Linear Algebra - Identity matrices

In summary, the conversation is about finding a matrix B (2x2) that is not equal to the identity matrix I, but when squared, it equals I. The process involves finding values for the matrix's columns, B_1 and B_2, that satisfy a certain equation involving the elements a, b, c, and d. This can result in multiple solutions for B.
  • #1
I am having some difficulty with identity matrices in linear algebra at the moment. I am sure it is fairly simple to solve, but I just cannot follow the logic behind this particular problem.

I need to come up with a matrix B (2x2), such that B =/= I but B2 = I

I = (1 0)
    (0 1)

If I am attempting this correctly, I have to find a number that isn't 1, but if you square it, it equals 1. So I came up with this.
B = (-1 0)
    (0 -1)
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  • #2
Well? Have you tried it? What is
[tex]\left[\begin{array}{cc}-1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{cc}-1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1\end{array}\right][/tex]
  • #3
well, dang, i don't know how to type matirices in latex, so i'll just try to give some hints.

let the matrix [tex] B=[B_1,B_2][/tex] where [tex] B_1,B_2[/tex] are the columns of B, so

[tex] B_1=[a... b]^T, and, B_2=[c ... d]^T[/tex] now multiply [tex] BB=[BB_1 ... BB_2][/tex] now we want the following to hold

[tex]BB_1=e_1,BB_2=e_2[/tex] where [tex] I=[e_1 ... e_2][/tex], [tex]e_1=[1 ... 0]^T, e_2=[0 ... 1]^T[/tex]

now you will end up with some eq. involving in it a, b, c ,d so you can figure out the conditions that a, b, c, and d have to satisfy in order for BB=I. THis way you can find more than one such matrix.

I hope i was of any help

FAQ: Linear Algebra - Identity matrices

What is an identity matrix?

An identity matrix is a square matrix with 1s on the main diagonal and 0s everywhere else. It is denoted by the letter I or by writing out the word "identity" in subscript.

What is the purpose of an identity matrix?

The purpose of an identity matrix is to serve as the multiplicative identity element in matrix operations. Multiplying any matrix by an identity matrix will result in the original matrix.

How is an identity matrix represented mathematically?

An identity matrix is represented using a capital letter I or by writing out the word "identity" in subscript. For example, a 3x3 identity matrix would be written as I3.

How do you create an identity matrix?

To create an identity matrix, you start with a square matrix and replace all of the non-zero elements with 0s. The remaining elements on the main diagonal are then replaced with 1s.

What is the relationship between an identity matrix and other matrices?

The identity matrix has a unique relationship with other matrices. It is the only matrix that, when multiplied by any other matrix, will result in the original matrix. Additionally, the identity matrix is its own inverse, meaning that when multiplied by itself, it will result in the identity matrix.
