Arduino Sine Wave: Piezo Buzzer Possible?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using an Arduino to produce a sine wave to a piezoelectric buzzer. Some piezo buzzers only require a DC input and the specs of the buzzer will determine the necessary setup. One suggestion is to use an R-2R ladder DAC arrangement with a look-up table in the Arduino and possibly a buffer with an opamp. The speaker's specified frequency may not match the actual produced tone. A datasheet may provide more information. A tutorial for producing tones with an Arduino is also mentioned as a possible solution.
  • #1
Is it possible for an Arduino to produce a sine wave to a piezoelectric buzzer?
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  • #2
elevfan7072 said:
Is it possible for an Arduino to produce a sine wave to a piezoelectric buzzer?

Some piezo buzzers only need a DC input. What are the specs of your piezo buzzer?

You could use an R-2R ladder DAC arrangement, connected to some of the uC's IO lines. Then use a look-up table in the uC to drive a sine wave out the DAC. You may need to buffer that DAC output with an opamp to drive the buzzer, depending on the current required.
  • #3
berkeman said:
Some piezo buzzers only need a DC input. What are the specs of your piezo buzzer?

You could use an R-2R ladder DAC arrangement, connected to some of the uC's IO lines. Then use a look-up table in the uC to drive a sine wave out the DAC. You may need to buffer that DAC output with an opamp to drive the buzzer, depending on the current required.

I don't have one yet. When it says (?? hz), does that mean what it's capable of, and not what it actually produces?
  • #4
elevfan7072 said:
I don't have one yet. When it says (?? hz), does that mean what it's capable of, and not what it actually produces?

Can you post a datasheet that you are looking at?

I'm guessing that you put a DC voltage across it, and it produces a tone of that specified frequency (probably with some harmonics too...).
  • #5
A little late but are you you looking for something like this?

FAQ: Arduino Sine Wave: Piezo Buzzer Possible?

1. What is a sine wave in Arduino?

A sine wave in Arduino is a type of waveform that represents a smooth, repetitive oscillation. It is commonly used to generate sound signals through a piezo buzzer.

2. How can I generate a sine wave using Arduino?

To generate a sine wave using Arduino, you will need to use a function called "tone()". This function takes in two parameters - the pin number and the frequency of the wave - and outputs a sine wave through the specified pin.

3. Can I adjust the frequency of the sine wave on Arduino?

Yes, you can adjust the frequency of the sine wave on Arduino by changing the second parameter in the "tone()" function. The frequency can range from 31 Hz to 65535 Hz, allowing for a wide range of possible tones.

4. What is a piezo buzzer and how does it work with Arduino?

A piezo buzzer is a type of electronic component that produces sound waves when an electrical signal is applied to it. In Arduino, the piezo buzzer is connected to a digital pin and can be controlled to produce different frequencies and tones.

5. Are there any limitations to generating a sine wave with Arduino and a piezo buzzer?

Yes, there are some limitations to generating a sine wave with Arduino and a piezo buzzer. The main limitation is that the piezo buzzer can only produce simple tones and cannot generate complex sounds like music. Additionally, the frequency range may be limited depending on the specific piezo buzzer being used.
