Calculate Scalar Product for Vectors M and N in Cartesian XY System

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition and calculation of the scalar product of two vectors represented in the form ai + bj and ci + dj. The scalar product is obtained by multiplying the corresponding components and then summing them. The magnitude and angle between the vectors can also be used to calculate the scalar product. However, the given question is asking for the scalar product of the vector N with itself, which is simply the dot product of N with itself. The vector M is irrelevant for this calculation.
  • #1
Consider the two vectors M =(a,b) = ai+bj and N = (c,d) = ci +dj, where a =4, b =4, c = -1, and d = 1. a and c represent the x-displacment and b and d represent the y-displacment in a Cartesian xy co-ordinate system.
Note: i and j represent unit vectors(i.e. vectors of length l)in the x and y directions, respectively. what is the value of the scalar product N x N?
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  • #2
Do you know the definition of the scalar product? It's just the product of each i component + the product of each j component.
  • #3
but then wouldn't that be (4,-1)+(4,1) so you get (-3) +(5)
  • #4
Sorry I should have specified:

If you have 2 vectors in the form ai + bj and ci + dj, you obtain the scalar product by multiplying a by c and b by d to obtain ac + bd. You multiply each component seperately before adding.
  • #5
runner1738 said:
but then wouldn't that be (4,-1)+(4,1) so you get (-3) +(5)

I assume by (4, -1) you mean 4 x -1, but where did that -1 come from?

You should also know that the scalar product, a.b = |a||b|cos theta, where theta is the angle between a and b. From that, you should be able to see what the scalar product of n with itself is.
  • #6
c=-1, so -4 + 4 =0 , so your saying i have to solve for the angle in betwwen first, which can be easily done?
  • #7
It's not necessary here but if you're ever given a question like "Magnitude of A is x and Magnitude of B is y and the angle between them is t degrees find A dot B" you know how to apply it.
  • #8
well zero isn't the answer
  • #9
what is the value of the scalar product N x N?

Are you sure that's written correctly? It looks like it's asking you to take the dot product of a vector with itself. Additionally, N x M is usually the convention for the vector product (cross product). Can you confirm the question is worded exactly like in the quotes?
  • #10
yea on the homework the question is what is the value of the scalar product N <dot> N? is it a trick question or something
  • #11
It was a trick. Vector M is irrelevant. Just take the dot product of N with itself (-1*-1+1*1)
  • #12
correct thank you so much, but what if i do need M dot N
  • #13
Just multiply the i component of N and the i component of M together then sum it to the product of the j component of N and the j component of M

FAQ: Calculate Scalar Product for Vectors M and N in Cartesian XY System

1. What is a scalar product?

A scalar product, also known as dot product, is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors and produces a single scalar value. It is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them.

2. How is the scalar product used in physics?

The scalar product is used in physics to calculate the work done by a force on an object, as well as to determine the angle between two vectors. It is also used in mechanics and electromagnetism to calculate the magnitude of a force or electric field.

3. What is the difference between a scalar product and a vector product?

While the scalar product produces a scalar value, the vector product produces a vector value. The formula for the vector product involves the cross product of the two vectors and the sine of the angle between them.

4. Can the scalar product be negative?

Yes, the scalar product can be negative. This occurs when the angle between the two vectors is obtuse, resulting in a negative cosine value. It is important to note that the scalar product can also be positive or zero, depending on the angle between the vectors.

5. How is the scalar product related to the magnitude of a vector?

The scalar product is related to the magnitude of a vector by the formula a · b = |a| |b| cosθ, where a and b are vectors, |a| and |b| are their magnitudes, and cosθ is the cosine of the angle between them. This relationship is used to calculate the magnitude of a vector in a specific direction.
