Does .999~=1? A Beginner's Perspective

In summary, the conversation discusses the argument of whether .999~=1, with one person providing a webpage that argues they are not equal. However, the author of the webpage seems to be arguing semantics and not accepting the definition of series. The conversation also touches on the concept of "decimal numbers" and whether they are different from rational numbers. Ultimately, the conclusion is that the fact that .999~=1 is as deep as the fact that f. delano roosevelt = franklin d. roosevelt, and the real question is about the concept of a limit and its profound philosophical consequences.
  • #1
i came across am argument about does .999~=1 and someone used this webpage to show they are not equal
this page seems somehow wrong to me but i haven't gone far enough in math
to disprove it , i just started to learn calclus so when it involes any in depth discussion of limits i try to be real carful what i say

(Edited by HallsofIvy so that the url could be directly used.)
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  • #2
The conclusion is perfectly correct. I can't be bothered to read that page in any detail, but it looks alright at a first look.

This has come up countless times before, so there's lots of nonsense to wade through:

etc. probably more than you would care to read.
  • #3
shmoe: the guy's arguing that [itex]0.\bar{9} \neq 1[/itex], not that [itex]0.\bar{9} = 1[/itex]. :frown:

Basically, he's just arguing semantics. He doesn't like how things are named. He knows full well that, in the decimals, [itex]0.\bar{9} = 1[/itex]. However, he wants to call some other number system the "decimal numbers". He also wants to allow the technical term "real number" to refer to something other than its technical definition.
  • #4

.99999... = the smallest real number not smaller than any finite decimal of form .9999...9

therefore it equals 1. case closed.
  • #5
I notice the website includes
"A skeptic who accepts the series interpretation could say that 0.999... converges to 1, or that it is equal to 1 in the limit, but is not equal to one. There is an ambiguity in standard usage as to whether the expression on the right stands for the series or the limit."

That is completely wrong. It is not necessary to "accept the series interpretation". It is not an "interpretation", it is the definition of "base 10 representation" that [itex] \Sigma a/10 + b/100+ c/1000+ \cdot\cdot\cdot[/itex]. There is no "ambiguity" except for people who simply do not know the definition of "series". Any calculus book will tell you that [itex]\Sigma_{n=0}^\infty a_n[/itex] is defined as the limit of the sequence of partial sums.

In particular, the notation 0.999... means, by definition, the series
[tex]\Sigma_{n=0}^\infty \left(0.9\right)\left(\frac{1}{10}\right)^n[/itex]
That's a simple geometric series which has a simple formula: its sum (limit of the partial sums) is
[tex]0.9\frac{1}{1- \frac{1}{10}}= 0.9\frac{1}{\frac{9}{10}}= 0.9\frac{10}{9}= 1[/tex].
End of discussion!
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  • #6
Hurkyl said:
shmoe: the guy's arguing that [itex]0.\bar{9} \neq 1[/itex], not that [itex]0.\bar{9} = 1[/itex]. :frown:

That's what I get for not reading carefully! Somebody give me a beating.
  • #7
:confused: It's listed on his website that he received his Phd from the University of Chicago:confused: I thought that was supposed to be a great school for math. Did this guy blow a fuse?
  • #8
Oh, and I love this quote
Fred Richman said:
Dedekind cuts are usually defined in the ring of rational numbers, but if we are interested in decimal numbers, we will want to work with a different ring.

Because "decimal numbers" are some kind of numbers other than "rational numbers"?

