Can X_n Converge to X in Probability if it Doesn't Meet Definitions 2 or 3?

In summary, the first three definitions provided are: (1) the limit of the probability of X_n being outside a certain range goes to 0 as n approaches infinity, (2) the limit of the probability of X_n converging to X is 1, and (3) the limit of the expected value of the squared difference between X_n and X goes to 0 as n approaches infinity. An example that does not satisfy (1) and (3) is X_n=1/ln(n). An example that does not satisfy (1) and (2) is X_n=1 on [0,1], 0 otherwise.
  • #1
First 3 definitions:
\left( 1 \right)\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } P\left( {\left| {X_n - X} \right| > \varepsilon } \right) = 0 \\
\left( 2 \right)P\left( {\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } X_n = X} \right) = 1 \\
\left( 3 \right)\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } E\left[ {\left( {X_n - X} \right)^2 } \right] = 0 \\

I need to find:
a. an example that (1) does not give (3).
b. an example that (1) does not give (2).
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  • #2
Your stuff seems quite hard...I don't know where to begin...are you sure there are no things like 2=>1, or other logical implications ??

Have you tried some series like : X_n=1/ln(n) ?
  • #3
let X_1 =1 on [0,1]
let X_2=1 on [0,1/2] , 0 otherwise
let x_3=1 on [1/2,1] , 0 ow
let x_4=1 on[0,1/3] ,0 ow
let x_5=1 on [1/3,2/3] , 0 ow

can you show that X_n converges in probability (1)
but x_n does not converge a.s. (2)
  • #4
Hm..Zone Ranger interpreted the x_n as functions...I took them as numbers.

If X_n are functions, then it's easy to find what you want:

Let X_n be functions over [0;1], with

X_n(x)=g(n) if x in [0;1/n], 0 otherwise, with a stricly increasing function g(n)


1) P(|X_n|>e)<=1/n, hence the limit gives 0
b: 2) X_n does not tend towards the 0 function, since X_n(0)>0 forall n
a: E(X_n^2)=g(n)^2/ choose g(n)=Sqrt(n) get

limit n->infty E((X_n-0)^2)=1

But if the X_n are numbers, I don't know how to solve this...

Thanks to Zone Ranger.
  • #5
kleinwolf said:
Hm..Zone Ranger interpreted the x_n as functions...I took them as numbers.

the X_n have to be random variables (measurable functions).

kleinwolf said:
Let X_n be functions over [0;1], with

X_n(x)=g(n) if x in [0;1/n], 0 otherwise, with a stricly increasing function g(n)


1) P(|X_n|>e)<=1/n, hence the limit gives 0
b: 2) X_n does not tend towards the 0 function, since X_n(0)>0 forall n
a: E(X_n^2)=g(n)^2/ choose g(n)=Sqrt(n) get

limit n->infty E((X_n-0)^2)=1

you are correct that for your choice of X_n, X_n(0)>0. but still X_n->0 a.s.
so with your X_n (2) still holds.
  • #6
Assuming the X_n's do not have be a random sample from X, then you could define the RV's as discrete, each taking on a value with probability 1 and all other values with probability 0. It's easy to set up examples that way.
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  • #7
I don't know what u mean with a.s. (maybe converges uniformly ?)
  • #9
I'm sorry for not answering sooner, but after 10 days and no answer I thought no one was interested. :smile:

I know that (2) gives (1) and also (3) gives (1), these two are not hard to prove.
I'm going to try your suggestions now.
  • #10
Zone Ranger said:
let X_1 =1 on [0,1]
let X_2=1 on [0,1/2] , 0 otherwise
let x_3=1 on [1/2,1] , 0 ow
let x_4=1 on[0,1/3] ,0 ow
let x_5=1 on [1/3,2/3] , 0 ow
Taking this example, if I understand correctly, X_n does not converge almost surely (2) since it does not converge to a single value but rather keeps dividing the interval [0,1] into halfs, and "jumps back and forth" within the interval.
X_n does not converge in mean square to X (3) because of the same reason, namely the expected value of [tex](X_n-X)^2[/tex] kepps changing as [tex]{n \to \infty }[/tex].
However, I don't know how to show that X_n converges in probability.
  • #11
Zaare said:
Taking this example, if I understand correctly, X_n does not converge almost surely (2) since it does not converge to a single value but rather keeps dividing the interval [0,1] into halfs, and "jumps back and forth" within the interval.
X_n does not converge in mean square to X (3) because of the same reason, namely the expected value of [tex](X_n-X)^2[/tex] kepps changing as [tex]{n \to \infty }[/tex].
However, I don't know how to show that X_n converges in probability.

[tex]X_n[/tex] does converge in mean square to X (X=0)

the expected value of [tex](X_n-X)^2[/tex] goes to 0 as [tex]{n \to \infty }[/tex].

FAQ: Can X_n Converge to X in Probability if it Doesn't Meet Definitions 2 or 3?

1. What is the limit definition for a given function?

The limit definition for a function f(x) as x approaches a number c is the value that f(x) gets closer to as x gets closer to c. It is denoted by the notation lim x→c f(x).

2. How do you determine the limit of a function?

To determine the limit of a function, you can use the limit definition and plug in values of x that are getting closer and closer to the given number c. If the function approaches a specific value as x gets closer to c, then that value is the limit of the function.

3. Can you provide an example of a limit definition?

One example of a limit definition is the limit of the function f(x) = x^2 as x approaches the number 3. The limit definition in this case would be lim x→3 x^2 = 9.

4. What is the difference between a left-sided limit and a right-sided limit?

A left-sided limit is the value that a function approaches as x gets closer to a number c from the left side (x < c). A right-sided limit is the value that a function approaches as x gets closer to c from the right side (x > c).

5. How do you calculate the limit of a piecewise function?

To calculate the limit of a piecewise function, you must evaluate each piece separately and then check if the limits from the left and right sides are equal. If they are equal, then that value is the limit of the piecewise function. If they are not equal, then the limit does not exist.
