How many would vote for equality, (all men are equal) in status and

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of equality, specifically in terms of status and buying power. Some argue that all individuals are not equal and therefore should not be treated as such, while others believe in equal pay and support for all workers regardless of their contributions. The discussion also touches on the idea of helping others and the difference between teaching and doing their work for them. There is also a debate on the benefits and drawbacks of communism and a call for individual effort and quality work to determine one's status and buying power. The conversation ends with a humorous quote about moral ambiguity.
  • #1
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How many would vote for equality, (all men are equal) in status and buying power?
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  • #2

No. This is obviouly not true. All men (and women) are not equal. Should all workers be paid the same though some work harder and produce more and better results? Why should the good worker be penalised?
  • #3

qspeechc said:
No. This is obviouly not true. All men (and women) are not equal. Should all workers be paid the same though some work harder and produce more and better results? Why should the good worker be penalised?

So then, should the good worker help the less so?
  • #4

wolram said:
So then, should the good worker help the less so?
What do you mean by help? I will answers a co-worker's questions, but I won't do their work for them.
  • #5

wolram said:
So then, should the good worker help the less so?

That depends on your definitions of both `good' and `help'.

If by `good' you mean `skilled', and by `help' you mean `teach', then I would say yes.

If by `good' you mean `motivated' or `hard working', and by `help' you mean `do it for them', then I would say no.
  • #6

What about the other pemutations NeoDevin?
  • #7

Evo said:
What do you mean by help? I will answers a co-worker's questions, but I won't do their work for them.

Is this then the fine line between help and help to support?
  • #8

qspeechc said:
What about the other pemutations NeoDevin?

Yes, we could permute them otherwise, or combine them, or have the skilled helping the lazy, or the motivated helping the unskilled, etc. ad nauseum, I was just trying to illustrate that the question was ill posed, and my answer would depend upon clarification.
  • #9

wolram said:
Is this then the fine line between help and help to support?
I don't see this a fine line. Answering the question - "How do I do X"? Or doing X for them. I don't do X.

I have often had to mentor new employees. I'd be happy to answer their question the first time, not quite as happy the second time. The third time they asked the same question, I told them to figure it out themselves.

One new hire was driving my boss nuts with constant questions. I told her to send him to me. He'd never bookmark pages he needed, he wouldn't keep notes on instructions, every time he had to do something he'd come over and ask instead of trying to figure it out. I took him aside and said "Bill, have you heard "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". I'm going to teach you to fish. He got the message, and took a bunch of notes that he pinned up all over his office. He didn't last too long.

I'm not a nice person. :devil:
  • #10

NeoDevin said:
Yes, we could permute them otherwise, or combine them, or have the skilled helping the lazy, or the motivated helping the unskilled, etc. ad nauseum, I was just trying to illustrate that the question was ill posed, and my answer would depend upon clarification.

The question was posed in vague way on purpose to find out what people mean by equality and if they would wish it or not.
  • #11

wolram said:
buying power

I can see two ways to interpret that statement.

1) Buying power as in the authority to buy anything. If any rich person had the ability to get their hands on nukes or other things that regular people are not supposed to be able to buy, then I would not support that.

2) That everyone has a near equal pay. I do not support this as it has been emphasized many times that if this were to happen, then the inclination to actually make something of yourself in life is lowered, and the drop in work ethic and rise in school dropouts would be huge. If everyone knows that they will make the same as the next guy, then they ask themselves why they go to school, and simply drop out. This would be devastating on almost all angles.
  • #12

Good work, jeans, You figured out quickly why communism could not work.

Evo, why would you be not a nice person if you gave a person three chances?
  • #13

Communism is a horrible thought.
  • #14

I support equality to achieve status and buying power, but then it is up to the individual to put the effort into actually achieve it. In other words, nobody gets a special privilege to get something without working for it, but if you put in the work AND it's quality work, anyone doing that should get equal status and buying power for the amount and quality of work done.
  • #15

Evo said:
I took him aside and said "Bill, have you heard "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

I heard it as "Build a man a fire and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." :devil:
  • #16

BREAKING NEWS: The world isn't black and white! People are having trouble with moral ambiguity!

FAQ: How many would vote for equality, (all men are equal) in status and

1. What does "all men are equal" mean in terms of status and equality?

When we say "all men are equal" in terms of status and equality, it means that every individual should have the same rights, opportunities, and treatment regardless of their race, gender, religion, or social class.

2. How many people support the idea of equality for all men?

It is difficult to determine an exact number as opinions on this topic can vary greatly among different populations and cultures. However, studies have shown that a majority of people around the world believe in the concept of equality and support efforts to achieve it.

3. How does voting for equality impact society?

Voting for equality can have a significant impact on society as it promotes fairness, justice, and inclusivity. It can help create a more cohesive and harmonious community where individuals are valued and treated equally, leading to a more peaceful and prosperous society.

4. Are there any challenges to achieving equality for all men?

Yes, there are many challenges to achieving equality for all men. These challenges can include systemic discrimination, societal biases, and unequal distribution of resources and opportunities. It requires continuous efforts and advocacy to overcome these challenges and promote equality.

5. How can we ensure that all men are treated equally in society?

Ensuring that all men are treated equally in society requires a collective effort from individuals, organizations, and governments. This can be achieved through implementing and enforcing laws and policies that promote equality, educating and raising awareness about the importance of equality, and actively challenging and addressing any discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.
