Ideas for physics experimental investigation

In summary, Mark is a grade 12 student who is struggling to find inspiration for his open topic experimental investigation assignment. He is interested in military topics but is limited in what he can actually experiment with. He is also considering exploring concepts of relativity but is unsure of how to test them. He is seeking ideas and suggestions for his project.
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My name is Mark, I am currently in grade 12. This term we have been given an open topic experimental investigation as an assignment. I have done some research of my own and found a couple of sites dedicated to giving you ideas for this kind of thing but I just really haven't found something which truly inspires me. We always seem to get advice from our teachers along the lines of "choose something which interests you" and that is all I am trying to do here.

I am a bit of a military boffin so anything along those lines would interest me, obviously the experiment can't involve anything like shooting a gun, explosions etc. I am in grade 12 so they will be lenient but I can't see them allowing me to actually do an experiment involving any of those things. But I can always test the concept behind the idea, like I was thinking of maybe doing something which investigates the reasons for FMJ (full metal jacket) rounds being more effective than the standard rounds. I was thinking I could just like have a hammer of some sort and just attach different types of materials to the front and see how well they penetrate a sheet of metal upon impact. But then I'm not sure how much physics there is to talk about there? Because obviously I'm aiming for as high a grade as possible so I need to have some relatively complex concepts to be talking about, by grade 12 standards.

I also liked the idea of like relativity and how things can be perceived differently depending on your reference frame etc. so I was thinking of maybe doing something like that but then I wasn't sure how I would test that? Anything theoretical should be fun although not too complex (the double slit experiment has been done to death).

Any ideas would be really helpful. Sorry for the really messy sentences it's just my thing.

Thank you
Physics news on
  • #2

FAQ: Ideas for physics experimental investigation

What is the scientific method and how does it apply to physics experimental investigations?

The scientific method is a systematic process used to understand and explain natural phenomena through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It involves forming a hypothesis, designing an experiment to test the hypothesis, collecting data, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions. In physics experimental investigations, the scientific method is used to explore and understand the fundamental principles and laws that govern the behavior of the physical world.

How do I come up with an original and feasible idea for a physics experimental investigation?

To come up with an original and feasible idea for a physics experimental investigation, you can start by identifying a problem or question that interests you. Then, research existing studies and experiments related to the topic and brainstorm potential ways to approach the problem. It is important to consider the resources and equipment available to you and to consult with experts in the field to ensure the feasibility of your idea.

What is the importance of conducting a control experiment in a physics experimental investigation?

A control experiment is a crucial component of a physics experimental investigation as it helps to isolate the effect of the independent variable being tested. By comparing the results of the control experiment to the results of the experimental group, scientists can determine if any observed changes or effects are due to the independent variable or other factors. This ensures the validity and reliability of the results.

How do I analyze and interpret the data collected from my physics experimental investigation?

The process of analyzing and interpreting data from a physics experimental investigation involves organizing and summarizing the data, identifying patterns and trends, and drawing conclusions based on the results. Graphs and charts can be helpful in visualizing the data and making comparisons. It is also important to consider any potential sources of error and to analyze the data critically to ensure accurate conclusions.

What are some ethical considerations to keep in mind when designing and conducting a physics experimental investigation?

Some ethical considerations to keep in mind when designing and conducting a physics experimental investigation include ensuring the safety of all participants, obtaining informed consent from human subjects, and minimizing any potential harm or discomfort to living organisms or the environment. It is also important to properly cite and give credit to any sources or previous studies that have influenced your experimental design.

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