A simple real-world fluid dynamics question:

In summary, the conversation is about designing charge pipes for a custom turbocharger setup. The question is whether a 90 degree bend followed by a straight pipe, or a 90 degree bend followed by a straight pipe, followed by a 45 degree bend, followed by more straight pipe and another 45 degree bend, or a 135 degree bend followed by a straight pipe followed by a 45 degree bend would be more restrictive to compressed air. The details provided include the diameter of the pipe, pressure, temperature, and length of the straight pipe. The best possible choice is a U-shaped pipe, but space constraints make a full 180 degree bend not possible. The recommendation is to keep the turns as smooth as possible with mandrel bends
  • #1
It's not so simple to me being that I have no background in fluid dynamics, but it seems like it would be fairly simple for most mechanical engineers; anyway:

This is to help me with the design of my charge pipes in my custom turbocharger setup. Assuming a constant radius throughout, which would be more restrictive to the compressed air?

1) One 90 degree bend followed by a straight pipe followed by one more 90 degree bend.

2) One 90 degree bend followed by a straight pipe followed by a 45 degree bend followed by more straight pipe and followed by one more 45 degree bend.

3) One 135 degree bend followed by a straight pipe followed by one 45 degree bend.

Thanks for anybody's input.
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  • #2
It's not a simple problem.

Is the total turn 180 degrees, or are you merely shifting the flow over a bit (doing a +90 followed by a -90 e.g.)?

What diameter pipe? What pressure, temperature, etc.? How long is the straight pipe?
  • #3
Hmm, I guess it's not as simple as I imagined.

The details you asked for:

It will be a full 180 degree turn

2.5" diameter pipe, approximately 70 degrees F., approximately 8 lb/in^2, the straight pipes inbetween the bends would be about 6" max.
  • #4
The best possible choice would definitely be a U-shaped pipe.
Neither of the ones u mentioned cos u want to change its direction by a full 180 degrees.
  • #5
naveen said:
The best possible choice would definitely be a U-shaped pipe.
Neither of the ones u mentioned cos u want to change its direction by a full 180 degrees.

Unfortunately, a full 180 degree bend is not possible b/c of space constraints.
  • #6
In that case, you will want the turns to be as smooth as possible.

Keep all hard edges out of it if at all possible.
  • #7
enigma said:
In that case, you will want the turns to be as smooth as possible.

Keep all hard edges out of it if at all possible.

They will all be mandrel bends.

FAQ: A simple real-world fluid dynamics question:

1. How does fluid move in a pipe?

Fluid moves in a pipe due to pressure differences. When there is higher pressure at one end of the pipe, the fluid will move towards the lower pressure end, creating a flow. This flow is dependent on the viscosity and density of the fluid, as well as the size and shape of the pipe.

2. What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow?

Laminar flow occurs when a fluid moves in a smooth, orderly manner with layers of fluid sliding past each other. Turbulent flow, on the other hand, is characterized by chaotic and irregular motion, with eddies and vortices present in the flow. The transition from laminar to turbulent flow is dependent on the Reynolds number, which is a dimensionless quantity that takes into account the fluid density, velocity, and viscosity.

3. How do boundary conditions affect fluid flow?

Boundary conditions play a crucial role in fluid flow as they define the behavior of the fluid at the boundaries of a system. These conditions can include the velocity, pressure, and temperature of the fluid at the boundary, and they can greatly influence the flow patterns and characteristics. For example, a change in the boundary conditions can cause a transition from laminar to turbulent flow.

4. What is the Bernoulli's principle?

Bernoulli's principle states that in a fluid flow, an increase in the velocity of the fluid results in a decrease in pressure. This principle is based on the conservation of energy, where the total energy of the fluid remains constant. This principle is often used to explain the lift force on an airplane wing or the flow through a constriction in a pipe.

5. How is fluid dynamics applied in real-world situations?

Fluid dynamics has numerous applications in real-world situations, including in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy. It is used to design efficient and aerodynamic structures, optimize the flow of fluids in pipes and channels, and predict the behavior of weather patterns and ocean currents. It is also used in medical and biological research to study the flow of blood and other bodily fluids.
