What is the best book on cosmology for all levels of knowledge?

In summary, for beginners, it is recommended to check out Andrew Liddle's "An Introduction to Modern Cosmology" or Simon Singh's "Big Bang" for a comprehensive overview of the subject. For intermediate readers, Ta-Pei Cheng's "Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology" may be a good choice. Advanced readers can try books like Scott Dodelson's "Modern Cosmology" or Steven Weinberg's "Cosmology" for more in-depth understanding. Some other recommended titles include "The Early Universe" by Kolb and Turner, "The Primordial Density Perturbation" by Liddle and Lyth, and "Bayesian Methods in Cosmology" by Hobson, Liddle et
  • #1
I would be thankful to you, if you tell me which book do you consider to be best, on the subject of cosmology, for:

1. Begineers
2. Intermediates
3. Advanced

Thanks in advanced.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I can only speak for beginners:

1. Go to your book store, I good one with a good selection, and look for the big black book that has a lot of high quality photo pages of nebulas and other great things. It's kind of a visual (and textual) encyclopedia on the various occurances at different levels of magnification. It's a visual orgasm, or perhaps multiple visual orgasms. But not a cheap thrill mind you as it's a bit expensive.
  • #3
I don't know if it will still help you after so many months on your original post. Anyway, assuming you are a physics student and want the real deal, try these ones:

Beginner: An Introduction to Modern Cosmology, Andrew Liddle

Intermediate: Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology: A Basic Introduction, Ta-Pei Cheng

Advanced: The next three cover all of the "core" of cosmology in a no nonsense fashion, I indicate what I find its particular strength:

Modern Cosmology by Scott Dodelson (want to calculate something in the cmb? some linear perturbation? it is surely here)

Physical Foundations of Cosmology by Viatcheslav Mukhanov (perturbation theory from the man that developed it)

Cosmology by Steven Weinberg (the ultimate reference on the topic of cosmology, period).

For the "grand view" I believe The Early Universe by Kolb and Turner is still excellent despite its age.

Very focused:

The Primordial Density Perturbation: Cosmology, Inflation and the Origin of Structure by Liddle and Lyth.

Elements of String Cosmology by Maurizio Gasperini.

These two ones are obviously for aspiring theoreticians in early universe. What if you are more about Large Scale Structure, then try

Galaxy Formation and Evolution by Houjun Mo, Frank van den Bosch and Simon White.

If you are more into the data analysis of tons of data using modern methods then go for

Bayesian Methods in Cosmology by Hobson, Liddle et al.

Hope it helped.
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Likes Goldman clarck, FourEyedRaven and jamalkoiyess
  • #4
good info for me. Any authors too look for/ stay away from?

My local library has a pretty short selection in space stuff
  • #5
My favorite is Big Bang, by Simon Singh. It is a beginner's introduction to the history of cosmology from ancient times to today, covering most all cosmological views of the universe from ancient times up to and including the battle between the Big Bang and Steady State theories. Singh is a fabulous storyteller. He makes the subject extremely compelling.
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FAQ: What is the best book on cosmology for all levels of knowledge?

1. What are the best books on cosmology for beginners?

Some of the best books on cosmology for beginners include "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking, "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan, and "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene. These books provide an introduction to the basic concepts of cosmology in an accessible and engaging way.

2. Can you recommend any books on cosmology that delve into more advanced topics?

For those looking to dive deeper into the study of cosmology, some recommended books include "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene, "The First Three Minutes" by Steven Weinberg, and "The Inflationary Universe" by Alan Guth. These books explore complex topics such as general relativity, quantum mechanics, and the origins of the universe.

3. Are there any books on cosmology that focus specifically on the Big Bang theory?

Yes, there are several books that focus specifically on the Big Bang theory, such as "The Big Bang: A Very Short Introduction" by Simon Singh, "The Big Bang Never Happened" by Eric Lerner, and "The Big Bang: A History of the Universe" by Joseph Silk. These books examine the evidence and theories surrounding the origins of the universe.

4. Are there any books on cosmology that include both scientific explanations and philosophical discussions?

For a more holistic approach to cosmology, some books that combine scientific explanations with philosophical discussions include "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking, "The Hidden Reality" by Brian Greene, and "The End of Time" by Julian Barbour. These books explore the scientific concepts of cosmology while also delving into the philosophical implications and questions they raise.

5. Are there any books on cosmology that are written by female authors?

Yes, there are many books on cosmology written by female authors, including "The Universe Within" by Neil deGrasse Tyson and Avis Lang, "The Cosmic Cocktail" by Katherine Freese, and "Lost in Math" by Sabine Hossenfelder. These books offer unique perspectives and insights into the field of cosmology from female scientists.

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