Alternative (Bohm-ish) quantum formalism using Clifford algebras (B.J.Hiley)

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, the alternative quantum formalism proposed by B.J. Hiley utilizes the mathematical framework of Clifford algebras to describe the quantum world. This approach offers a more intuitive and geometric understanding of quantum mechanics, with the potential to resolve some of its paradoxes and reconcile it with relativity. It also allows for the inclusion of gravity in the quantum formalism, making it a promising avenue for future research.
  • #1
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Process, Distinction, Groupoids and Clifford Algebras: an Alternative View of the Quantum Formalism
B. J. Hiley
(Submitted on 9 Nov 2012)
In this paper we start from a basic notion of process, which we structure into two groupoids, one orthogonal and one symplectic. By introducing additional structure, we convert these groupoids into orthogonal and symplectic Clifford algebras respectively. We show how the orthogonal Clifford algebra, which include the Schrödinger, Pauli and Dirac formalisms, describe the classical light-cone structure of space-time, as well as providing a basis for the description of quantum phenomena. By constructing an orthogonal Clifford bundle with a Dirac connection, we make contact with quantum mechanics through the Bohm formalism which emerges quite naturally from the connection, showing that it is a structural feature of the mathematics. We then generalise the approach to include the symplectic Clifford algebra, which leads us to a non-commutative geometry with projections onto shadow manifolds. These shadow manifolds are none other than examples of the phase space constructed by Bohm. We also argue that this provides us with a mathematical structure that fits the implicate-explicate order proposed by Bohm.
Comments: 55 pages. 10 figures
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  • #2
marcus said:
Process, Distinction, Groupoids and Clifford Algebras: an Alternative View of the Quantum Formalism
B. J. Hiley
(Submitted on 9 Nov 2012)
In this paper we start from a basic notion of process, which we structure into two groupoids, one orthogonal and one symplectic. By introducing additional structure, we convert these groupoids into orthogonal and symplectic Clifford algebras respectively. We show how the orthogonal Clifford algebra, which include the Schrödinger, Pauli and Dirac formalisms, describe the classical light-cone structure of space-time, as well as providing a basis for the description of quantum phenomena. By constructing an orthogonal Clifford bundle with a Dirac connection, we make contact with quantum mechanics through the Bohm formalism which emerges quite naturally from the connection, showing that it is a structural feature of the mathematics. We then generalise the approach to include the symplectic Clifford algebra, which leads us to a non-commutative geometry with projections onto shadow manifolds. These shadow manifolds are none other than examples of the phase space constructed by Bohm. We also argue that this provides us with a mathematical structure that fits the implicate-explicate order proposed by Bohm.
Comments: 55 pages. 10 figures

This is as interesting paper. Are they saying that both QM and Special Relativity can be derived from the concept of "process"? Wouldn't this be a theory of Quantum Gravity?
  • #3
friend said:
This is as interesting paper. Are they saying that both QM and Special Relativity can be derived from the concept of "process"? Wouldn't this be a theory of Quantum Gravity?

Friend, this is something that Demy should respond to. He is our local Bohmian.
  • #4
marcus said:
Friend, this is something that Demy should respond to. He is our local Bohmian.
I am an expert for Bohmian formulation of quantum theory, but not for everything that has something to do with Bohm. In particular, this research program by Hiley has not much to do with the original Bohmian formulation of quantum theory.
  • #5
marcus said:
Friend, this is something that Demy should respond to. He is our local Bohmian.
Also, aren't Bohmians nonlocal?
  • #6
The author seems to establish a Clifford algebra on the multiplication of "processes" between "points". He then maps the Clifford algebra into a vector space which has a certain dimension and metric. Is this a unique mapping into a vector space? Or is it only one representation of the Clifford algebra?
  • #7
  • #8
atyy said:
Also, aren't Bohmians nonlocal?
Yes, but see also
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  • #9
"As I dig deeper into the mathematical structure that contains the mathematical features that the Bohm uses, Bohm energy, Bohm momentum, quantum potential etc. are essential features, as you imply, of a non-commutative phase space; strictly a symplectic structure with a non-commutative multiplication (the Moyal-star product). This product combines into two brackets, the Moyal bracket, (a*b-b*a)/hbar and the Baker bracket (a*b+b*a)/2. The beauty of these brackets is to order hbar, Moyal becomes the Poisson and Baker becomes the ordinary product ab.

