Request for 'Thanks' Feature on Forum

  • Thread starter MartinJH
  • Start date
In summary: It would be nice to have a way to show appreciation without interrupting the discussion. It's been suggested before but it's up to the site administrators to implement it.In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of adding a "Thanks" button to the forum for users to show appreciation without interrupting the discussion. Some are in favor of this feature, while others point out potential issues with abuse and the already existing "rate thread" system. It is ultimately up to the site administrators to decide whether or not to implement this feature.
  • #1
Some people on here post some great threads/responces which are usually very helpful.

Before I start id like to add that I understand I am new here and haven't really got the 'right' to ask for forum improvements, especially not having contributed to the site(yet), but to show gratitude for a great post is it possible to add a 'Thanks' button that appears under each post.
This feature is available on another forum I used (rcheliaddicts)

For me, sometimes I feel id like to show my appretiation but without having to post and this is a good solution.

I apologise if this has been covered already.

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  • #3
:eek:haha then I apologise and withdraw my post. I should of searched but was far to lazy at the time. Please delete the thread mods.:blushing:
  • #4
It's a nice sounding feature, but people currently struggle to read the dates of posts they are replying to (leading to necroposting) so the chances of people taking note are slim to none.

There's nothing wrong with a good old "thanks" anyway.

I also feel there's potential for abuse.
  • #5
JaredJames said:
There's nothing wrong with a good old "thanks" anyway.

Thats true :). I thought a 'thanks' in the middle of some discussion would be irritating for some but never mind :).
  • #6
That's what I thought. There is a rate system for a thread when you reply.
So if you need your "LIKE" button, there it is.

Rate Thread
If you like, you can add a score for this thread.
  • #7
MartinJH said:
For me, sometimes I feel id like to show my appretiation...

I think you just did.

When it gets down to it, there's just too many thanks to be given. At least for me anyway.
  • #8
dlgoff said:
I think you just did.

When it gets down to it, there's just too many thanks to be given. At least for me anyway.

OK I will stop thanking you so much. But is your avatar a picture of a cow or a half mouse half skunk. :smile:
  • #9
Lacy33 said:
OK I will stop thanking you so much. But is your avatar a picture of a cow or a half mouse half skunk. :smile:
  • #10
MartinJH said:
Thats true :). I thought a 'thanks' in the middle of some discussion would be irritating for some but never mind :).
You can post a thank you message on a member's profile page, or as a private message.
  • #11
Redbelly98 said:
You can post a thank you message on a member's profile page, or as a private message.

mmm that's a good point.

FAQ: Request for 'Thanks' Feature on Forum

What is the "Thanks" feature on a forum?

The "Thanks" feature on a forum allows users to express their gratitude or appreciation for a specific post or comment by clicking a button or icon.

Why do people want a "Thanks" feature on a forum?

People want a "Thanks" feature on a forum because it allows them to easily acknowledge and show their appreciation for helpful or insightful posts or comments. It also encourages positive interactions and can help build a stronger sense of community within the forum.

How does a "Thanks" feature benefit the forum?

A "Thanks" feature can benefit a forum by fostering a positive and supportive environment, increasing user engagement and activity, and providing valuable feedback to the original poster. It can also help moderators and admins identify and highlight helpful or valuable contributors to the forum.

Are there any potential drawbacks to having a "Thanks" feature on a forum?

One potential drawback is that the "Thanks" feature may be overused or misused, leading to a flood of meaningless acknowledgments. It may also create a sense of competition among users to receive the most "Thanks", which could negatively impact the quality of posts and comments.

Can the "Thanks" feature be customized or modified?

Yes, the "Thanks" feature can be customized or modified to suit the specific needs and preferences of the forum. This could include limiting the number of "Thanks" a user can give in a certain time period, adding a comment feature to the "Thanks", or even replacing it with a different type of acknowledgement, such as a "Like" or "Upvote".

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