have an "x" in the integral with respect to "u".

Yes, I know... I was thinking I could rewrite the 4x in terms of u, but seeing from the answer above, this is way beyond my skill level either way. The actual problem was taking the definite integral from -pi/2 to pi/2. So the professor was just showing us that even with really complex integrals like this, with symmetry, we can still get the answer, which in this case is 0. Haha, that's one of those "oh yeah..." moments.

Thanks all.
  • #6
James Brady said:
The actual problem was taking the definite integral from -pi/2 to pi/2.
Please don't omit information like that when you post new questions. It wastes a lot of time and effort.
  • #7
haruspex said:
Please don't omit information like that when you post new questions. It wastes a lot of time and effort.

Do you even lift bro?
  • #8
James Brady said:
Do you even lift bro?

Haruspex is more than correct here. With the information of limits, it is easy to solve the question.
With definite integrals of messy functions, you will first want to examine the function itself. Is there any particular property of the function that would make integration easier?

Hint: Do you know what even and odd functions are?
  • #9
Right? After several hours of integration. I can definitely say that taking a few moments to analyze for symmetry is worth the time.

FAQ: I cannot make an arctan because there is a sine in the numerator

1. Why can't I make an arctan when there is a sine in the numerator?

The arctan function, also known as the inverse tangent function, is defined as the angle whose tangent is equal to a given number. When there is a sine in the numerator, the function becomes undefined because the tangent of an angle cannot be determined.

2. Can I rearrange the equation to make an arctan when there is a sine in the numerator?

Unfortunately, rearranging the equation will not help in this situation. The arctan function is only defined for certain values and cannot be manipulated to give a solution when there is a sine in the numerator.

3. Is there an alternative way to find the angle when there is a sine in the numerator?

Yes, there are other trigonometric functions such as arcsine or arccosine that can be used in this situation. However, it is important to note that the solutions may not be the same as the arctan function would provide.

4. Why is the arctan function undefined when there is a sine in the numerator?

This is because the tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side in a right triangle. When there is a sine in the numerator, there is no clear relationship between the two sides, making it impossible to determine the tangent and therefore the arctan.

5. Are there any exceptions where an arctan can be made with a sine in the numerator?

No, the arctan function will always be undefined when there is a sine in the numerator. This is a fundamental property of the function and cannot be changed.

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