Electric Guitars: How Do They Work?

  • Thread starter pi-r8
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In summary, electric guitars are created by applying Lenz's Law to a vibrating string, which causes electrons to flow and create a magnetic field. The pickup on the guitar uses this field to detect the vibration and convert it to an electrical signal. This signal is then amplified and played through an amplifier. The type of wood, shape of body, thickness, moisture content, neck design, type and thickness of strings, and finish all play a role in the sound of the instrument.
  • #1
I was wondering if anyone here knew how electric guitars work. My current understanding is that it's basically an application of lenz's law- the vibrating strings create a changing magnetic field, which the pickups, er, pick up, and cause electrons to move inside and flow through the amp. What I'm really wondering is how this translates into practical design. Could you, for instance, stick strings, magnets, and a circuit onto a block of wood and create an electric guitar, or does the body shape effect things too? Is there anything else (besides the amp of course) that effects things?
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  • #3
Although it's nothing to do with this, I think I have to say THE EDGE is the BEST ever guitarrist. Listen its electric guitar and you'll be listening to a Master.

That's all. Bye. :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #4
pi-r8 said:
What I'm really wondering is how this translates into practical design. Could you, for instance, stick strings, magnets, and a circuit onto a block of wood and create an electric guitar, or does the body shape effect things too? Is there anything else (besides the amp of course) that effects things?

Assuming you've read Greg's excellent link, I can share a few secrets.

The type of wood, shape of body, thickness, moisture content, neck design, type and thickness of strings all play a large part in giving a guitar its characteristic sounds, and that's before you even start thinking about the electronics. Even the finish (painted, polished etc) makes a difference.

Listening to even unplugged electric guitars, it's easy to tell the difference between, say, a Fender and a Gibson, because of their drastically different design. When you plug them in, (assuming it's the same amp), it's practically impossible not to notice the difference between the clean tones, but obviously this is affected by the electronics as well as the actual lump of wood.

In short, you could stick strings, pickups etc onto a plank, and play it, but it would sound pretty nasty.
  • #5
hmm. "At the same time, a few individuals began experimenting with a new kind of electric guitar, using the same pickup as earlier designs but mounting the pickup on a solid block of wood. Les Paul, who was already a well-known acoustic guitarist, built such a guitar on a 4-by-4 piece of pine and nicknamed it "The Log."

So, it is possible to just put pickups on a block of wood... but does it sound the same, or does the body make a difference?

and by the way, U2 sucks :-p
  • #6
pi-r8 said:
hmm. "At the same time, a few individuals began experimenting with a new kind of electric guitar, using the same pickup as earlier designs but mounting the pickup on a solid block of wood. Les Paul, who was already a well-known acoustic guitarist, built such a guitar on a 4-by-4 piece of pine and nicknamed it "The Log."

So, it is possible to just put pickups on a block of wood... but does it sound the same, or does the body make a difference?

Did you even read my post?

Yes, it makes a big difference.
  • #7
Sorry, I didn't see your post. You must have posted it while I was typing mine.

So how exactly does the body effect the sound? Are there any general rules like harder wood = softer sound, or something like that? I'm trying to decide if it would be feasible to build my own guitar, you see.
  • #8
There are so many different contributing factors to how a guitar sounds that it's pretty difficult to generalise them. If you want to make your own guitar, then there's a reasonably good chance of success, especially if you follow a familiar design. Features like cutaways, and thickness changes can make a massive difference to the tone of the instrument, but if you get something which looks like a guitar then it will definitely sound like a guitar, just don't expect it to sound better than a Rickenbacker.

It's important to pay attention to the type of wood you use, how it's been seasoned, and grain orientation if you want a first class guitar. Problems you're likely to encounter are getting the neck straight, applying the frets, and installing the truss rod. I once helped a guy design and build his own guitar, he was a competent wood-worker, and we had access to an absolutely massive workshop, but in the end we gave up and had the neck professionally finished.

In short, yes it is more than feasible to build your own guitar, and many people do this as a hobby and produce some amazing instruments. But it takes a lot of time, a lot of skill, and a lot of patience! Having said that, you're much more likely to have good results if you confine yourself to building an electric guitar rather than an acoustic guitar, for obvious reasons.

Good luck, let us know how it goes. I'd be interested to see a photo diary of this one!
  • #9
Thanks for all the info, although this sounds much more complicated than I was hoping it would be. I guess there's a reason why people spend thousands of dollars on guitars, huh.

I'm hardly what I'd call an experienced wood-worker, so i may not have any success at all. But I'll experiment, and if I have any success I'll definitely show you the pictures.
  • #10
pi-r8 said:
Thanks for all the info, although this sounds much more complicated than I was hoping it would be. I guess there's a reason why people spend thousands of dollars on guitars, huh.

I'm hardly what I'd call an experienced wood-worker, so i may not have any success at all. But I'll experiment, and if I have any success I'll definitely show you the pictures.

I hope I didn't put you off, there are plenty of things you'll be able to do with limited equipment and experience. However, there are some tasks which are really rather difficult, and for these it's best to know when to send it to a professional luthier rather than hash it yourself. If you're patient and willing to learn through your project, then I reckon you should go for it! Brian May and his dad managed, and look where he ended up!
  • #11
You could spend a lifetime learning what wood density and grain structure does to sound, and like brew said, the electronics is a whole 'nuther bag.

If you're looking to experiment and explore, the easiest way is to start visiting garage sales and pawn shops. Buy several "cheapie" guitars and build your own "frankenstein" model. As you gain experience with different setups, you'll gain some directional knowledge that will lead you where you want to go.

The really good guitars are expensive for a reason. You won't sound like Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, or Eric Clapton on a $10 dollar guitar, but it can be unique.

Have Fun!

  • #12
This topic is so vast I don't know where to begin.

I've built my own amps (solid state and tube), guitars and pickups.
PM me if you want to know about something in particular.

FAQ: Electric Guitars: How Do They Work?

1. How do electric guitars produce sound?

Electric guitars produce sound through the use of electromagnetic induction. When the strings are strummed, they create vibrations that are picked up by the guitar's pickups, which are essentially small magnetic devices. These pickups convert the vibrations into electrical signals that are then sent to the amplifier, where they are amplified and turned into audible sound.

2. What are the main components of an electric guitar?

The main components of an electric guitar include the body, neck, fretboard, headstock, pickups, volume and tone controls, and output jack. The body is typically made of wood and houses the pickups and controls. The neck is attached to the body and holds the fretboard, where the player presses down on the strings to produce different notes. The headstock contains the tuning pegs, which are used to tune the strings.

3. How do the pickups on an electric guitar work?

The pickups on an electric guitar consist of a series of magnets wrapped in a coil of wire. When the strings vibrate, they create a magnetic field that interacts with the magnets in the pickups, causing them to generate a small electrical current. This current is then sent to the amplifier, where it is amplified and turned into sound.

4. What is the role of the amplifier in an electric guitar?

The amplifier is an essential component of an electric guitar as it takes the small electrical signals produced by the pickups and amplifies them to a level that can be heard through speakers. The amplifier also allows for adjustments to be made to the tone and volume of the sound produced by the guitar.

5. How does the type of wood used in an electric guitar affect its sound?

The type of wood used in an electric guitar can have a significant impact on its sound. Different woods have different densities and resonant qualities, which can affect the overall tone and sustain of the guitar. For example, a guitar made with a heavy, dense wood like mahogany will produce a warmer, more resonant sound compared to a guitar made with a lighter wood like alder, which will produce a brighter, more twangy sound.

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