Earth's Atmospry: Heavier Elements, N2, O2, CO2, H2O

  • Thread starter pivoxa15
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In summary, heavier elements like CO2 and O2 tend to be found near Earth's surface while lighter elements like N2 are more widely found. Water vapor, being even lighter, is also found higher up in the atmosphere, which is why clouds are located high above us. The white color of clouds is due to a scattering effect caused by the small droplets of water in them. The Earth's atmosphere is mostly uniform in composition up to about 100 km, where gravity becomes the dominant force over molecular forces and turbulent mixing.
  • #1
The heavier elements tend to be found near Earth's surface than the lighter ones. However the most widely found element is N2 but elements like CO2 and O2 are other heavy ones so more near the Earth's surface? What about water? Is water mostly near Earth's surface or way above? If way above, is that why clouds are way above us and they are made out of water vapour?

Why is O2 clear and H2O which is lighter, white coloured in gas form? Is it because of the stronger intermolecular bonding between H2O?
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  • #2
CO2, N2 and O2 are not so different in weight so they mix well in the atmosphere. H2O vapor is even lighter than those gases. The clouds are made of water small droplets not only water vapour so the cloud's white colour is due to scattering effect, the Mie scattering.
  • #3
The Earth's atmosphere is a nearly uniform gaseous solution from sea level to about 100 km. Molecular scale forces and turbulent mixing dominate over gravity below this level. Above the 100km level, the long mean free path means gravity dominates over brownian motion and turbulence.

FAQ: Earth's Atmospry: Heavier Elements, N2, O2, CO2, H2O

1. What are the most common elements found in Earth's atmosphere?

The most common elements found in Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen (N2) at 78%, oxygen (O2) at 21%, and argon (Ar) at 0.9%. These are known as the "permanent gases" and make up the majority of the atmosphere.

2. How do heavier elements contribute to Earth's atmosphere?

Heavier elements, such as carbon (CO2) and water (H2O), play important roles in Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide helps regulate the Earth's temperature and is essential for plant growth through photosynthesis. Water vapor is a crucial component of the water cycle and helps regulate humidity and precipitation.

3. Why is nitrogen so abundant in Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen is abundant in Earth's atmosphere because it is a relatively inert gas, meaning it is not easily reactive with other elements. This makes it a stable and reliable component of the atmosphere.

4. What is the role of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere?

Oxygen is essential for life on Earth, as it is used in cellular respiration by most living organisms. It also plays a role in the Earth's ozone layer, which helps protect us from harmful UV radiation.

5. How do the levels of CO2 and H2O in the atmosphere affect the Earth's climate?

The levels of CO2 and H2O in the atmosphere can significantly impact Earth's climate. Both gases are greenhouse gases, meaning they trap heat in the atmosphere. Increased levels of these gases can lead to the greenhouse effect, resulting in a warmer climate. On the other hand, a decrease in these gases can lead to a cooling effect.
