Tachyon is said to travel faster than light

In summary, the tachyon is a theoretical particle that travels faster than the speed of light. Group theory is the core of the theory behind tachyons, and the breakdown of symmetry is when a transition-temperature is reached or when some order-parameter reaches a critical value.
  • #1
The tachyon is said to travel faster than light because it has a negative squared mass.

-How is it possible to have a negative squared mass? Is there a lot more too it?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes there is much to it. the reason is coming from symmetry of the formula's used in field theory...

Click on https://www.physicsforums.com/journal.php?s=&journalid=13790&action=view and scroll down to the text on tachyons. Let me know if you need additional info...PS :i suggest you also read the text on the Higgs-mass-acquiring system and the breakdown of symmetry, because they are all closely related.

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  • #3
DB said:
The tachyon is said to travel faster than light because it has a negative squared mass.

-How is it possible to have a negative squared mass? Is there a lot more too it?


1.So far there is no scientifical evidence of a tachyon.

2.Tachyons are theoretical predictions first obtained by Eugene Paul Wigner when he built the theory of the irreductible representations of the full Poincaré group.He rejected them,saying they contradict the theory from which he started,namely Special Relativity.


PS.Yeah,it's a lot more too it.Group theory is the core... :wink: Why do i always smile when thinking about "group theory"?? :-p :wink:
  • #4
dextercioby said:
2.Tachyons are theoretical predictions first obtained by Eugene Paul Wigner when he built the theory of the irreductible representations of the full Poincaré group.He rejected them,saying they contradict the theory from which he started,namely Special Relativity.

This is a bit over the top, wouldn't you say dexter. As usual this is info that will explain nothing to the original poster. Other then that IT IS WRONG. Tachyons and their "existence" ain't got nothing to do with that, where are you getting all these crack-pot-theories from ? I suggest you start reading QFT and spontaneous breakdown of symmetry because that is the real and only answer to this question. Don't submerge us in this useless "posh"-sounding vocabularium of yours. Sometimes (and i don't want to insult here), i really wonder if YOU actually know what you are talking about ?

PS.Yeah,it's a lot more too it.Group theory is the core... :wink: Why do i always smile when thinking about "group theory"?? :-p :wink:

Err, maybe because it is your favourite subject...At least you make it seem like that. Let's not get into the knowledge of it though :wink:

As always, your best friend

  • #5
Thanks marlon, interesting stuff. But is the Higgs field considered the vacuum of space? Is it the distortion when a particle travels through a Higgs field that breaks the symmetry?
  • #6
DB said:
Thanks marlon, interesting stuff. But is the Higgs field considered the vacuum of space? Is it the distortion when a particle travels through a Higgs field that breaks the symmetry?

Again i refer to the text i wrote on the Higgs-field, it is all in there. But to be concrete: The Higgsfield is a "trick" used in order to make sure that the groundstate is degenerate. So you need to see it as some copied version of the vacuum (ie the groundstate). Keep in mind that in QFT the vacuum is NOT really empty ; it is filled with virtual particles...

The breakdown of symmetry happens when some kind of transition-temperature is reached or when some order-parameter reaches a critical value. You know : like the transition to superconductivity if you will. The distortion of a particle moving through the Higgsfield causes the particle to be surrounded with more and more Higgs-particles. This new bunch of particles is seen as the original particle BUT with mass. This mass is expressed by the surrounding Higgs-particles. Basically you can see the mass as the coupling constant of the interaction between elementary particles and the Higgsfield.


ps : read the text in my journal on Higgs-fields, here it is : https://www.physicsforums.com/journal.php?s=&action=view&journalid=13790&perpage=10&page=2

you will need to scroll down a bit, but it is the biggest text on this page, so you cannot miss
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  • #7
marlon said:
Tachyons and their "existence" ain't got nothing to do with that, where are you getting all these crack-pot-theories from ? I suggest you start reading QFT and spontaneous breakdown of symmetry because that is the real and only answer to this question. Don't submerge us in this useless "posh"-sounding vocabularium of yours. Sometimes (and i don't want to insult here), i really wonder if YOU actually know what you are talking about ?