(When I am feeling really hard-nosed, I point out the "decimal numbers" is itself a mis-nomer. It should be "decimal numerals".)
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  • #9
I thought that was supposed to be a great school for math. Did this guy blow a fuse?
The thing is -- the guy is actually talking about reasonable and interesting stuff. It's just that, for some inexplicable reason, he's decided to graft it onto the 0.9~ vs 1 "debate".
  • #10
HallsofIvy said:
Because "decimal numbers" are some kind of numbers other than rational numbers"?
Yes, as I read it, his 'decimal numbers' are infinite strings of digits. The ring he is starting with isn't the 'decimal numbers' or the rational numbers, but the terminating decimals. What he is doing is adding some extra numbers x- to the real number system, so that 0.9~ can be taken to represent a different object to 1.0 . Now in mathematics you can invent whatever system takes your fancy, but whether it is of any interest is a different matter. It's not entirely clear whether he's adding a whole new copy of the reals R-, (in which case some of his numbers are no longer representable as infinite decimals, rather defeating the point) or just adding a copy of the terminating decimals. In either case the resulting object is no longer a field, or even an additive group - I'd prefer to be able to do subtraction.
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  • #11
the fact that .9999... = 1.0000 ... is about as deep as the fact that

f. delano roosevelt = franklin d. roosevelt
  • #12
chronon said:
Yes, as I read it, his 'decimal numbers' are infinite strings of digits. The ring he is starting with isn't the 'decimal numbers' or the rational numbers, but the terminating decimals. What he is doing is adding some extra numbers x- to the real number system, so that 0.9~ can be taken to represent a different object to 1.0.

Well, that's a fine thing to do, but it brings up an important question to me. If 0.9~ != 1 in his system, then either 1/3 != 0.3~ or 0.3~ x 3 != 0.9~. Can he even do arithmetic on (the equivilent of) basic rational numbers?
  • #13
mathwonk said:
the fact that .9999... = 1.0000 ... is about as deep as the fact that

f. delano roosevelt = franklin d. roosevelt

The way my father used it, that "f." was an obscenity!
  • #14
mathwonk said:
the fact that .9999... = 1.0000 ... is about as deep as the fact that

f. delano roosevelt = franklin d. roosevelt

Might I disagree?

I believe the question has profound philosophical consequences:

It concerns the concept of a limit, that of the one Hall describes above. The limit exhibits a profound property of the Real numbers: they are dense. It is this simple property of the Reals which I believe is responsible for Mathematics working so well in describing Nature. Nature too appears dense: no smallest small nor largest large. This synergy between math and nature emerges (my opinion) as a survival strategy by life as it seeks to live in a massively non-linear world: when in New York, act like a New Yorker. Thus evolves a likewise massively non-linear brain that creates a non-linear geometry we call Mathematics that enables life to ponder this question.
  • #15
Then I will jump in and disagree completely- this does not involve any property of the real numbers- it is entirely a matter of how we represent the real numbers in a "base 10 positional notation". If we were to use, say, base 3, then "0.9999...= 1.0" would not be true (although, I imagine that "0.2222...= 1.0" would be). If we used some representation that was not a positional notation, the question would never arise.
This is a question about representation only, not about the real numbers. Indeed, 1 (and 0.9999...) are integers so, in particular, this has nothing to do with the "density" of the real numbers. (Whatever that means. The only "densities" I know of are relative to some set. Do you mean the fact that the rational numbers are dense in the real numbers?)
  • #16
I think saltydog is attempting to describe the 'continuum' property. Which nature does not necessarily follow, or use, at all, saltydog. Lots of parts of nature behave in a quantized manner. The rest just seems to belong in philosophy, not mathematics, though I have no idea what geometry has to do with any of this, nor have I ever come across the term 'linear geometry' before.
  • #17
HallsofIvy said:
Then I will jump in and disagree completely- this does not involve any property of the real numbers-

Let me attempt a defense then:

The sum:


converges to 1 because between any two real number lies another real number (no holes). In this way the reals are "dense". My argument was not in regards to notation but to its relation to this property of the number system we create which bears a striking similarity to the apparently infinitely divisible nature of the Universe. Discussions about "0.99...=1" in my opinion reflect this beautiful connection between the geometry of real numbers and the geometry of nature.
  • #18
saltydog said:
Let me attempt a defense then:

The sum:


converges to 1

red alarm light comes on: that is 1. It's partial sums converge to 1.
because between any two real number lies another real number (no holes). In this way the reals are "dense".

the rational numbers also have the property that 'between two rationals there is another rational', and they do not posses limits of sequences.

