Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity

In summary, the equation for the electric field intensity adjacent to the tip of an electrode in a point-plane geometry surrounded by a dielectric medium is 2V/[r ln(4d/r)]. The exact origin of this equation is unknown as it is not referenced in the papers that mention it. The importance of the tip radius in determining the field intensity is highlighted, as well as the difficulty in deriving this equation. Some attempts at deriving it have been made, but the exact rationale is still unclear. The similarity of this equation to the fields around a wire of radius r parallel to a ground plane and a conducting sphere above the plane is noted, but the exact connection is unknown.
  • #1
Hi folks. I have read in several papers that the electric field intensity adjacent to the very tip of an electrode (the "point" in a point-plane geometry) surrounded by a dielectric medium is given by

2V / [r ln(4d/r)]

where r is the tip radius, d is the point-plane spacing, and V is the applied voltage. The papers I have read do not give a reference for this equation, however. Does anyone know where this equation comes from? I have thought about different ways one might derive this, but my models are lacking in their use of the electrode radius "r". The undergraduate and graduate textbooks I have available do not address this particular problem.

Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help me here !

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  • #2
That's kind of weird, why would you need a radius of a fine point tip? If it's a tip then you could assume it's just a point with 0 radius, but obviously that's not the case, so unless there is a trick but I don't see one right now, other than to use nasty double or triple integrals in polar coordinates. Or solve the laplace equation, but the boundary conditions would kill you.

I will try and look into it more.
  • #3
Thanks so much. I know, having done endurance testing on polyethylene with embedded needles, that the tip radius is the most important factor in knowing the highest field intensity. I suppose this is because the smaller the radius, the more divergent the field, thus the higher the field intensity in the dielectric right next to the metal tip. We measure the tip radius of etched electrode needles before we insert them into molten polyethylene, then cool it to room temperature for testing. I just don't know how the many authors who make use of this relationship arrived at it. I would like to include the rationale - if not the entire derivation, which may be a bit long - in my dissertation.

Again, many many thanks for any help you can provide !

  • #4
Not sure if this helps much, but the form of your solution is very similar to the fields around a wire of radius r parallel to a ground plane a distance d away. If the potential separating the wire and the plane is V, you get that the E-field at the wire is approximately:

E = V/(r*ln(2d/r)).

When I do it with a conducting sphere above the plane, I get

E = 2d*V/(r*(2d-r)),

however, which does not have the same form...
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  • #5
I agree, the logarithm must come from the circular tip shape somehow. Hmmmm...not sure what to think at this point.

Thanks for looking into it for me !

FAQ: Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity

1. What is Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity?

Point-plane electric field intensity is a measure of the strength of an electric field near a point charge or at a point in space. It is defined as the force per unit charge that a test charge would experience at that point.

2. How is Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity calculated?

The electric field intensity at a point is calculated by dividing the force on a test charge by the magnitude of the test charge. This can be written as E = F/q, where E is the electric field intensity, F is the force, and q is the magnitude of the test charge.

3. What factors affect the Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity?

The electric field intensity at a point is affected by the magnitude and distance of the point charge, as well as the medium in which the point charge and test charge are located. It is also affected by the presence of other nearby charges and the geometry of the system.

4. What are the units of Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity?

The SI unit of electric field intensity is newtons per coulomb (N/C). However, it can also be expressed in volts per meter (V/m) in the context of potential difference.

5. How is Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity used in real-world applications?

Point-plane electric field intensity is used in a variety of real-world applications, such as in the design of electrical devices and systems, as well as in the study of atmospheric electricity and lightning. It is also used in the medical field, particularly in the measurement and mapping of electric fields generated by the human body.

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