How Many M&Ms Fill a 30x12x18 Fish Tank?

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary, to fill a 3 foot by 1 foot by 1 foot tank with 100 M&M's, you would need 8294.4 thousand bags.
  • #71
The candies were named for "Mars & Murrie" (Mars' business partner was Bruce Murrie, son of rival Milton S. Hershey's partner William Murrie.)
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  • #72
Monique said:
Why are M&Ms called M&Ms?

each small chocolate candy has a tiny white M painted on its candy coated shell. when you have two candies, you have an M and another M. together we refer to them as M&M's.
  • #73
Gale said:
each small chocolate candy has a tiny white M painted on its candy coated shell. when you have two candies, you have an M and another M. together we refer to them as M&M's.

If I lick all the M's off does that mean they are no longer M&M's?:rolleyes:
  • #74
DocToxyn said:
If I lick all the M's off does that mean they are no longer M&M's?:rolleyes:
Aaagh, DT's new avatar scared me. :frown:
  • #75
Evo said:
Aaagh, DT's new avatar scared me. :frown:

Sorry Evo, maybe I can dig up that cobra I used once before...:smile:
  • #76
DocToxyn said:
If I lick all the M's off does that mean they are no longer M&M's?:rolleyes:

philosophical questions belong in the philosophy section! DUH. if you're worried about your M&M's ceasing to exist, just don't lick off the m's silly!

side note: as trib pointed out, the M&M people have apparently been hiring illiterate workers to paint on the M's. while their effort to employ undereducated people is noble, its not very practical, and the company has been struggling for the last few years as ginormous numbers of "M&M's" have been misprinted as "W&W's", which just isn't as fun to say. These "W&W's" have recently caused a decline in the consumption of of actual M&M's. while many support the illiterates' rights in the job market, the M&M corporation is still expected to produce quality products, and the "W" defect is just unacceptable.
  • #77
Gale said:
philosophical questions belong in the philosophy section! DUH. if you're worried about your M&M's ceasing to exist, just don't lick off the m's silly!

side note: as trib pointed out, the M&M people have apparently been hiring illiterate workers to paint on the M's. while their effort to employ undereducated people is noble, its not very practical, and the company has been struggling for the last few years as ginormous numbers of "M&M's" have been misprinted as "W&W's", which just isn't as fun to say. These "W&W's" have recently caused a decline in the consumption of of actual M&M's. while many support the illiterates' rights in the job market, the M&M corporation is still expected to produce quality products, and the "W" defect is just unacceptable.
I just eat the mistakes. :biggrin:

DocToxyn, what is your avatar? I'm trying to figure it out. There's a bicycle, but I can't figure out what is riding the bicycle or which way it's going!
  • #78
Moonbear said:
I just eat the mistakes. :biggrin:

DocToxyn, what is your avatar? I'm trying to figure it out. There's a bicycle, but I can't figure out what is riding the bicycle or which way it's going!

its a brain with sun glasses and sharp teeth going north.
  • #79
Gale said:
its a brain with sun glasses and sharp teeth going north.
Aha! Now I see it. The sunglasses threw me off...I didn't see them as sunglasses, but thought it was empty space, like where a neck should be or something.
  • #80
uhhh, I'm not sure if I'm right though. awell. you know what though, I'm looking mighty sexy right now. just thought i'd share.
  • #81
Gale said:
its a brain with sun glasses and sharp teeth going north.

Ding-Ding-Ding! Well...all but the sharp teeth. C'mon Moonbear, haven't you ever seen a brain on a bike before, jeez!
  • #82
DocToxyn said:
Ding-Ding-Ding! Well...all but the sharp teeth. C'mon Moonbear, haven't you ever seen a brain on a bike before, jeez!
Yeah, but they aren't usually wearing sunglasses. :biggrin: I'm not seeing straight anyway. I've spent most of the last two weeks mounting brain sections on slides...everything looks like brains except a brain apparently. :bugeye: Plus, I was going through withdrawal with PF being down so much for the server migration, I think I was starting to hallucinate!

So, how do you know the brain is heading north? It looks like it's heading south to me. :biggrin: :smile:
  • #83
no no, he's definately going to my right, which is north. gawd. people are asking silly questions today...
  • #84
Gale said:
no no, he's definately going to my right, which is north. gawd. people are asking silly questions today...
No, it's my right! And that was south before, but, wait, I think it's northeast now. (I'm on my laptop.) He's a fast pedaler I guess. :biggrin:
  • #85
I like M&M's.