However, they are dense in the reals in the proper meaning of the word (a set is dense in itself tautologically, if the notion of denseness makes sense at all.)
  • #19
matt grime said:
I think saltydog is attempting to describe the 'continuum' property. Which nature does not necessarily follow, or use, at all, saltydog. Lots of parts of nature behave in a quantized manner. The rest just seems to belong in philosophy, not mathematics, though I have no idea what geometry has to do with any of this, nor have I ever come across the term 'linear geometry' before.

Very well Matt. I am struck by the similarities between the properties of non-linear systems and the geometry of math itself. Not non-linear geometry but the very geometry of mathematics itself: nested, fractal, and ergodic (the last property explaning why we can get to the same result from so many ways). But Philosophy it should be then.
  • #20
However, they are dense in the reals in the proper meaning of the word (a set is dense in itself tautologically, if the notion of denseness makes sense at all.)
What saltydog stated was the definition of a "dense ordering" -- an order is dense iff for any two elements, you can find a third between them.
  • #21
Hurkyl said:
What saltydog stated was the definition of a "dense ordering" -- an order is dense iff for any two elements, you can find a third between them.

who knows what was meant. i focussed on the 'no holes' part.
  • #22
saltydog said:
Let me attempt a defense then:

The sum:


converges to 1 because between any two real number lies another real number (no holes). In this way the reals are "dense". My argument was not in regards to notation but to its relation to this property of the number system we create which bears a striking similarity to the apparently infinitely divisible nature of the Universe. Discussions about "0.99...=1" in my opinion reflect this beautiful connection between the geometry of real numbers and the geometry of nature.
That simply isn't true. The partial sums of
converge to 1, and the sum is equal to 1, in the field of rational numbers- which is not complete and has "holes". In fact, it is easy to show that any geometric series in which "a" and "r" are both rational converges, in the field of rational numbers, to a rational number. There is no need to bring real or irrational numbers into it.

And the "apparently infinite divisible nature of the Universe" is just that- "apparent". Have you never heard of atoms? The universe is not "infinitely divisible".
  • #23
matt grime said:
I think saltydog is attempting to describe the 'continuum' property. Which nature does not necessarily follow, or use, at all, saltydog. Lots of parts of nature behave in a quantized manner. The rest just seems to belong in philosophy, not mathematics, though I have no idea what geometry has to do with any of this, nor have I ever come across the term 'linear geometry' before.

Blast you, matt! I wondered why this same topic showed up in "philosophy"- it's your fault! This isn't philosophy, it just bad mathematics- and mysticism.
  • #24
HallsofIvy said:
That simply isn't true. The partial sums of
converge to 1, and the sum is equal to 1, in the field of rational numbers- which is not complete and has "holes". In fact, it is easy to show that any geometric series in which "a" and "r" are both rational converges, in the field of rational numbers, to a rational number. There is no need to bring real or irrational numbers into it.

Very well Hall. I obviously don't have it then. Thanks.

And the "apparently infinite divisible nature of the Universe" is just that- "apparent". Have you never heard of atoms? The universe is not "infinitely divisible".

And atoms are made of quarks and those of perhaps strings. But I do not in the least believe that is the end of it nor are super-clusters the end at the other extreme. Rather I suspect we encounter singularities which change the rules: "Infinitely divisible" is then a reflection of our limitations with understanding Nature.
  • #25
Representations of some real numbers by decimals is not unique, just like the fact that representations of some real numbers by fractions is not unique: 1/2, 2/4, etc. Surely that's not hard to grasp.
  • #26
0.99…≠ 1
1. 10÷3 = 3+ 1 ÷3,so 10÷3 = 3 …1 is not correct.
The values on each side of an equal sign means both values are strictly equal.
9÷3 = 3. it is right. It can be checked by direct computations (by times 3).
10÷3 =(9+1)÷3 =3 + 1÷3 is right now. It can be checked by direct computations (by times 3).
So 10÷3 = 3…1 is not correct. It can not checked by direct computation.
1÷3 = 0.3… is not correct either.
The right way is :
1÷3=(0.9 +0.1)÷3 = 0.3+0.1÷3(≈ 0.3). (1.1)
=(0.99 +0.01)÷3 = 0.33 +0.01÷3(≈ 0.33). (1.2)

