Building Invariants from Vector, Levi-Civita Symbol

  • Thread starter tannin
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of building an invariant using a vector and various covariant and axial vectors. The question is raised if there exists an object that, under inversion of coordinates, acquires a factor of e^{\imath \phi} and if this implies a complex metric. The possibility of a generalization of spinors is also considered, but it is argued that such objects cannot exist in the context of group actions.
  • #1
Suppose we have a vector (contravariant) and we want to build an invariant.
a) we may take the direct product of the vector with some covariant vector (1-form obtained through metric tensor) and contract. The result is scalar.
b) we may take it's product with an axial vector (built with Levi-Civita symbol from antisymmetric tensor). The result is pseudoscalar.

I wonder if our vector may be acted on with some object giving result, that is neither scalar nor pseudoscalar, but having the following property:
with inversion of coordinates (in 3D) it acquires factor of e^{\imath \phi} ?
Does it imply necessarily that the metric should be complex?
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  • #2
I guess you might be working toward the notion of a "covariant" as that term is used in invariant theory. See for example Peter J. Olver, Equivalence, Invariants, and Symmetry, 2nd ed., Springer, 1995.
  • #3
tannin said:
Suppose we have a vector (contravariant) and we want to build an invariant.
a) we may take the direct product of the vector with some covariant vector (1-form obtained through metric tensor) and contract. The result is scalar.
b) we may take it's product with an axial vector (built with Levi-Civita symbol from antisymmetric tensor). The result is pseudoscalar.

I wonder if our vector may be acted on with some object giving result, that is neither scalar nor pseudoscalar, but having the following property:
with inversion of coordinates (in 3D) it acquires factor of e^{\imath \phi} ?
Does it imply necessarily that the metric should be complex?
If something acquires a factor [tex]e^{\imath \pi}[/tex] after inversion then after a double inversion, this something should not change, so it seems we must have [tex]\phi=\pi[/tex]. So something just changes sign. So it seems that you are asking for a pseudoscalar (a quantity that changes sign under inversion of coordinates).
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  • #4
Thanks for your answers!
The particular case of \phi=\pi indeed gives pseudoscalar. But I've stated the question in the full generality. Double inversion ought not to be a "return to innocence" and some phase factor may be acquired (as in the case of two-dimensional spinors). The question is whether this behaviour can be expanded for any real numbers (and not necessary integer or rational multiples of \pi).
BTW what is the tag for LaTeX?
Thanks again
  • #5
The LaTeX is entered as [ tex ] \ alpha [ / tex ] (remove spaces).

I think you are trying to invent a generalization of spinors. A spinor changes sign when you rotate by [tex]2\pi[/tex]. But a spinor is not multiplied by [tex]\exp(\imath \pi/2)[/tex] under rotation by [tex]\pi[/tex]. And also inversion just leaves a spinor invariant (as far as I remember) because inversion is not equvalent to a rotation (in three dimensions).

I don't think there can exist objects that are multiplied by some weird number under inversion. The reason is that you want a group of transformations, say O(3), to act on your objects. In other words, you want a representation of O(3). Representations of O(3) are known and classified, and there are no such beasts among them.
  • #6
Now you understand me :-)
But, I am not sure, that no new irreducible representation can be proposed.
Everything depends on what kind of object is assumed to represent a physical state. If it is not a vector...
Let me think awhile and thanks for your remark
Thanks for the tag [tex]\imath[/tex]
  • #7
tannin said:
Now you understand me :-)
But, I am not sure, that no new irreducible representation can be proposed.
Everything depends on what kind of object is assumed to represent a physical state. If it is not a vector...
Let me think awhile and thanks for your remark
Thanks for the tag [tex]\imath[/tex]
If you don't want to get into category theory, then a group action on a set is the most general generalization of a group representation. (we call such a thing a G-set)

Let 1 be the identity element of your group G. Then, 1(x) = x, for any element x of any G-set.

If you have an element t of G satisfying tt = 1 (such as the element of O(3) that swaps the x and y axes of the canonical representation on R^3), then t(t(x)) = x, because t(t(x)) = (tt)(x) = 1(x) = x.

So, for any sort of group action of O(3), if you have an object and perform an inversion twice to it, you must get the object back.

FAQ: Building Invariants from Vector, Levi-Civita Symbol

What is the purpose of building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol?

The purpose of building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol is to identify and characterize the invariants of a system or equation. Invariants are quantities that remain constant throughout a process, and they are crucial in understanding the behavior of a system. By constructing invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol, scientists can analyze and predict the behavior of complex systems.

How do vector and Levi-Civita symbol relate to each other in building invariants?

Vector and Levi-Civita symbol are closely related in building invariants. The Levi-Civita symbol is a mathematical object that represents the sign of a permutation of a set of numbers, while vectors are mathematical quantities that have both magnitude and direction. In building invariants, the Levi-Civita symbol is used to construct a tensor that can be combined with vectors to form invariants.

What are some real-world applications of building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol?

Building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol has many applications in various fields of science and engineering. In physics, it has been used to study the behavior of complex systems, such as fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. In engineering, it has been used to analyze and predict the behavior of structures and machines. It has also been applied in computer graphics and computer vision for object recognition and motion tracking.

What are the challenges in building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol?

One of the main challenges in building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol is the complexity of the equations involved. The process of constructing invariants can be mathematically intensive and requires a deep understanding of vector algebra and tensor calculus. Another challenge is the need for accurate data and measurements, as even small errors can result in incorrect invariants.

How can building invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol contribute to scientific advancements?

The construction of invariants from vector and Levi-Civita symbol plays a crucial role in advancing scientific research. By identifying and characterizing invariants, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of complex systems and phenomena. This, in turn, can lead to the development of new technologies and solutions to real-world problems. In addition, the use of invariants can help simplify and streamline complex mathematical equations, making them more accessible to researchers and engineers.