Oh,Marlon,you're deadly wrong this time,boy... :-p Than giving me obviuos advice,i think you'd better start reading a book on group theory,Poincaré group theory...Apparently this is not something you know about,which is really awkward and sad at the same time... :frown: Tachyonic representations are natural...The eigenvalue of [tex] \hat{P}^{2} [/tex] can take negative values as well as positive and zero...It can't take complex (imaginary that is),and i hope you know why...

Read first,Marlon,pull the trigger later... :wink:

This is the first thing one learns in QFT:fields,particles and do they come from.Spontaneuos symmetry breaking is among the last...

  • #8
dextercioby said:
This is the first thing one learns in QFT:fields,particles and do they come from.Spontaneuos symmetry breaking is among the last...


Again wrong, check every book on QFT like Peskin or QFT in a Nutshell or whatever. Stop whinning about the Poincaré-group. What really matters are global and local summetries. U(1) and SU(2) and SU(3) (flavours and colours). You won't have to mention the word Poincaré once. So it is far from essential. Besides, the breakdown of symmetry IS one of the essential parts of QFT. The fact that you don't learn this in the beginning does not alter its importance...


Please, stop arguing for the sake of arguing and let's keep it on the tachyons.
  • #9
marlon said:
Again wrong,check every book on QFT like Peskin or QFT in a Nutshell or whatever.

Do i feel sudden passing into defense??Let's take it logically:

marlon said:
check every book on QFT

You this is as possible to me as it is to you:IMPOSSIBLE...

marlon said:
like Peskin or QFT in a Nutshell or whatever

Connecting with "every book",it doesn't make any sense to give examples,right??This is not physics,this is logics...

marlon said:
Stop whinning about the Poincaré-group.

Bull****,i'm not "whinning"... :-p I'm not an expert in QFT,but two examples will prove my point:
Conformal field theory (CFT) and Supersymmetric Field Theories (SUSY).Where did they come from?U(1),SU(2),SU(3),or SU(N) and its traceless matrices...?Or as natural extensions of the Poincaré group and its fields??

marlon said:
What really matters are global and local summetries. U(1) and SU(2) and SU(3) (flavours and colours).

Of course,after making sure you know what you're talking about:fields and particles coming from (irreductible) representations of the (proper) Lorentz group and Poincaré group...

marlon said:
You won't have to mention the word Poincaré once.

Of course,not once,but A MILLION TIMES UNTIL U DREAM ABOUT IT...

marlon said:
So it is far from essential.

Bull****,it is essential,because it deals with the symmetries of the space-time your whole spontaneously breakable fields are embedded in...It's the fundamental symmetry.Everything is secondary...

marlon said:
Besides, the breakdown of symmetry IS one of the essential parts of QFT.

I didn't say it was not essential,Marlon...It's essential,once u know what fields are,what they do and why they are important...

marlon said:
Please, stop arguing for the sake of arguing and let's keep it on the tachyons.

I'm arguing everytime u say something wrong...Didn't u get that??Do you think i like it??I hate it,but you give me no choice...

  • #10
Connecting with "every book",it doesn't make any sense to give examples,right??This is not physics,this is logics...

it is real easy, just take one of the books you have on QFT and look at the content table. There is nothing impossible to it.

Bull****,i'm not "whinning"... :-p I'm not an expert in QFT,but two

Please, try to stay polite. Don't be so insulted everytime you get corrected.

Conformal field theory (CFT) and Supersymmetric Field Theories (SUSY).
They have nothing to do with this. Don't dragg in extra posh-sounding-terms just to make a point. Again i say to you : stick to the tachyons and in this context i ask you : HOW DO THEY ARISE IN QFT. Explain in easy language with no difficult terms in it. If somebody is asking about this he won't be helped with your first post. That is my point, and the fact that it is WRONG.