=(1-1/10^n)÷3 +(1/10^n)÷3 (≈ 0. 3…3) (1.3)
=(1-10/10^n+1)÷3+(10/10^n+1 )÷3=(1-1/10^(n+1)÷3)+(1/10^(n+1 )÷3 ) (1.4)
In the division, because there is always a remainder of one, there will also always be a fraction of 3.
So 1÷3 = 0.3… is not correct.
Times 3, then 1≠0.9….
  • #27
In the division, because there is always a remainder of one, there will also always be a fraction of 3.
There is only a remainder of 1 if you decide to compute finitely many digits.

You are right; 1/3 is equal to 0.3 with a remainder of 1. That is,

1/3 = 0.3 + 0.1 / 3

But don't forget that 0.1 / 3 = 0.0333...
  • #28
Changbai LI said:
0.99…≠ 1
1. 10÷3 = 3+ 1 ÷3,so 10÷3 = 3 …1 is not correct.

Do you mean to say that 1/3 isn't simply 3 repeating, but 3 repeating with a 1 at the end?

Do you realize how many threes are in between the first 3 and the 1? In fact, the number you propose here isn't even possible as an element of the real numbers
  • #29
Changbai LI said:
0.99…≠ 1
1. 10÷3 = 3+ 1 ÷3,so 10÷3 = 3 …1 is not correct.
The values on each side of an equal sign means both values are strictly equal.
9÷3 = 3. it is right. It can be checked by direct computations (by times 3).
10÷3 =(9+1)÷3 =3 + 1÷3 is right now. It can be checked by direct computations (by times 3).
So 10÷3 = 3…1 is not correct. It can not checked by direct computation.
1÷3 = 0.3… is not correct either.
The right way is :
1÷3=(0.9 +0.1)÷3 = 0.3+0.1÷3(≈ 0.3). (1.1)
=(0.99 +0.01)÷3 = 0.33 +0.01÷3(≈ 0.33). (1.2)

=(1-1/10^n)÷3 +(1/10^n)÷3 (≈ 0. 3…3) (1.3)
=(1-10/10^n+1)÷3+(10/10^n+1 )÷3=(1-1/10^(n+1)÷3)+(1/10^(n+1 )÷3 ) (1.4)
In the division, because there is always a remainder of one, there will also always be a fraction of 3.
So 1÷3 = 0.3… is not correct.
Times 3, then 1≠0.9….

Simple non-sense. The fact that every term in a sequence has a property (has a remainder when divided by 3) doesn't mean that the limit has that property. That's your logical error.
  • #30
hi there, i have 17 years old, so don't put me with complicated math..:biggrin:
some days ago i have a discution with friends of me exactly about this subject.
after some arguments, i acepted that 0.9(9)=1. i put myself thinking about it and i have a question about it:

we have 2 lines(don't sure the traduction in inglish, but is a infinite number of points that are alined all in "front" of the other): A and B, they are perpendicular, their intercection is the point "p" and we start rotating B like the example above:"

my question is: as 1=0.9(9)[or 0.9...], we can assume that, in the infinite, the point "p' "(a projection of "p") is at a infinite distance from point "p" right??
and can we assume that in infinite, the degree "b" is 90º? why not as 89.9(9)º=90º. right??

then, 2 paralen lines have, at least, 1 interception point...

now, if 89.9(9)º=90º then in this"

we can assume that degree "c" is too 89.9(9) right?? then there is another point(p'') that exist too, right? and we assume 2 parallel lines have 2 intercection points...

if not, where is the mistake??

thank you in advance,
Regards, Littlepig
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  • #31
What makes you think there is such a point, or two, at infinity? There isn't in euclidean geometry - parallel lines do not meet. There is no coordinate (x,y) with x,y real numbers where parallel lines meet.

