What Is the Difference Between β (hFE) and βmax?

  • Thread starter liquidFuzz
  • Start date
In summary, β is a range of numbers that is not constant for a given transistor, and it increases with larger collector currents.
  • #1

I'm tinkering with a circuit for an amplifier and have a question about entities. What's is the difference between β (hFE) and βmax?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Even if you just have full bucket of transistors of the same type (2N2222). Each of them will have a slightly different beta. So the BJT vendors in data sheet tell as that in our bucket we will find transistors with beta value between Hfe_min and Hfe_max. But most of our transistors will have a typical value of beta also given in the datasheet.
And when we design the amplifier circuit we always pick Hfe_min form datasheet.
  • #3
Ok... How would I interpret these different betas?
  • #4
liquidFuzz said:
Ok... How would I interpret these different betas?

Do you understand what Beta IS? Min and max are just the highest and lowest expected values for a given type of transistor. If you don't know what the beta of a transistor is, then look it up.
  • #5
I don't understand your question?
Transistor beta (Hfe) is not constant and datasheet for every transistor part number gives a range for Hfe, also every transistor has its own unique Hfe value. The Hfe is a range of numbers because they cannot make transistors accurately. Also the Hfe changes when the collector current is changed and the hfe changes when the temperature changes.
  • #6
Sry, I forgot to think before I posted the last one.
  • #7
is it true you can only use h-parameters for dc analysis? I know ebers-mole is their but I don't know calculus.
  • #8
thankz said:
is it true you can only use h-parameters for dc analysis? I know ebers-mole is their but I don't know calculus.
Here is a good place to learn Transistor Operation without needing calculus; just a little algebra instead.

The value of β is not highly dependable since it depends on IC, VCE and the temperature.


The proportionality β can take values in the range 20 to 200 and is not a constant even for a given transistor. It increases for larger emitter currents because the larger number of electrons injected into the base exceeds the available holes for recombination so the fraction which recombine to produce base current delines even further.

So you see, β gives you a ball-park current gain which can be helpful to obtain ball-part circuit design results.
  • #9
thankz said:
is it true you can only use h-parameters for dc analysis? I know ebers-mole is their but I don't know calculus.
No, you cannot use a small signal h-parameters for DC analysis. You can use h-parameter only for small-signal analysis. For DC analysis all we need is to use both of Kirchhoff's law and Ohm's law.
  • #10
dlgoff said:
So you see, β gives you a ball-park current gain which can be helpful to obtain ball-part circuit design results.

You should always only use ball-park values to design transistor circuits. Any design that depends on an accurate value of any specific transistor parameter is a bad design.
  • #11
analogdesign said:
You should always only use ball-park values to design transistor circuits. Any design that depends on an accurate value of any specific transistor parameter is a bad design.
:thumbs: That ain't no lie.

FAQ: What Is the Difference Between β (hFE) and βmax?

1. What is the meaning of β (hFE)?

β (hFE) is a measure of the current gain of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). It represents the ratio of the collector current (IC) to the base current (IB) at a specific operating point.

2. What is βmax?

βmax is the maximum current gain of a BJT. It is the highest value that β (hFE) can reach under ideal conditions, such as at low frequencies and low temperatures.

3. How are β (hFE) and βmax related?

β (hFE) and βmax are related by the equation β (hFE) = βmax / (1 + βmax). This means that β (hFE) is always less than βmax, and the difference between the two values increases as βmax increases.

4. Why is βmax important?

βmax is important because it gives an indication of the maximum current amplification that can be achieved with a BJT. It is also used in transistor design and characterization, and can affect the stability and performance of a circuit.

5. How does βmax vary between different transistors?

βmax can vary greatly between different transistors, even within the same type or model. This is due to variations in manufacturing processes, materials, and other factors. It is important to consult the datasheet for a specific transistor to determine its βmax value.
