Mass Energy Equivalence and Kinetic Energy

In summary, if a particle is moving through free space (no forces acting upon it), its kinetic energy should equal its mass energy equivalence. However, this approximation is only valid for low speeds. The total energy of a free particle is given by E = (\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}) mc^2.
  • #1
If a particle is moving through free space (no forces acting upon it) should its kinetic energy equal its mass energy equivalence or am I getting confused. In other words is an object's kinetic energy absorbed within its mass?

Is the following true?

[tex]E_{kinetic} = \frac{p^{2}}{2m} = mc^{2} = E_{mass}[/tex]
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  • #2
(1) For one thing, mc², where m is the invariant mass, is the rest energy of the particle.
(2) KE = p²/2m is only approximately valid when speeds are low enough.
(3) The total energy of a free particle is given by

[tex]E = (\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}) mc^2[/tex]

The KE energy is the total energy minus the rest energy:

[tex]KE = (\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}} - 1) mc^2[/tex]
  • #3

Yes, I realized I asked my question badly. So to clarify the total mass of the moving particle is equal to the initial mass-energy plus the kinetic energy so the kinetic energy could be thought of as being absorbed into the total mass of the moving particle.

  • #4
gareththegeek said:
So to clarify the total mass of the moving particle is equal to the initial mass-energy plus the kinetic energy so the kinetic energy could be thought of as being absorbed into the total mass of the moving particle.

If by 'total mass' you mean the so-called relativistic mass, then yes: The relativistic mass reflects the total energy of the particle.

But I think you're better off sticking with invariant mass and thinking in terms of rest mass energy plus kinetic energy.
  • #5
So has science determined if there is a concrete difference between mass and energy? If the "relativistic" mass were increased by kinetic energy on an atom rather than a particle then would that affect the internal balance of forces of the atom? Could it alter the orbital radius &c?

Thanks for the reply!
  • #6
gareththegeek said:
So has science determined if there is a concrete difference between mass and energy?
While there is certainly an equivalency between mass and energy, I wouldn't think of them as being the same thing.
If the "relativistic" mass were increased by kinetic energy on an atom rather than a particle then would that affect the internal balance of forces of the atom? Could it alter the orbital radius &c?
If I understand your question, it's equivalent to asking: If an atom is moving, will it have different characteristics than an atom at rest. As far as the moving atom is concerned, from its frame there is no difference.
  • #7
Granted, but if I observe the atom's state when it was stationary and again when it was moving, both times from my own stationary frame, would there be any difference?
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  • #8
gareththegeek said:
Granted, but if I observe the atom's state when it was stationary and again when it was moving, both times from my own stationary frame, would there be any difference?

You would observe that it's moving, and it has higher energy (kinetic). for low speeds you can approximate this extra energy as 2*E(k)=mv²

Explanation of mass with Tensors

10:00 onwards, it shows how the above os derived
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  • #9
So has science determined if there is a concrete difference between mass and energy?

While there is certainly an equivalency between mass and energy, I wouldn't think of them as being the same thing.

I definitely would however think of them as connected... or related...we strongly suspect the fource forces are all related; similarly relativity shows us energy and mass are related as are space and can read more about all these related to "phase transition" associated with the big bang...or "grand unification epoch"...
  • #10
gareththegeek said:
Granted, but if I observe the atom's state when it was stationary and again when it was moving, both times from my own stationary frame, would there be any difference?
Sure. Viewed semi-classically, the electrons would seem to be moving slower about the nucleus. The energy levels would be different.

All of this would conspire to support the relativistic time dilation and Doppler effects.

FAQ: Mass Energy Equivalence and Kinetic Energy

What is mass energy equivalence?

Mass energy equivalence is a concept in physics that states that there is an equivalence between the mass and energy of a system. This is described by Einstein's famous equation, E=mc², where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light. It means that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is dependent on the mass and speed of the object, and is calculated by the formula KE= 1/2mv², where m is the mass and v is the velocity of the object.

How are mass energy equivalence and kinetic energy related?

Mass energy equivalence and kinetic energy are related through the equation E=mc². This means that a moving object with mass also possesses energy, and this energy is equivalent to its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. This equation allows us to understand the relationship between mass and energy, and how they can be converted into each other.

Can mass be converted into kinetic energy?

Yes, mass can be converted into kinetic energy. This is seen in various processes such as nuclear reactions, where a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy. This process is described by Einstein's equation E=mc², which shows the relationship between mass and energy.

What is the significance of mass energy equivalence and kinetic energy?

The concept of mass energy equivalence and kinetic energy has significant implications in various fields of science, including nuclear physics, astronomy, and particle physics. It allows us to understand the relationship between mass and energy, and how they can be converted into each other. It also helps in the development of technologies such as nuclear power and medical imaging.

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