Time evolution requires two equations, simply because you have to distinguish between 'left' and 'right' translations. These two equations are in fact the two Bohm equations produced from the Schrödinger equation under polar decomposition in disguised form. There is no need to appeal to classical physics at any stage. Nevertheless these two equations reduce in the limit order hbar to the classical Liouville equation and the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation respectively. This then shows that the quantum potential becomes negligible in the classical limit as we have maintained all along. There are not two worlds, quantum and classical, there is just one world. It was by using this algebraic structure that I was able to show that the Bohm model can be extended to the Pauli and Dirac particles, each with their own quantum potential. However here not only do we have a non-commutative symplectic symmetry, but also a non-commutative orthogonal symmetry, hence my interests in symplectic and orthogonal Clifford algebras.

In this algebraic approach the wave function is not taken to be something fundamental, indeed there is no need to introduce the wave function at all!. What is fundamental are the elements of the algebra, call it what you will, the Moyal algebra or the von Neumann algebra, they are exactly the same thing. This is algebraic quantum mechanics that Haag discusses in his book "Local Quantum Physics, fields, particles and algebra". Physicists used to call it matrix mechanics, but then it was unclear how it all hung together. In the algebraic approach there is no collapse of the wave function, because you don't need the wave function. All the information contained in the wave function is encoded in the algebra itself, in its left and right ideals which are intrinsic to the algebra itself. Where are the particles in this approach? For that we need Eddington's "The Philosophy of Science", a brilliant but neglected work. Like a point in geometry, what is a particle? Is it a hazy general brick-like entity out of which the world is constructed, or is it a quasi-local, semi-autonomous feature within the total structure-process? Notice the change, not things-in-interaction, but structure-process in which any invariant feature takes its form and properties from the structure-process that gives it subsistence. If an algebra is used to describe this structure-process, then what is the element that subsists? What is the element of existence? The idempotent E^2=E has eigenvalues 0 or 1: it exists or it doesn't exist. An entity exists in a structure-process if it continuously turns itself into itself. The Boolean logic of the classical world turns existence into a permanent order: quantum logic turns existence into a partial order of non-commutative E_i! Particles can be 'created' or 'annihilated' depending on the total overall process. Here there is an energy threshold, keep the energy low and it is the properties of the entity that are revealed through non-commutativity, these properties becoming commutativity to order hbar. The Bohm model can be used to complement the standard approach below the creation/annihilation threshold. Raise this threshold and then the field theoretic properties of the underlying algebras become apparent.

All this needs a different debate from the usual one that seems to go round and round in circles, seemingly resolving very little.

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FAQ: Alternative (Bohm-ish) quantum formalism using Clifford algebras (B.J.Hiley)

1. What is the Clifford algebra approach to quantum mechanics?

The Clifford algebra approach to quantum mechanics, also known as the Bohmian approach, is a mathematical formalism developed by B.J. Hiley that aims to provide a more intuitive and geometric interpretation of quantum mechanics. It uses Clifford algebras, which are mathematical structures that extend the concept of complex numbers to higher dimensions, to describe the state of a quantum system.

2. How does this approach differ from the traditional formalism of quantum mechanics?

The traditional formalism of quantum mechanics is based on the use of complex numbers, whereas the Clifford algebra approach uses higher-dimensional algebras. This allows for a more direct geometric interpretation of quantum states and their evolution, as opposed to the more abstract and probabilistic nature of the traditional formalism.

3. What are the main advantages of using Clifford algebras in quantum mechanics?

One of the main advantages of using Clifford algebras in quantum mechanics is that it provides a more intuitive and geometric understanding of quantum phenomena. It also allows for a more direct connection between the underlying mathematical structure and physical observables, making it easier to interpret and analyze experimental results.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using this alternative quantum formalism?

One potential drawback of the Clifford algebra approach is that it is not as widely used or accepted as the traditional formalism of quantum mechanics. This means that there may be a lack of resources and support for those interested in studying or applying this approach. Additionally, the use of higher-dimensional algebras may make calculations and simulations more complex and computationally demanding.

5. What are some current developments or applications of this approach in quantum physics?

The Clifford algebra approach to quantum mechanics has been applied to various areas of research, such as quantum computing, quantum information theory, and quantum cosmology. It has also been used to develop new theories and models, such as the pilot-wave theory, which helps to explain the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. Ongoing research continues to explore the potential applications and implications of this alternative quantum formalism.

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