If you wish to introduce points at infinity then you need projective geometry.
  • #32
matt grime said:
What makes you think there is such a point, or two, at infinity? There isn't in euclidean geometry - parallel lines do not meet. There is no coordinate (x,y) with x,y real numbers where parallel lines meet.

If you wish to introduce points at infinity then you need projective geometry.

ok...don't know that...never heard about euclidean geometry and projective geometry...:biggrin:

but is that actually possible?? or is a terrible mistake saying it??

because basically, what I'm doing, is trying to separate 2 lines, but what happens is the more i try to separate then, the far way point "p' " is from p, however, it never separates, as lines are infinite, and the more degrees you rotate, the "faster" the point "p' " moves correct?? that's why i made such infinity, 89.9(9) is equal to 90º in infinite(paralelism) there is 2 intersections...which are infinity distants from "p". however, you can't say they don't exist, because otherwise you must assume that, rotating the line "b" you will make disapear point p, which actually don't apears to seems...

regards, littlepig
  • #33
Littlepig said:
ok...don't know that...never heard about euclidean geometry and projective geometry...:biggrin:

but is that actually possible?? or is a terrible mistake saying it??

because basically, what I'm doing, is trying to separate 2 lines, but what happens is the more i try to separate then, the far way point "p' " is from p, however, it never separates, as lines are infinite, and the more degrees you rotate, the "faster" the point "p' " moves correct?? that's why i made such infinity, 89.9(9) is equal to 90º in infinite(paralelism) there is 2 intersections...which are infinity distants from "p". however, you can't say they don't exist, because otherwise you must assume that, rotating the line "b" you will make disapear point p, which actually don't apears to seems...

regards, littlepig
Since infinity is just a concept and not a number, you can't say that there are points on the line at infinity. A point on a number line is always a finite distance from the zero point of the line or else it doesn't exist. Rotating the intersecting line so it is parallel and spaced from the number line doesn't make it any points disappear, it just moves the line so that all points thereon are a fixed distance from the number line. What is confusing about that?
  • #34
ramsey2879 said:
Rotating the intersecting line so it is parallel and spaced from the number line doesn't make it any points disappear, it just moves the line so that all points thereon are a fixed distance from the number line. What is confusing about that?

no, my point is: there is no fixed point, the "fixed point" is the infinit, is the sucession, and the more you rotate, the far the point go, then, if you rotate till 89.9(9) degrees, the point is at inf distance from point origin but it is still there...
imagine you can't stop rotating, but you can't reach 90º like that...then, in the extrem, the point exists, and the degree is 89.9(9)º.
that is like dividing 1 by 3 and then multiply by 3..0.9999(9)never ends...but you know that in the end, it is 1, don't know where is the end, but you know it the same, you don't have an ending, but you know, that in the end, there's a point...

So, you don't need to ask where's the fixed distance, ask what happens to the degree when the fixed distance reaches to inf...
  • #35
Sigh. Take this part:

but you know that in the end, it is 1, don't know where is the end, but you know it exists

I'm sure the point has been repeatedly made in this thread that this is completely wrong.

You are, as is almost always the problem. Using your intuition about what happens at every stage after a finite number of decimal places to assert something about the infinitely long decimal expansion. Your intuition is wrong. Infinity is not 'a really big real number'. It is not a real number.

Parallel lines do not meet in the Euclidean plane. If I'm wrong (and I'm not), then feel free to write down the point of intersection: hint there is no such point as infinity on the Euclidean plane.

The place to use points at infinity is projective geometry, and there need not be just one point at infinity.

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