Designing Superconducting Magnets: A Beginner's Guide

In summary, the individual is seeking to learn the basics of designing superconducting magnets for particle guidance, and is considering resources such as "Superconducting Magnets" by Wilson and a free MIT course. They are also hoping for recommendations from someone in the field. They mention their background in physics and math and are interested in learning the theory and design at a graduate level. They mention the possibility of purchasing YBCO and building a liquid nitrogen generator. They also mention their involvement in building the Tevatron collider at Fermilab and express curiosity about Martin Wilson's background. The conversation also includes suggestions for resources such as the CERN LHC Design Report and Humphries' book, as well as a mention of "Superconducting
  • #1
I'm trying to learn the basics of designing superconducting magnets for guiding particles, but I'm having a hard time knowing where to start. I don't have a background in this field (besides EM classes). Right now I'm thinking about ordering "Superconducting Magnets" by Wilson and studying material from a free MIT course, but I'm hoping that someone in the field can recommend more resources/papers. I know it's a broad question but I would like to learn the basic theory and design. I have a background in physics and math and can handle material at or around the graduate student level. Thanks!
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  • #2
I believe it's actually possible to buy YBCO (Tc ~= 90K) and then buy liquid nitrogen or buidl your own liquid nitrogen generator for ~$500
  • #3
I helped build the Tevatron collider at Fermilab, but I never heard of Martin Wilson. Where did he come from?

If you want a comprehensive article on the design of the main bending magnets in the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Design Report, read

There are large variations in the design of superconducting magnets for accelerators; For example, the Tevatron used warm iron, the LHC uses cold iron. Tevatron used liquid helium cooling, the LHC uses superfluid helium, etc.

If you want a good review of particle accelerator applications of magnets generally, read chaps 6,7,8 of Humphries' book (free download)

If I come across a good book, I will post a link to it.

[added] Look at "Superconducting Accelerator Magnets" by K-H Mess, Schmuser, and Wolff.

[added] Martin Wilson is from Rutherford, so he is OK

[added] Be sure to read about the lower and upper critical (magnetic) fields, and type I and II superconductors. Some superconductors will quench (go normal) at very low magnetic fields. A good superconducting cable for accelerator magnet (like the LHC) should be able to withstand 7 or 8 Tesla, minimum.

Bob S
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  • #4
Thank you Bob S, these suggestions are very helpful.

FAQ: Designing Superconducting Magnets: A Beginner's Guide

1. What is a superconducting magnet?

A superconducting magnet is a type of electromagnet that uses a material with zero electrical resistance at very low temperatures to create a strong magnetic field. This allows for a more efficient and powerful magnet than traditional electromagnets.

2. How are superconducting magnets designed?

Superconducting magnets are designed using a combination of engineering principles, mathematical modeling, and experimental data. The design process involves selecting the appropriate materials, determining the required cooling system, and optimizing the magnet's shape and size to achieve the desired magnetic field strength.

3. What are the benefits of using superconducting magnets?

Superconducting magnets have several advantages over traditional electromagnets, including higher magnetic field strength, lower energy consumption, and the ability to generate magnetic fields continuously without the need for frequent recharging.

4. What are the limitations of superconducting magnets?

The main limitation of superconducting magnets is their reliance on extremely low temperatures. This requires expensive and complex cooling systems, making them more costly to produce and maintain compared to traditional electromagnets. Additionally, the materials used in superconducting magnets are often brittle and can be damaged easily if not handled carefully.

5. What are some applications of superconducting magnets?

Superconducting magnets have a wide range of applications, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines in healthcare, particle accelerators in research, and magnetic levitation (maglev) trains in transportation. They are also used in scientific experiments to study the properties of materials in extreme conditions, such as high magnetic fields.

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