Troque calculations for a direct coupledmotor and ball screw

In summary, a direct coupled motor and ball screw system is a mechanical setup that uses a motor directly connected to a ball screw to convert rotary motion into linear motion. Torque calculation is crucial for these systems as it helps determine the amount of force that can be applied to the ball screw. To calculate torque, the force applied to the ball screw is multiplied by the distance from the point of application to the center of the ball screw, and then divided by the diameter of the ball screw. Several factors, such as motor size and speed, can affect torque calculations, and it's important to select the appropriate components for optimal performance.
  • #1
I know the formula T=F*D but having problems wrapping my head around this problem.
I want to direct couple a stepper motor with a .5"D shaft to a .75"D ballscrew.
The motor has 400 oz inch torque but since the motor shaft is .5"D or .25" radius How do I calculate the Torque at .25" radius? I would think the force at .25" would be greater than the torque at 2"D
In this case is the torque at .25 also the force F? Please provide the math in your answer.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Same torque. Difference in shaft radius does not matter.

FAQ: Troque calculations for a direct coupledmotor and ball screw

What is a direct coupled motor and ball screw?

A direct coupled motor and ball screw system is a mechanical setup that uses a motor directly connected to a ball screw to convert rotary motion into linear motion. This eliminates the need for additional mechanical components, such as gears or belts, and allows for precise control over the movement of the ball screw.

Why is torque calculation important for direct coupled motor and ball screw systems?

Torque calculation is important for direct coupled motor and ball screw systems because it helps determine the amount of force that can be applied to the ball screw to achieve the desired movement. This is crucial for ensuring the system can handle the necessary load and operate efficiently.

How is torque calculated for a direct coupled motor and ball screw?

Torque is calculated by multiplying the force applied to the ball screw by the distance from the point of application to the center of the ball screw. This is known as the torque arm. The result is then divided by the diameter of the ball screw to get the torque value.

What factors can affect torque calculations for direct coupled motor and ball screw systems?

Several factors can affect torque calculations, including the size and speed of the motor, the lead of the ball screw, the pitch of the ball screw, and the friction between the ball screw and the nut. It's important to consider all of these factors when calculating torque for a direct coupled motor and ball screw system.

How can torque calculations be optimized for direct coupled motor and ball screw systems?

To optimize torque calculations for direct coupled motor and ball screw systems, it's important to select the appropriate motor and ball screw for the specific application. This may involve considering factors such as the desired speed and load capacity, as well as the efficiency and accuracy of the system.
