Reversing: Properties of a continous Function.

In summary, to prove that f: R -> R is continuous for every a in R, you first need to show that f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y), which is easily done since f is continuous at 0. Next, you need to show that for all a in R, f(a+\epsilon) = f(a) + f(\epsilon). This is easily done since f(a+\epsilon) = f(a) + f(\epsilon) for all a in R. Finally, you can use the fact that f(a+\epsilon) = f(a) + f(\epsilon) to prove that
  • #1
I have read on some websites that if f: R -> R is continuous for every x in R, then f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) defines f as a linear function.


I am given:

Suppose f is continuous at 0, and that for all x, y in R, f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y).
 a) Show that f(0) = 0.
 b) Prove that f is continuous at every point a in R.

Solution for a)

f(0+0) = f(0) + f(0)
f(0) = 2f(0)
0 = 2f(0) - f(0)
0 = f(0)

I am confused as to how to go about with part b)? (note: this question was under the topc of limits and continuity.) So I was planning to use limits as part of the solution to part b).

Thanks in Advance :wink:

In fact, there are series of questions following this, that is in a similar format, but with f(x+y) = f(x)f(y). And once again, continuity of the function must be proved. If you guys can help me with the first one, I will try to do the second one by myself, but if there are any tips or tricks involved in the second proof, please hint me. Thank you.
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  • #2
The first thing I tend to do when I don't see a clear way to attack a problem is to write down definitions. Here, you're told that f is continuous at zero, and your goal is to prove that f is continuous at a for every real number a, so I would write down those definitions and see if any leads present themselves.

Sure, it doesn't sound like much, but you'd be amazed what you see when things are written on paper and not in your head. :smile:
  • #3
Here's one hint:
Since f is continuous in 0, what do you know about f's values close to 0?
  • #4

This might help.

Draw a graph of a function that satisfies the condition f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y). Is this this the only type of function that satisfies the condition? What could change and stil have f be linear?

Now use the definition that hurkyl told you to write down to make your graph discontinuous. Does the linearity condition on f still hold?
  • #5
I still can't seem to get there... I get the slightest idea, but I am struggling to present them as a hard copy proof.

Arildno: since f is c.t.s. at x = 0, f values close to 0 tend to x = 0. I just can't see where abouts to go with this fact. Can you extend this idea to me?

Jdavel/Hurkyl: I get the idea, but as I said I am having trouble with providing a hard copy proof. Any starters?

  • #6
Actually, I have came across this idea:

To prove, f: R -> R is c.t.s for every a in R,
I have to show:
[tex]\lim_{\substack{x\rightarrow a}} f(x) = f(a)[/tex]
re-writing this idea:
[tex]\lim_{\substack{x\rightarrow a}} f(x) = \lim_{\substack{a+\epsilon\rightarrow a}} f(a+\epsilon)[/tex]
that is:
[tex]\lim_{\substack{a+\epsilon\rightarrow a}} f(a+\epsilon) = \lim_{\substack{\epsilon\rightarrow 0}} f(a+\epsilon)[/tex]

But we know, that:
[tex]f(a+\epsilon) = f(a) + f(\epsilon)[/tex]
[tex]\lim_{\substack{\epsilon\rightarrow 0}} f(a+\epsilon) = \lim_{\substack{\epsilon\rightarrow 0}} (f(a) + f(\epsilon)) = f(a)[/tex]
As [tex]f(0) = 0[/tex] from Part a).

Can this be a correct proof?
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  • #7
Looks right to me!
  • #8
Thank you!

FAQ: Reversing: Properties of a continous Function.

1. What is a continuous function?

A continuous function is a mathematical function that has no sudden jumps or breaks in its graph. This means that as the input of the function changes, the output changes gradually without any interruptions.

2. How do you know if a function is continuous?

A function is continuous if it satisfies the three conditions of continuity: 1) the function is defined at the point in question, 2) the limit of the function as the input approaches the point is equal to the output at that point, and 3) the limit exists and is equal to the function value at every point in the function's domain.

3. What is the inverse of a continuous function?

The inverse of a continuous function is a function that "undoes" the original function. This means that the input and output of the inverse function are switched. For example, if the original function takes an input of 2 and outputs 4, the inverse function would take an input of 4 and output 2.

4. How do you reverse the properties of a continuous function?

To reverse the properties of a continuous function, you need to find its inverse function. This can be done by switching the input and output variables and solving for the new output variable. Then, you can apply the properties of the inverse function to the original function.

5. Why is it important to understand the properties of a continuous function?

Understanding the properties of a continuous function is important because it allows us to make predictions and solve problems in various fields such as physics, economics, and engineering. Continuous functions are used to model real-world phenomena and by understanding their properties, we can analyze and manipulate them to find solutions to complex problems.

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