Could I get a tenure track faculty position at a small liberal arts college or

In summary, a PhD from Oakland University will not hold you back if you want a tenure track professorship somewhere.
  • #1
Gold Member
small engineering school? I currently attend Oakland University's PhD program. Formerly I was in a larger more well known PhD program but that didn't work out. I got sick and had to leave and decided to stay in my home state of Michigan for my PhD.

My dream is to become an excellent engineering educator. I don't much care for a research based professorship at a large university. Do you think a PhD from Oakland University will hold me back? Do I need to go to a more prestigious university for my PhD if I want a tenure track professorship somewhere?
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  • #2
Ask your adviser how many of his former students currently have tenure track positions at liberal arts schools. Ask your program how many students in the last decade or so ended up in tenure track positions at liberal arts schools. That should give you some ball-park idea of your odds.
  • #3
Actually I don't have an advisor yet. I have just been taking classes. Hopefully I will have an advisor by summer.

Anyways, it seems there are OU grads getting TT professorships at the small local universities (like U of Detroit)
  • #4
Also, I recall you were having trouble finding a post-PhD job. How has that bee going lately? Did you find something?
  • #5
Actually, I'd even be happy with a TT position at a community college.
  • #6
Four-year colleges often get hundreds of applications for each position. Don't think these jobs aren't competitive - in many ways they are as competitive as research universities. It's just that the criteria are different.

Community college do not have many tenure-track positions. Many (including the one nearest me) have adopted the model where most instruction is done by part-timers. The one nearest me has one tenured faculty in physics. He's the department chair, and its his job to hire the part-timers.
  • #7
Physics_UG said:
<snip> Do I need to go to a more prestigious university for my PhD if I want a tenure track professorship somewhere?

No. You *do* need a track record of success- both classroom instruction and scholarly output.

FWIW, freshout PhDs are rarely competitive- no record of teaching (lab TA doesn't count) and few publications (nobody is fooled by long lists of 5+ author papers with the candidate lost somewhere in the middle).
  • #8
Andy Resnick said:
No. You *do* need a track record of success- both classroom instruction and scholarly output.

FWIW, freshout PhDs are rarely competitive- no record of teaching (lab TA doesn't count) and few publications (nobody is fooled by long lists of 5+ author papers with the candidate lost somewhere in the middle).

well, I do expect to do some postdocs before getting a faculty position.
  • #9
Small liberal arts colleges and universities still get 200+ applications for their professor positions, and expect some research background. They want you to be able to do research with students. If you don't want to do research at all, you can try a community college, but they don't tend to hire many engineers, and they don't require a PhD (you might just want to stop at the masters).

FAQ: Could I get a tenure track faculty position at a small liberal arts college or

1. What qualifications do I need to be considered for a tenure track faculty position at a small liberal arts college?

To be considered for a tenure track faculty position at a small liberal arts college, you typically need a doctoral degree in your field, teaching experience, and a strong record of research and publication. Additionally, many colleges look for candidates who demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate teaching and a willingness to engage in service activities within the college community.

2. How competitive is the job market for tenure track positions at small liberal arts colleges?

The job market for tenure track positions at small liberal arts colleges can be quite competitive, as these types of institutions often receive a large number of qualified applicants for a limited number of positions. It is important to have a strong application and to be prepared for a rigorous interview process.

3. What is the expected teaching load for a tenure track faculty position at a small liberal arts college?

The teaching load for a tenure track faculty position at a small liberal arts college can vary, but it is typically higher than at larger universities. Most colleges expect faculty to teach between 3-4 courses per semester, with a mix of introductory and upper-level courses. Some colleges also require faculty to participate in teaching-related activities, such as advising and mentoring students.

4. What opportunities for research and professional development are available at small liberal arts colleges?

Despite the heavy teaching load, many small liberal arts colleges offer opportunities for research and professional development. These may include funding for conference travel, sabbatical leaves, and support for research projects. Many colleges also have active faculty development programs to help faculty improve their teaching skills and stay current in their field.

5. What is the tenure process like at small liberal arts colleges?

The tenure process at small liberal arts colleges can vary, but it typically involves a thorough evaluation of a faculty member's teaching, research, and service contributions. The process may also include peer evaluations, external reviews, and a vote by the faculty and administration. If granted tenure, faculty members typically have job security and the freedom to pursue their professional interests for the remainder of their career at the college.

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