How Will Our Solar System End

In summary, the conversation revolves around the potential ways in which our solar system could end. The main theories mentioned include the sun expanding and engulfing everything, a rogue black hole drifting into our system, and a race of evil aliens destroying it. The conversation also touches on the possibility of a temporal anomaly wiping out all life on Earth. The conversation ends with a humorous remark about Carrot Top and the participants' active imaginations.
  • #1
The Grimmus
I was wonding how out solar system will end.

Simple enough
Astronomy news on
  • #2
It could be by our sun expanding so muhc it engulfs everything.
  • #3
you mean like after it collapes or just it gets too large or too powerful
  • #4
When the sun runs out of H, it starts collapsing and starts burning He (into C), at which time it expands and becomes a red giant (burning up the Earth in the process). After running out of He, it collapses into a white dwarf.
  • #5
Maybe a rouge black hole could drift into our solar system and suck us all up, i think i was told that could happen.
  • #6
Yeah i read that in a few billion years, the sun will expand 2000 times its normal size, engulfing Mercury and Venus. Even if it does not engulf Earth, its light rays will vaporize our oceans and life will end.
Mathman has the other part correct. I'm not so sure if what i just wrote is 100% correct, because i haven't read the part where it explains about how the Solar System will end in this book that i have.
  • #7
yea but before that a race of evil aliens might come along and destroy the entire solar system.
  • #8
Originally posted by Andy
yea but before that a race of evil aliens might come along and destroy the entire solar system.
Well that could happen, yes...they'd surround the entire solar system, coz they'll probably think that we'd be able to escape, but they're wrong, no we cannot escape coz of our technology, how low it is teehee!
They'd attach a bomb to each planet and its moons. A bomb that explodes so monstrously, that it expands 5000 times larger than the sun hehehehe
  • #9
They would create a huge temproal anomaly that would wipe out all life on Earth and everything that has ever been influenced by mankind!
  • #10
Great to see you kids have such a vivid
  • #11
Originally posted by The Grimmus
I was wonding how out solar system will end.

Simple enough

Two words: Carrot Top
  • #12
Great to see you kids have such a vivid

  • #13
Originally posted by Andy
?What are you asking?

Vivid = Active or Hyperactive lol

FAQ: How Will Our Solar System End

1. What will happen to the Sun when it reaches the end of its life?

As the Sun runs out of its hydrogen fuel, it will start to expand and become a red giant. This expansion will eventually cause the Sun's outer layers to engulf and consume the inner planets of our solar system. Eventually, the Sun will shed its outer layers and become a small, dense white dwarf.

2. Will Earth be destroyed when the Sun dies?

While the Sun's expansion will certainly have a significant impact on Earth, it is not likely to completely destroy the planet. However, the intense heat and radiation from the Sun's expansion will make Earth uninhabitable long before it reaches the end of its life.

3. What will happen to the other planets in our solar system when the Sun dies?

As the Sun becomes a red giant, it will expand and consume the inner planets of our solar system. The outer planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, will also be affected by the Sun's expanding layers, but they are expected to survive. However, without the Sun's heat and light, these planets will become very cold and dark.

4. How long will it take for the Sun to die?

The Sun is currently about halfway through its estimated 10 billion year lifespan. It is expected to become a red giant in about 5 billion years, and will continue to burn through its remaining fuel for a few hundred million years before becoming a white dwarf.

5. Will there be any signs that the Sun is dying?

Before the Sun reaches the end of its life, it will go through several stages of expansion and contraction. These changes will cause the Sun to become a more luminous and redder star, which will likely have an impact on the other planets in our solar system. However, these changes will occur over millions of years, so they may not be noticeable to humans.
