Transforming humans into animals via genetic engineering?

In summary, I think it will be possible to tinker with the genetic code and see what comes out, although the international law will forbid such activities.
  • #1
In the future, will it be possible for humans to transform into other animals via genetic engineering?
Biology news on
  • #2
Humans are animals too... But it will be possible to tinker with the genetic code and seeing what comes out. Although the international law will forbid such activities.
  • #3
waht said:
Humans are animals too... But it will be possible to tinker with the genetic code and seeing what comes out. Although the international law will forbid such activities.

Well, it does now. Who knows what it will allow in 100 years. If someone wants to become a deer, and can pay the bill to do so, who are we to stop him? I think things will go the same way as SRS.
  • #4
Hmmm... I think the previous 2 responses simplify this question way too much. Even after we develop abilities to genetically engineer humans, say like from the movie Gattaca, we still will probably be light years away from understanding the mind and indentity.

For a person to understand what and who they are is quite a remarkable feature that isn't really understood all that well. It's one thing for us to engineer an animal with human body parts, it's an entirely different thing for us to 'assign' to this animal an identity, specifically one which we have chosen for it. This is the only plausible way I can see this occurring, if we 'create' an animal which has at the least a human like brain (based on the assumption that most of identity comes from the brain) and we some how give it the identity of a person who wants to live life as said animal.

Before this to occur however we will need to understand cloning and identity problems perfectly.
What does it mean to say I am Kevin? What does it mean to say I am human? I'm talking about the what does the "I" mean period.

The other method which I belief the previous posters have in mind is simply 'transforming' a human into another animal... This will never be possible outside of fictional novels dealing with werewolves and 'animagus'.

FAQ: Transforming humans into animals via genetic engineering?

1. Can humans be genetically engineered to turn into animals?

Yes, scientists have the capability to manipulate the genetic makeup of humans through genetic engineering techniques. This includes altering genes that determine physical characteristics such as body structure and appearance, which could potentially result in a transformation into an animal-like form.

2. Is it ethical to transform humans into animals through genetic engineering?

This is a highly debated topic and raises many ethical concerns. Some argue that it goes against the natural order of things and could potentially cause harm to the individual undergoing the transformation. Others argue that it could have potential benefits, such as helping individuals with certain medical conditions. Ultimately, the ethical implications of such technology must be carefully considered and regulated.

3. What animals could humans potentially be transformed into?

The possibilities are endless and would depend on the specific genetic alterations made. It could range from small changes, such as adding animal-like features, to more drastic transformations into a specific animal species. However, it is important to note that transforming humans into animals is currently only a theoretical concept and has not been achieved in reality.

4. Are there any risks associated with transforming humans into animals?

As with any genetic engineering technology, there are potential risks that must be considered. These could include unintended consequences and negative effects on the individual's health and well-being. It is crucial for thorough testing and regulation to be in place before any human trials are conducted.

5. How close are we to being able to transform humans into animals through genetic engineering?

While there have been advancements in genetic engineering technology, the concept of transforming humans into animals is still purely theoretical and has not been achieved in reality. There are still numerous scientific and ethical considerations that must be addressed before this technology could potentially become a reality.

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