Adiabatic compression of an ideal gas

In summary, an ideal gas with an initial temperature of 17.7°C and an initial volume of 70.0 l is compressed adiabatically to a final volume of 43.0 l. Its final temperature can be found using the relationship TV^{\gamma-1} = K/nR, where \gamma is the ratio of specific heats and is calculated as (C_v + R)/C_v. The final temperature (in °C) can be determined by solving for T at the end using the given final volume.
  • #1
An ideal gas at a temperature of 17.7°C is compressed adiabatically from an initial volume 70.0 l to a final volume 43.0 l. Find its final temperature (in °C) if CV = 2.50R.

so T1V1^g=T2V2^g

to find g=cp/cv=(cv+nR)/cv and cv=2.50R

g=(2.50R+nR)/2.50R factor out an R g=(2.50+n)/2.50 factor out 2.50


but how do i find n...if what i did above is even right
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  • #2
Rasine said:
An ideal gas at a temperature of 17.7°C is compressed adiabatically from an initial volume 70.0 l to a final volume 43.0 l. Find its final temperature (in °C) if CV = 2.50R. so T1V1^g=T2V2^g
It helps to start with the correct relationship. The adiabatic condition is:

[tex]PV^\gamma = K[/tex]

Substitute P = nRT/V to give:

[tex]TV^{\gamma-1} = K/nR = constant[/tex]

You can't determine what n is since you don't have the pressure. But you don't need it to solve the question.

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  • #3
so how do i get what i denoted as g
  • #4
do i solve for what ever nR is
  • #5
i am so confused! please give me another hint
  • #6
Rasine said:
i am so confused! please give me another hint
What is [itex]TV^{\gamma-1}[/itex] initially?

Does it change?

So what is it at the end?

You are given the volume at the end. So what is T at the end?

Note: [itex]\gamma = C_p/C_v \text{ and } C_p = C_v + R[/itex]

[itex]\gamma[/itex] is simply a ratio of specific heats so it is dimensionless.


FAQ: Adiabatic compression of an ideal gas

1. What is adiabatic compression of an ideal gas?

Adiabatic compression of an ideal gas refers to the process of compressing a gas without any heat exchange with its surroundings. This means that the temperature of the gas will increase due to the compression, but there is no addition or removal of heat from the system.

2. What is the ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law, also known as the general gas equation, is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the pressure, volume, temperature and number of moles of an ideal gas. It can be written as PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the universal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

3. How does adiabatic compression affect the temperature of an ideal gas?

Adiabatic compression increases the temperature of an ideal gas because the energy of the gas molecules is concentrated into a smaller volume. This results in an increase in the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules, which is equivalent to an increase in temperature.

4. What is the difference between adiabatic and isothermal compression?

Adiabatic compression and isothermal compression are two different processes of compressing a gas. Adiabatic compression involves compressing a gas without any heat exchange with the surroundings, while isothermal compression occurs at a constant temperature. This means that during isothermal compression, heat is added or removed from the system to maintain a constant temperature, whereas in adiabatic compression, no heat is exchanged.

5. What are the applications of adiabatic compression of ideal gases?

Adiabatic compression of ideal gases has various applications in industries such as refrigeration, air conditioning, and gas turbines. It is also used in the compression of gases in internal combustion engines and in the compression of air in scuba diving tanks. Additionally, adiabatic compression is used in the production of compressed natural gas (CNG) for use as a fuel in vehicles.
