Parallel Circuits: Resistance Decrease/Current Increase Explained

In summary, when adding more loads in parallel to a circuit, the resistance decreases and the current increases. This is because each new load creates a new path for the current to travel, reducing the overall resistance of the circuit. This can be explained mathematically using the formula RT=1/((1/R1)+(1/R2)+(1/R3)+...). Another way to understand this is by using the analogy of adding filters in parallel to allow more water to flow through.
  • #1
can anyone please explain to me, in terms of maths, physics and all other elements involved, why the resistance decreases/current increases in a parallel circuit as the amount of loads increase. i just need to have it in words that i can put on paper, i know the rough idea. thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
Everytime you add an additional load (in parallel), you create a new path for current to travel. Now the circuit is not limited by the value of resistance of the first pathway. It's been bypassed in a way limited by the resistance value of the second pathway. So, the total value of resistance for the entire circuit has been reduced. If you add another pathway, the overall resistance of the circuit will be reduced even further as a result of that new pathway.


If you reduce the amount of resistance in the circuit, you increase the amount of amps flowing through the entire circuit.

I = E/RT

Where I= Amps, E= Volts, and RT= Total Ohms

Hope this helps...
  • #3
To add to Metallicbeing's response:

Recall (or realize) that the resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area [of a cylindrical ohmic resistor]:

[tex]R=\frac{\rho \ell}{A}[/tex]

Adding a second resistor in parallel to the first effectively increases the cross-sectional area of the combination of resistors. Assuming an ideal constant voltage source across the first resistor [and other resistors in parallel with it], the current through the first resistor is unchanged. However, now there is an additional current through the second resistor.
  • #4
It's like bypass surgery.
  • #5
If you want to simplify it, think about this:

You have two kinds of filters:
A - light screen mesh, allows a high flow (10L/s)
B - thicker carbon filter, allows a low flow (1L/s)

You put A into a circuit, its allowing 10L/s to move through it. Now if you connect filter B parallel to A you're allowing an additional 1L/s through. A total of 11L/s.

Water analogies always help with simple electronics.

Difference in potential:

Flow rate:

restrictive orfice
  • #6
:biggrin: thanks guys, that's helped me a lot :biggrin:

FAQ: Parallel Circuits: Resistance Decrease/Current Increase Explained

1. How does resistance decrease in a parallel circuit?

In a parallel circuit, there are multiple paths for current to flow. This means that the total resistance of the circuit is reduced since the current is divided among the different paths. As a result, the resistance decreases.

2. Why does current increase in a parallel circuit?

As mentioned before, current is divided among the different paths in a parallel circuit. This means that each path carries a portion of the total current. Therefore, the total current in the circuit increases since it is divided among multiple paths.

3. How does the total resistance of a parallel circuit compare to the individual resistances?

The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always less than the individual resistances. This is because the current is divided among the different paths, resulting in a decrease in total resistance.

4. How does the total current in a parallel circuit compare to the individual branch currents?

The total current in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the individual branch currents. This is because the current is divided among the different paths, but the total current must still equal the sum of the individual currents.

5. What are some real-life examples of parallel circuits?

Parallel circuits are commonly found in household wiring, where multiple appliances are connected to the same electrical source. They are also used in Christmas lights, car headlights, and computer circuits.