Where did they come from?U(1),SU(2),SU(3),or SU(N) and its traceless matrices...?

The system is as follows : take a Lagrangian, check its global symmetry and then impose this global symmetry as a LOCAL symmetry. Due to the global symmetry, you will have a conserved quantity (theorem of Noether) that governs (well the corresponding conservation law) interactions between the fields arising from the local symmetry and the matter-fields. The given symmetry-groups therefore arise from local symmetries. That is what it is...That is the clue, that you don't seem to get.

Check out my journal for more info...

Bull****,it is essential,because it deals with the symmetries of the space-time your whole spontaneously breakable fields are embedded in...It's the fundamental symmetry.Everything is secondary...

What ? What is the fundamental symmetry ?
depending on what field theory you are working with, the global symmetry differs. So this concept of "fundamental" symmetry is even not possible. Really man ? :rolleyes:
What are you saying here ?

Please try to be more specific and be a little bit more mature...You are not perfect dexter, nobody is...

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  • #11
I'll be back in about 2 hours...I still think I'm right...Tachyons appear at the very beginning of studying QFT.In the study of particles,seen quanta of the fields...


EDIT:I know I'm not perfect.From time to time I'M JUST RIGHT...This is one of those rare ( :-p ) moments...
  • #12
dextercioby said:
Tachyons appear at the very beginning of studying QFT.In the study of particles,seen quanta of the fields...


Ofcourse they do. And particles are always quanta of fields. This is common knowledge. this was not what we were talking about...

  • #13
dextercioby said:
I'll be back in about 2 hours...I still think I'm right...Tachyons appear at the very beginning of studying QFT.In the study of particles,seen quanta of the fields...


EDIT:I know I'm not perfect.From time to time I'M JUST RIGHT...This is one of those rare ( :-p ) moments...

you are right about what ? What is your point ?

  • #14
The Poicaré-group is the ten-parameter-group that is composed out of Lorentz-transformations (6 parameters to describe them) and the four-parameter space-time-translations. this symmetry needs to be respected at all times in both classical and quantum field theories because is corresponds to the special relativity part of QFT. So they can never be broken because it would yield a result that is not compatible with QFT. This is the part where you are wrong. Tachyons are not-physical but that does not mean they are not inherent to QFT. They are ! this is a classical misconception that you made. There are several ways of eliminating non-physical degrees of freedom in QFT like the Gupta Bleuler theory, spontaneous breakdown of symmetry, Fadeev Poppov gohst particles and cutt-off renormalization techniques.

The symmetries at hand here are NOT inherent to the Poincaré-group. They define the field theory at hand. This is where you are wrong. For example : the local SU(2)-symmetry is totally different in nature and it is this symmetry that ,when broken, yields that mass of the intermediate vector bosons that mediate the weak interactions...This is the picture of QFT, nothing else


FAQ: Tachyon is said to travel faster than light

1. What is a tachyon?

A tachyon is a hypothetical particle that is said to travel faster than the speed of light. It was first proposed by physicist Gerald Feinberg in 1967.

2. How can something travel faster than light?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is the maximum speed at which anything can travel in the universe. However, tachyons are theoretical particles that are thought to have imaginary mass and therefore can travel faster than the speed of light.

3. Have tachyons been observed or proven to exist?

No, tachyons have not been observed or proven to exist. They are still a purely theoretical concept in the field of physics.

4. What are the implications of tachyons traveling faster than light?

If tachyons do exist and are able to travel faster than light, it would challenge our current understanding of the laws of physics. It could potentially open up new possibilities for time travel and communication across vast distances in the universe.

5. Can tachyons be used for practical applications?

At this time, there are no practical applications for tachyons since they have not been observed or proven to exist. However, further research and understanding of these particles could potentially lead to new technological advancements in the future.

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