What is the 'Push-Forward' Function f_{*}g?

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In summary, the "push-forward" is a mathematical operation that can only be applied to functions that are defined on a specific domain, and it is used to push an object (such as a function) forward to a different codomain. This is different from the "pullback" operation, which pulls an object back to a different domain. Functions are contravariant on their domain and covariant on their codomain, and the push-forward operation is useful in settings such as manifolds.
  • #1
"push-forward" ?

Can someone help me understand what this is, in as simple terms as possible?

If I have a function [tex]f: A\rightarrow B[/tex] and another one [tex]g:B\rightarrow C[/tex] I know the "pullback" [tex]f^{*}g: A\rightarrow C[/tex] is [tex]f^{*}g = g\circ f[/tex] (correct?)

But what about the push forward [tex]f_{*}g[/tex]? What is that?

Thanks for any help.
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  • #2

What is the context?

Anyways, I imagine you're just talking about functions acting on functions, in which case

f*(g) = g o f = g*(f)
  • #3

... said:
But what about the push forward [tex]f_{*}g[/tex]? What is that?
Firstly, g is defined on B, so you can't push it forward with f because f: A → B. You can only push things forward with f when they are defined on A, and then too only if they are covariant. Functions are contraviarant, so even if G was a function defined on A, you cannot push it forward with f.
  • #4

Thanks for your help guys...

Yes Hurkyl I'm just doing functions on functions.

dx I'm a little confused - if [tex]g_{*}f=g\circ f[/tex] as Hurkly says then we'd have f mapping A to B, then g mapping B to C ... wouldn't that be OK? Perhaps I'm missing something serious here :S ... could you give me a simple example?

Also what do you mean by covariant and contravariant?
  • #5

I'm not sure what Hurkyl meant, but g o f = f*g, not gf. Contravariant objects are things that can be pulled back, and covariant objects are things that can be pushed forward. As I said, functions are contravariant, so a function on B can be pulled back by f : A → B to give you a function on A: f*g = g o f.
  • #6

As I said, functions are contravariant, so a function on B
Functions are contravariant on their domain, but covariant on their codomain.

Well, that's somewhat of an abuse of language. More accurately, "the set of functions from X to Y" is a functor contravariant in the variable X and covariant in the variable Y.

If I denote it by Hom(X,Y), then:

For any function f:Y->Z, I have f*:Hom(X,Y)->Hom(X,Z) given by f*(g) = f o g

For any function f:W->X, I have f*:Hom(X,Y)->Hom(W,Y) given by f*(g) = g o f

For an example in the setting of manifolds, recall that for a manifold M, we define a "curve on M" to be a continuous function [0,1]->M. This is a case where we fix the domain and vary the codomain, so curves get pushed around covariantly: given any continuous function f:M->N and curve c on M, we have a pushforward curve f*(c) on N, given by f*(c) = f o c.

FAQ: What is the 'Push-Forward' Function f_{*}g?

1. What is the definition of the 'Push-Forward' function f_{*}g?

The push-forward function f_{*}g is a mathematical operation that maps a function g defined on a source space to a function on a target space, using a given transformation function f. It is also known as the push or push-forward map.

2. What is the purpose of using the 'Push-Forward' function f_{*}g?

The purpose of using the push-forward function f_{*}g is to transform functions defined on one space to functions on another space, using a given transformation function. This allows for the analysis and manipulation of functions in different spaces, making it a valuable tool in various fields of mathematics and science.

3. How is the 'Push-Forward' function f_{*}g denoted and expressed mathematically?

The push-forward function f_{*}g is denoted and expressed mathematically as f_{*}g(x) = g(f(x)), where g is a function defined on the source space and f is the transformation function that maps the source space to the target space.

4. In what situations is the 'Push-Forward' function f_{*}g commonly used?

The push-forward function f_{*}g is commonly used in differential geometry, topology, and other areas of mathematics where transformations play a crucial role. It is also used in physics and engineering to describe how quantities change under a given transformation.

5. What are the key properties of the 'Push-Forward' function f_{*}g?

The key properties of the push-forward function f_{*}g include linearity, composition, and preservation of structure. Linearity means that the function distributes over addition and scalar multiplication. Composition means that the push-forward of a composite function is equal to the composition of the push-forward functions. Preservation of structure means that the push-forward function preserves the structure of the original function, such as continuity and differentiability.

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