Exploring the Possibility of a Hollow Earth: Evidence and Theories

  • Thread starter eljose
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In summary, there is a vast amount of evidence and theories suggesting that the Earth is not hollow. The universal law of gravity and the transmission of P & S waves from earthquakes are just some examples of evidence that contradict the idea of a hollow Earth. Additionally, there is no reliable evidence to support the idea of mammoths living in the interior of the Earth. The website provided at the end does not seem to be a reliable source of information.
  • #1
Hollow earth?

could the Earth be hollow?...is there any physical evidence or law that can prove/disprove it?...thanks.
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
A huge preponderance of theory and evidence indicates it is not. I know of no reliable evidence to suggest why it is.
  • #3
Right :biggrin: Where else should Mammoths live?

Gardner thought that mammoths and other extinct creatures wandered freely in the interior of the earth

There must be several refutals :smile: How about the universal law of gravity for instance. Would that help?

FAQ: Exploring the Possibility of a Hollow Earth: Evidence and Theories

1. Is there any scientific evidence to support the theory of a hollow Earth?

There is currently no scientific evidence that conclusively proves the existence of a hollow Earth. Most of the evidence that has been presented is based on anecdotal stories, myths, and unverified claims.

2. What are some popular theories about the structure of a hollow Earth?

Some popular theories suggest that the Earth is hollow with openings at the poles, while others propose a more complex structure with inner layers and civilizations living within. Some even speculate that the Earth is completely hollow with a small, central sun.

3. How do scientists explain the existence of gravity in a hollow Earth?

The theory of gravity is based on the mass of an object and the distance between it and another object. In a hollow Earth, the mass would still exist, so gravity would still be present. However, the shape and size of the hollow Earth would greatly affect the strength and direction of the gravitational pull.

4. Are there any expeditions or explorations that have been conducted to find evidence of a hollow Earth?

There have been several expeditions and explorations in the past that claimed to have found evidence of a hollow Earth, but none have been able to provide concrete proof. Many of these expeditions have been criticized for their lack of scientific rigor and reliability.

5. What are the potential implications if a hollow Earth is proven to exist?

If a hollow Earth is proven to exist, it would completely change our understanding of the Earth's structure and potentially open up new avenues for scientific exploration. It could also have significant cultural and societal implications, as it would challenge long-held beliefs and myths about the Earth's origins and purpose.
